Early the next morning, Han Shaoyuan picked up a pot of wine to see Lao Wu. Chen min'er and he would leave when they came to the entrance of the alley.

"Lao Wu must miss you very much, but it's a pity you can't go." Han Shaoyuan said with a little regret.

Chen min'er took out a few pieces of silver and gave them to him: "you help me go to the shop to weigh two kilograms of beef and get some wine and vegetables. It's my filial piety to him."

Han Shaoyuan didn't answer: "it's not easy for you to save a few money yourself. Although the official's salary is more than me, my family is always richer than you. You'd better take it yourself and take it home to honor your parents. I'll buy the meat."

Chen min'er said, "you have only a hundred families in total, and it's easy to make friends. It's estimated that I use almost the same at the moment. I don't need money for food and drink in the imperial hospital. In addition to the salary and the rewards from the masters, I'm still relatively well-off. This is my intention. Don't save it for me." he just stuffed the silver into his hand.

Han Shaoyuan had to accept the silver: "I will go back to the hospital earlier this afternoon."

Chen min'er was afraid that he would drink too much, so he explained again: "drink less wine."

Han Shaoyuan felt that they stood at the intersection and said these words, which was a little like his wife telling her husband. He felt very useful and smiled.

When Chen min'er returned to the imperial hospital, he first went to Su GUI's routine, and then plunged into the archives to look for the case of drunkenness to death.

If you remember well, it should have been 13 years ago.

In the attic of the archives, Chen min'er found the medical records of the concubines in the harem 13 years ago.

Look through them carefully and find them... Chen min'er's heart jumped. It was an Chang who lived in Chu Xiu Palace at that time. Ning Mei and Du Mei lived in the same palace with her.

Wait, beauty Ning, isn't it Princess Ning?

This discovery is shocking. Chen min'er intuitively believes that it is probably related to concubine Ning. Thirteen years ago, it was the time of his highness concubine Huai Liu.

No, she has to ask someone.

Chen min'er went to Yonghe palace again. Qi GUI's people were waiting for her. When they saw her coming, they sent out the maids, and Qinghe guarded the door.

"But there are eyebrows?"

Chen min'er said, "a little, but one thing needs to be confirmed. Was Ning Mei thirteen years ago the current Ning Fei?"

Noble Qi frowned and said, "as far as I know, there is only concubine Ning in the palace. She has always been popular in the palace. Why do you ask about her? Isn't it..."

Chen miner said: "The poison on the needle is called red dust intoxication. It is colorless and tasteless. The dead will die in the middle. There is nothing different. The shape of the dead is like drunk and the face is like peach blossom. It is difficult to detect. This reminds me of an accident in Chu Xiu palace 13 years ago. The dead is usually in peace. He said that he died after drinking with his sisters. However, this is just my intuition. I vaguely feel that there is some connection, and there is no evidence to prove it Ming. "

After hearing this, Qi Guiren thought deeply and said slowly, "when you say this, I think of something. I have been in the palace for a short time, but I have heard gossip about concubine Ning. He said that if an Chang was still alive, concubine Ning could not sit in the position of concubine. At the beginning, the same batch of beauties who entered the palace were an Chang, who was the most holy."

Chen min'er thought: "is the maid of Chu Xiu palace still in the palace now?"

Qi Guiren shook his head: "it's been many years. The palace maids will release the palace after the age of 25. Even if there are still those who stay in the palace, it's difficult to check the personnel changes in the past 13 years. Unless you go to the internal affairs government to check the files, it's too eye-catching."

Chen min'er said: "yes, times have changed. Things are right and people are wrong. It's not easy to check, but I think there will always be a way. My mother will leave it to me."

Qi Guiren is inconvenient to check. The prince should have a way. I didn't expect that Princess Ning would be involved in this matter. I hope she was wrong.