After two hours, Huanyu technology super pear generation 2 press conference ended.

But although the end, about the super pear and Huanyu technology, it immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

[super pear 2, heavy release.]

[this is the greatest press conference in the world.]

[the perfect combination of science and technology and science fiction.]

[Huanyu technology, he has changed the world...]

in fact.

During the Huanyu technology press conference, he has attracted the attention of countless people around the world.

Dozens of TV stations broadcast the whole process.

Every function, innovation and focus stimulates people again and again.

At the end of the press conference, for everyone, they only felt that they had watched a classic blockbuster.

Even, he is more enjoyable than those blockbusters.

As an audience said, no matter how exciting these blockbusters are, people all know that they are fake.

However, Huanyu technology, everything is true.

This is a real science fiction film.

They live in the real world of science fiction.

But even so, countless media around the world still report everything about Huanyu technology and super pears over and over again.

In their words, they have to make a comprehensive summary.

According to the report from ACD TV station, the difference between you and Huanyu technology is just a camera.


They used such a title to comment on this press conference.

The evaluation indicated that: "Although the technology of Huanyu technology seems so simple that a three-year-old child may be able to think of it. However, it is exactly what everyone can think of, but none of them can think of it. From flash to front camera, from front camera to dual camera head, this is not a simple superposition of technologies, this is a real technological revolution."

In the end, they said.

Although the difference between you and Huanyu technology is only a camera, you will never think of this camera.

The world's most authoritative computer newspaper said.

Although the computer newspaper originally reported a series of reports about PC computers, and mobile phones, although they will also report, they are not their key research field. Before that, they always thought that mobile phones have no technology, and they are too lazy to introduce them. But now, they think that smart phones will surpass PC computers in the future. They used a large page to madly evaluate the super pear 2 generation At the end of the text, they said that super pear is the greatest invention in science and technology in recent 100 years. Even, they think it has surpassed the computer.

Wall street news used a meaningful sentence to evaluate super pear generation 2:

[it's not your peers who beat you, it's also possible that you beat your peers.]

As the most sensitive Wall Street in global finance, Huanyu technology's stock changed when super pear generation 2 held a press conference. After the press conference, the market value of Huanyu Group's stock listed in the United States has exceeded US $700 billion. Although Huanyu Group is called a group, it does not include the business of super pear.

With the sharp rise of Huanyu Group's shares, digital camera companies suffer the most.

Sony cameras, Canon, Samsung, Panasonic, Kodak... And other companies with digital camera business have seen their share prices plunge by more than 10%.

The most serious was Kodak, down 43%, almost halved.

Some people predict that Kodak is likely to go bankrupt in the future if it does not complete its transformation.

Do you think super pear generation 2 affects the digital camera business?


Microsoft, HP, Dell, ASUS, LG, Intel, AMD, TSMC... Also fell sharply one after another.

Among them, Microsoft and Intel fell by more than 17%.

Wall Street financial analysts said that some traditional IT giants such as Microsoft and Intel have ushered in great challenges.

As for Dell, ASUS, LG... How can these traditional PC manufacturers also fall sharply?

The positioning of computers and smartphones is different. Super pears should not affect the development of PC enterprises.

In fact, it's normal to think about it.

Super pear can already complete more than 90% of the functions of PC computers, and even many functional computers can't be completed. Do you think we should buy computers or smartphones in the future? Even if these financial analysts know that PC computers can continue to grow in terms of global PC sales, they know that the scale of further growth is quite limited.

However, this is not the most important.

Most importantly.

At that time, Dell, ASUS, Microsoft, intel... These can be called leaders in the global science and technology industry.

But now

When smart phones replace the status and influence of these PC giants, can they support his stock price of hundreds of billions of dollars?

In addition, there are a series of media focusing on the hardware configuration of super pear generation 2.

For example, the battery business.

This business was not highlighted at the press conference. However, some media believe that the battery business is also the trump card of Huanyu technology. From the 1300 Ma data of super pear 2, it will take at least two years for other peers to catch up with them. Don't think two years is very short. Judging from the rapid pace of smartphone replacement, you may go bankrupt in two years.

You think it's impossible?

No, no, no, very likely.

Think about it, Huanyu technology will release about two mobile phones a year?

One is the regular version and the other is the upgraded version.

Super pear generation 2 is currently a regular version. If everything is not unexpected, an upgraded version will be released six months later, that is, pear 2S.

In 2008, the third generation of pear and pear 3S were released.

In terms of global sales of super pears, the sales volume of a single pear mobile phone is at least 50 million.

Not to mention, the previous super pear 1s has exceeded 70 million.

Some experts predict that the sales volume of pear generation 2 may exceed 100 million.

Yes, just as Chen Yu said before, they want to sell 100 million units.

If you don't follow up with such terrible shipments, you will be squeezed out of the field of smart phones.

"My God, super pear generation 2 is too powerful."

"No, I was numb when I saw the press conference. Looking at their evaluation, it refreshed my understanding of Huanyu technology."

"Otherwise, Huanyu technology's companies listed in the United States will reach a valuation of US $700 billion, US $700 billion. What concept can you think of?"

"Don't think about it. Although I don't know how much $700 billion is, what I know is that the GDP of many countries is less than $700 billion."

"Don't talk about this. We'll order in advance at 0:00 this evening. Those who want to order in advance should hurry up."

"Well, I must order one if I don't sleep tonight."

At this time, countless consumers can no longer sit still.

While super pears impact their vision again and again, they turn this impact into action.

One word.

That's buy, buy, buy.

Two words, that is, buy him, buy him, buy him.