"How about brother Cong Tang? Have you considered it clearly?"

"Brother, are you so optimistic about Chen Yu?"

"Why, still hesitating?"

Whether he wins or not, Shi Zhenrong has already made a decision.

He wants to persuade ASUS in charge of Shi congtang to try to cooperate with Huanyu technology.

"Cong Tang, now you have become indecisive."

"I don't want to."

Shi congtang shook his head: "but the bigger the enterprise is, the more I dare not change the direction at will."

"I didn't ask you to join the Huanyu camp. I just tried to cooperate with Huanyu technology."

"We can consider entering the all-in-one machine."

"What about installing the universal system on a traditional PC?"

"I haven't thought it over yet. And..."

"And what?"

"Microsoft's Vista may be released this year."


"All in one machine, I didn't expect Huanyu technology to come up with a new product."


Bill was a little helpless.

He did not expect that Huanyu technology had come up with a new PC product.

Although this PC product is in Bill's view, it is a sneak exchange concept.

He's still a PC.

It just integrates a series of hardware into the display panel.

But you think he is changing the concept, but he has really attracted many consumers.

What's more unacceptable to bill is.

Huanyu technology has done this job of changing concepts four times.

The first was the introduction of netbooks.

The second is the introduction of the game book.

The third is the introduction of super TV.

The fourth time is this all-in-one machine.

Although whether it is netbooks or game books, or super TVs, as well as today's all-in-one machines, they are niche products.

However, the amount accumulated by niche products can not be underestimated.

"Bill, isn't our Vista?"

Steve on one side sipped his mouth.

Steve is really a headache for Huanyu technology.

In fact, according to the current market proportion of Huanyu technology in the operating system, it is still not very large.

Normally, they should ignore it.

But the more the operating system, the more Steve knows.

In their eyes, there can only be one operating system in the world, and there must be one operating system.

Even if the proportion of Huanyu system is small, he has challenged Microsoft.

And Huanyu system is no better than other Linux systems and apple systems.

Although Huanyu system is also based on Linux kernel.

But before Linux system, it was only used in the server field and the research stage of computer enthusiasts.

He did not really enter the ordinary user group.

Although Apple system has many fans, it is too closed, and it is impossible for it to spread.

But the universal system is different.

He was born to challenge Microsoft Windows.

Moreover, they knew cleverly that it was very difficult to challenge windows, and they separated several steps.

Netbooks, game books, super TVs, all-in-one computers... These seem to be separate, but they use the same universal system. Once the market share of Huanyu system increases, a series of software and hardware manufacturers will develop their supporting products.

This is not the charm of Huanyu technology.

This is because of interests.

Because the major software and hardware manufacturers found that they also have a seemingly good market.

According to Microsoft's plan, the original Vista will be released in 2007.

But now, they can't wait.

They don't want to make the global system bigger.

Once bigger, it doesn't even need to be bigger.

Even if the Huanyu system accounts for 20 points of the global operating system, Microsoft is under great pressure.

In fact, Microsoft is under great pressure now.

In recent months, it can be seen from the fact that Microsoft's stock has not risen much.

The market seems to have some dissatisfaction with Microsoft.

If Microsoft doesn't respond, I'm afraid Microsoft's share price will begin to turn into a downward channel.

"Steve, release it."

When Steve turned to ask himself, Bill confirmed.


Steve reconfirmed.

"Of course."

Looking at Steve, Bill said, "why, Steve, don't you have confidence in our Vista?"

"No, it's impossible."

"What about you?"

"I'm just thinking, bill, how long haven't we paid so much attention to an opponent."

"It's been ten years."

Steve said this, but Bill thought of the fight between Microsoft and IBM, apple and a series of giants.

At that time, Microsoft was not as powerful as it is now.

But Microsoft successfully pushed their windows to the world by fighting in the market.

Until now, they have monopolized the operating system market for ten years.

And in ten years, there were few rivals.

They thought about it before.

Even if there are competitors in the future operating system, I'm afraid it will only be IBM and apple.

But now the opponent is neither IBM nor apple.

But a Huanyu technology company from China.

"Steve, don't think so much. In fact, you know, I'm excited again. Just like when we released Windows 95."

"I also have some. Vista is an epoch-making operating system. I'm a little excited at the thought of the launch of Vista."

"In that case, what are you waiting for?"

"Bill, don't worry. I know what to do."

With Bill's approval, Microsoft CEO Steve began his operation.

As Microsoft's most important product, vista, naturally, can't hold a press conference directly.

For Microsoft, such a heavy product has to be warmed up several times at the beginning of its release.

Like the first time now.

A heavyweight news media revealed to the public that Microsoft is about to release the latest operating system.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a global sensation.

Even the news doesn't even know the name of the latest operating system.

But when the world heard the news, countless spectators had joined in discussing the examples of Microsoft's latest operating system.

"Brothers, have you heard that Microsoft is going to release the latest operating system."

"Well, I heard that the XP system was released in 2001. Now it's 2006. It's really time to release the new system."

"I heard that Microsoft's new system has an incomparable interface. It is the most scientific and beautiful operating system in history."

"Stop talking. I just want to ask when the system will be released. I want to experience it the first time."


Microsoft's latest operating system has such magic.

Some of this is like Apple's release of new machines in previous generations.

Often as long as it is to disclose a little information, even if the news has only a little information, it can cause the madness of countless consumers.

It seems a little weird, but in fact, everything is normal.

Because behind all this madness, it comes from their recognition of Microsoft's strength.

In their eyes.

The most technologically advanced IT company in history is Microsoft.