"President Chen, is it too exaggerated?"

"Exaggeration? No, no, No."

"Mr. Chen, maybe you don't know much about the North American market. Most netizens here are more rational. Although they will consume online, they consume less. I think we should launch Level 3 dogs first."

"How much are level 3 dogs? No, level 7 dogs are all pushed."

"But no one bought $10 million?"

"Of course I know no one buys it, but if someone buys it, don't we make money?"

Chen Yu naturally knows that level 7 dogs are exaggerated.

Especially USD 10 million, nearly RMB 80 million.

Generally speaking, as long as he is not stupid, he will never buy it.

But in this world, who can make it clear.

Just like the free online game "battle" made by Huanyu technology, someone has smashed 10 million yuan for a game.

Even the journey of Shi Yuzhu's model defense campaign has been smashed by a large number of people for millions of yuan.

Can you imagine the concept of throwing 10 million yuan for a free game?

Domestic players can, why not North American players?

Chen Yu has never felt that consumers in North America, Europe, America, Japan and South Korea are superior.

Are they more qualified?

Are they more rational?

Are they more cultured?

It's a fart.

Chen Yu remembers a news in his previous life that German people always bring a book when they take the subway. They read books while taking the subway, which seems very quality. But in China, everyone is brushing their mobile phones. This news was criticized by many European and American elite Japanese elements at that time, but later, after Huawei installed a signal for the German subway, it appeared dramatically. Like our Chinese people, they no longer read books and were brushing their mobile phones

North American players may have been more rational than Chinese before.

That's because they didn't meet the soil for them to give generously.

In fact, Chinese people were stingy and rational before.

However, once the domestic soil is formed, it is relatively rational.

Besides, most people in North America consume in advance. Is that reasonable?

Rational shit.

He would like to see how many people can resist the temptation when the seven level dog in stealing vegetables comes out.

Moreover, in order to tempt them to spend, Chen Yu also made a pet list.

What is a pet list?

It's too simple.

Whoever has more dogs will be in front.

Whose pet is senior, who can rank first.

"OK, Wang Chang, that's it. You'll shake them up at that time."

No more.

Sometimes, as long as the thought changes, everything is understandable.

Besides, stealing vegetables is not only in North America, but also in all countries around the world.

Especially there are so many local tyrants in the Middle East.

They keep tigers and lions whenever they have nothing to do. They leave their luxury cars on the roadside when they have nothing to do... Is it really so difficult for them to spend more money on a prop dog?

Although the prop dog is virtual, it also plays a great role.

There's no way. Although Wang Chang doesn't fully understand Chen Yu's orders, she can only do it according to Chen Yu's orders.

Of course, the setting of prop dog itself is very creative.

It's a big deal. Some high-grade dogs in the back are very expensive. Just don't buy them.

If someone really buys it, won't he make a profit?

"Strange, how could I have such an idea?"

Wang Chang patted her forehead. She felt that some were brainwashed by Chen Yu.

no way out.

Chen Yu's aura is too strong. Let alone Wang Chang, another person may also be brainwashed.


"Zach, how sure are you?"

"It's impossible to surpass friends for the time being, but after our Facebook farm is launched, we can stabilize the current situation."

"It's good to be steady."

Yahoo CEO's office, Yang Zhiyuan nodded.

As the founder of Yahoo, Yang Zhiyuan appreciates Chen Yu very much.

Maybe everyone is Chinese. Yang Zhiyuan even wants to meet Chen Yu.

However, it is a competitor in the end. Although Yang Zhiyuan appreciates Chen Yu, the competition still has to compete.

Yahoo is a global portal giant, and friend network is the number one social networking site in the world. Although there is no intersection between the two at this time, there will definitely be business overlap in the future. Friends can fully enter the portal business. Of course, for Yahoo, it is also very convenient for them to enter the field of social networking sites.

However, now the friend network is booming. Whether it's Yang Zhiyuan or Zuckerberg, they don't expect much from Facebook, but put forward a pragmatic proposal to stabilize the situation.

"However, my worry is, what if our Facebook farm is launched and friends steal vegetables to upgrade?"

In the end, they were Internet giants. In those years, Yahoo also eliminated its rivals by relying on a series of iterative technologies.

It has to be said that this move is very effective on the Internet.

As long as you slow down your opponent, you may slow down.

Zuckerberg obviously thought of this and said, "President Yang, it's possible to steal vegetables for updating. However, our Facebook farm also has its own advantages. They just steal vegetables, but our game has a wider scope. In addition to planting vegetables, we can also breed animals. We don't have to completely imitate them."

Xiao Za is a genius.

After he studied stealing vegetables, he further upgraded stealing vegetables and entered a new farm.

This also makes Yang Zhiyuan look forward to Zack Burke.

He thinks investing in Facebook is right.

Although Facebook is unlikely to reach the height of friends for the time being, Zuckerberg is indeed a talent.

"OK, let's see how it works."

A week later.

Yahoo and Facebook held a press conference and officially announced their stake in Facebook.

Meanwhile, Facebook has officially launched their new game - facebook farm.

This farm plays like stealing vegetables.

Or exactly the same.

Players can also steal vegetables. Of course, if you think Facebook is copying?

Although they are indeed copying, they have also made progress in copying.

For example, in addition to stealing vegetables, they can also raise animals.

It should be said that this game is better than stealing vegetables, and it doesn't seem so monotonous.

However, although Facebook farm has some innovations, there are not many people who try Facebook farm.

This is the same as the previous analysis of Yang Zhiyuan and Zach.

For games like stealing vegetables, the public only knows friends, not Facebook.

Even users on Facebook will only steal vegetables from friends for the first time.

It's just that no one can say for this kind of thing.

Who knows if Facebook farm will catch fire, especially if they still rely on Yahoo.

Moreover, Yahoo has also invested a lot of resources on Facebook.

At this time, Wang Chang, who has been waiting for Facebook to update, finally took action.

"Update our vegetable stealing and add pet dog settings."


A command in the background updates the already prepared program.

At this time, all vegetable stealing users can see that a row of pet bars have been added in the mall.