Of course, the advent of Tianwen chip is not just this chip.

He Tingbo held a press conference at the same time, a series of other domestic mobile phone manufacturers also held a new product conference.

Like Nokia, Sony and other companies, a number of mobile phone manufacturers have also launched their latest products.

According to the previous market rhythm, this positive competition is not optimistic by many people in the industry.

It's also very simple.

In terms of product competitiveness, domestic brands can't compete with foreign mobile phone brands.

They can only compete misplaced.

This dislocation is not only the dislocation of price, but also the dislocation of time.

Generally, three months after the release of new mobile phones of foreign brands, domestic mobile phone brands are introduced one after another.

no way out.

Positive competition with foreign mobile phone brands, I don't know how to die.

This is just like when Apple released new products in previous generations, most mobile phone manufacturers avoided them.

Released at the same time as them, few domestic mobile phone brands have the courage.

But now, it seems that this is a real battle with foreign brands.

"Jiangzi, these domestic mobile phone brands want to fight us with Jihai tactics."

"I see. Five mobile phone manufacturers are going to hold a press conference today."

"And the day when Huanyu technology asked the processor, the original chips produced by the international center were not designed by them, but by Huanyu technology."

"This is unexpected."

"Do you have any information about this chip?"

"Not yet."

"Well, first pay attention to the press conferences of some domestic mobile phone manufacturers."

Xu ban, President of Nokia China, said to his old partner Jiang Zi.

"The competitive awareness of these domestic manufacturers has improved a lot."

In the office, the news conference of waveguide is played on the large projection screen.

In fact, what Xu ban wants to see is the new mobile phone launch of Huanyu technology.

Among the domestic mobile phone manufacturers, they are not very popular with a series of other mobile phone brands.

What they are most concerned about is Huanyu technology.

Because in their eyes, only Huanyu technology is qualified to compete with them.

However, it seems that Huanyu technology has no new products, but there are some regrets.

"Well, this news conference of waveguide seems to have a great momentum. It even invited all TV stations and adopted the way of live broadcasting."

"Coming, Xu Lihua began to introduce their new products."

They stared at the picture carefully.

At this time, Xu Lihua is holding the latest mobile phone A50 series launched by waveguide.

"The appearance is OK."


"Eh, I even joined the camera. This is a high-end machine."

Although Xu Lihua hasn't started to introduce it, they know it by looking at the style.

For example, the camera in this phone.

Generally, middle and low-end mobile phones do not have cameras. Mobile phones with cameras that can take pictures are generally high-end phones.

"Tut Tut, or 300000 pixels."

Hearing Xu Lihua's introduction, Jiang Zi was a little surprised.

"It also provides Bluetooth, MP3, radio and even memory card interface."

"In addition, the battery has reached a capacity of 1000 ma."

This configuration is already very high.

"This configuration is higher than our 6670 configuration."

If you just look at the configuration, everyone should choose waveguide A50 for the first time.

However, in this world, whoever has high configuration can sell well.

In the configuration, he also has workmanship, brand, and a series of other complex factors.

Although the A50 workmanship of the waveguide looks very good.

But his brand value is far less than that of Nokia.

This is also the reason why they are still very relaxed at this time.

They have had too much contact with domestic mobile phone manufacturers. Domestic mobile phone manufacturers have to PK with them. Generally speaking, the configuration is higher than theirs. Otherwise, it won't sell at all. Moreover, not only the configuration should be higher than them, but also the price should be lower than them. Only in this way can domestic mobile phone brands attract some users.

"The rest is the price."

Configuration is not the focus, the focus is on price.

They are looking forward to Xu Lihua's announcement of the terminal retail price.

"It should be 2000 yuan."

Jiang Zi predicted.

"2000 yuan is too high. Who will buy it?"

Xu shook his head: "if I were Xu Lihua, I would definitely set it at 1800 yuan."

"If so, then they call our medium and high-end 6630 with high-end mobile phones?"

Nokia's 6670 is 2200 yuan and 6630 is 1800 yuan.

The configuration of waveguide A50 is higher than that of Nokia 6670, but it is competitive if it only sells for 1800 yuan.

However, Xu ban is still very calm.

Because he knows that if he can spend 1800 yuan on a mobile phone, he will no longer spend hundreds of yuan more on their Nokia.

Even the 6630 with a lower configuration is more fragrant than the waveguide A50 for the general public.

This is not what they boast, it is what the market can test.

"Sure enough, it's 1800 yuan."

On the live screen, Xu Lihua marked a price of 1800 yuan.

Xu smiled. He knew that there was no suspense in the contest.

Waveguide's new products, even if they are competitive, do not pose much threat to Nokia.

However, when Xu ban was ready to see the news of other mobile phone manufacturers, a division sign suddenly flashed on 1800 pieces of the big screen.

The division sign is followed by a 2.

That is 1800 ÷ 2.

What is 1800 ÷ 2?

Everyone knows the answer.



The price of waveguide A50 is not 1800, but half of 1800, that is, 900 pieces.


"Jiang Zi, I haven't spent my eyes."

"It seems to be 900 yuan."

After wiping his eyes, Jiang Zi thought he was wrong.

But it's clearly written on the screen.

Not only on the screen, but also a group of reporters who came to the scene were shocked by the figure given by Xu Lihua.

At this time, Xu Lihua read out the number again loudly.


you 're right.

This is a mobile phone with the highest configuration and the cheapest price in China so far.

"Shit, are you going crazy?"

"With such configuration, such workmanship and such price, they won't lose their lives?"

High end phones are no better than low-end phones.

Low end mobile phones are equipped with various components, which are very cheap.

Not only accessories, but also workmanship materials are extremely cheap.

So it's normal for low-end mobile phones to sell hundreds of yuan, and they still make a lot of money.

But for high-end mobile phones, every configuration is extremely expensive.

Not to mention the processor, his camera alone costs nearly 100 yuan.

There is also memory, 1000 Ma battery, Bluetooth, and a series of Bluetooth patents.

By the way, they still have double cards and double treatment, which also needs to pay.

If you really want to say, the overall cost will be more than 900 yuan.

Even if they know that the cost of domestic production is much lower than that of Nokia, it can't be this price.

"No way, it's impossible."

Xu ban doesn't believe it at all.

He thought that this might be a routine made by waveguide.

First make a minimum price during the live broadcast, and then attract your attention.

When you really buy, the retail price becomes 1800.

Or not 1800, maybe lower than 1800.

But even if it is hundreds of lower than 1800, Xu can accept it.

But 900 yuan, Xu ban can't believe it.

"Jiangzi, when will their mobile phone be available?"

"Just now Xu Lihua said that while they held a press conference, major mobile phone supermarkets in China were listed at the same time."

"OK, let's go to the mobile phone mall to check the authenticity."

Is it 900 yuan? Just buy one at the physical store.

With Jiang Zi, Xu ban came to the mobile phone supermarket in the downtown commercial street.

"Hello, gentlemen, do you want to buy a mobile phone?"


"Which brand of mobile phone do you like? Let me introduce it to you."

"Waveguide A50."

"Sir, you really have an eye. Waveguide A50 is the latest mobile phone launched by waveguide. Its configuration..."

"Don't introduce the configuration. We know. Just say how much it is."

Entering the mall, the salesperson introduced the specific configuration of waveguide A50 to Xu ban.

However, it seems that they are already familiar with this mobile phone, and the salesperson didn't say any more: "Sir, the price of this mobile phone is 900 yuan."


Xu was stunned.

"Really 900?"

Jiangzi also vomited blood.

How can we play at such a price?

"Yes, sir, it's really $900."

The salesperson confirmed.

Just looking at their extremely shocked appearance, they seemed to think of something, and said, "Sir, otherwise, I'll apply to the manager to see if there can be less."

"It can be less."

At this moment, Xu ban is going to faint.

"Jiangzi, this mobile phone is really pushed by waveguide?"

"It seems so."

Jiang Zi nodded.

"How do I feel about Huanyu technology?"

Holding the waveguide A50, Xu ban only felt the price butcher Chen Yu in the mobile phone field. He meowed again.

I remember at that time, Huanyu technology used this move to directly monopolize the sinking market.

This was the most painful defeat of Nokia at that time.

He played a few more times in his hand and talked to himself like Xu.

It doesn't look like it.

Is this clearly a waveguide brand?

Did waveguide learn the unique skill of Huanyu technology?