10000 mu is impossible.

Of course, Chen Yu is a lion, and he knows it's impossible.

However, let's say 10000 mu first. At that time, we can make more money by bargaining.

Even if it is reduced several times, there are hundreds of mu, isn't it?

I have to say that Secretary Wang promised 300 mu under the extremely thick face of Chen Yu.

Of course, it's just a verbal promise.

Everything has to go through the procedure.

Chen Yu naturally knew, so he went home.

A few days later, the leading group of Hangzhou held a meeting.

The meeting discussed about the pilot event of e-commerce in Hangzhou.

The so-called pilot.

That is, try it first in Hangzhou.

If the effect is good, it will be popularized. If the effect is not good, the impact will not be great.

The next day, Chen Yu received the news.

However, this time the leader did not ask Chen Yu to go to the municipal government, but called Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, the city has passed this pilot promotion."

"Thank you, Secretary Wang."

"Don't thank me. I also want to see what you said about the growth potential of e-commerce. However, you have to do it for me this time. You don't know. Other regions are very concerned about our pilot this time. If we screw up, you know the consequences."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Since Chen Yu put forward such a promotion, he is sure of it.

"However, Secretary Wang, the city has to cooperate with our work of Huanyu technology."

"That's no problem. At that time, the city will take the lead in setting up an e-commerce working group. This group is to cooperate with you. I'll be the leader. However, I just hang my name. Someone else is doing specific things."

"That would be great."

With Secretary Wang as the team leader, Chen Yu is relieved.

Although Secretary Wang is registered, as long as he is registered, Chen Yu will not worry that others will not cooperate.

"By the way, I heard you had a business conflict with Alibaba?"

"We are competitors with Alibaba, and conflict is inevitable."

Chen Yu doesn't know why Secretary Wang suddenly asked about it.

"Competition is a good thing, but I also hope that e-commerce can develop healthily."

"Secretary Wang, I understand."

Hang up the phone. Chen Yu knows Secretary Wang's reminder.

However, after a contest with ALI last time, Chen Yu also found out the details of Ali.

Chen Yu knows how much they weigh.

Even if the shopkeeper is not allowed to choose one in the future, Chen Yu is not worried about Ali.


"Mr. Ma, there are two news, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to listen to?"

Cai Congxin came to Ma Yun's office.

Ali has been struggling for some time recently.

"Listen first."

"Huanyu department store has cancelled the strategy of choosing one of two merchants and allowed all merchants of Huanyu department store to open stores on any website."


Ma Yun was surprised: "Chen Yu is so kind?"

"It is said that the upper authorities intervened."


Ma Yun nodded: "it seems that our complaint to the top is still effective."

Although Ma Yun didn't complain for the first time, he really had no choice but to find the head.

Fortunately, Hangzhou is located in the coastal area, and the whole environment is relatively good.

Previously, Ma Yun also reacted to this matter, but he didn't expect to really intervene.

This made Ma Yun feel much better and asked again, "what's another news?"

"Hangzhou has passed the e-commerce pilot, and Huanyu mall and Huanyu department store under Huanyu technology are the only cooperative enterprises."


A cup was broken.


There is no so-called fairness in this world.

Two commercial companies compete in the same field. Will I give up my advantages and compete fairly with you?

If you will, you will be a fool.

Although the intervention made Chen Yu no longer implement the strategy of one out of two, they only chose Huanyu technology as the only cooperative enterprise.

Chen Yu naturally knows this.

Therefore, Chen Yu made great efforts in the following pilot promotion of e-commerce in Hangzhou.

Moreover, for this promotion, Huanyu technology has made a very detailed promotion plan.

The first wave, jointly with the government, launched e-commerce training.

This training is to let all businesses who want to open online stores concentrate on one place for teaching.

Of course, teaching is simple.

It's not very complicated to open a shop online. Two days of teaching is enough.

It doesn't even take two days, one day, one morning.

Moreover, in order to attract more people to participate, the teaching fee is completely free.

The purpose of doing so, on the one hand, can attract more businesses to open stores, on the other hand, of course, it also brings users to Huanyu technology.

After all, the first thing they use in their study is Huanyu department store.

In the second wave, banners and slogans on e-commerce promotion were put up in various regions of Hangzhou.

Don't look at these banners and slogans. It's nothing.

In fact, it has always been useful.

Even in the previous life of 2020, banners and slogans still play a great role in promoting.

In particular, such banners and slogans are promoted according to the situation of the government, which also increases people's recognition of e-commerce.

The third wave, enter major campuses and give e-commerce lectures.

The school has always been a place to lead science and technology and the fastest place to receive new things.

Promoting the concept of e-commerce to the campus can not only produce a huge conversion rate at present, but also have a continuous energy source in the future, which has become an important driving factor for the development of e-commerce.

The fourth wave

This is offline.

In fact, online is the heaviest.

Moreover, Huanyu technology itself is online, and natural online promotion cannot be less.

First of all, Chen Yu invited Secretary Wang to open a personal blog on the Huanyu portal.

The significance of the opening is to publicize this Hangzhou promotion festival to the public.

This operation is very fresh. As soon as secretary Wang opened his blog, he attracted the attention of thousands of netizens.

Because before that, even if there were stars in the blog, there were few people above.

Even if there are, it's just some small staff.

But this time, the top leaders opened a blog, which is definitely the first time to break the wasteland.

In fact, some of them are like the live broadcast of previous lives.

In order to sell more products, a series of talents and cattle took the battle in person.

Naturally, there are some county heads, mayors and even chief Sheng.

Such actions are not only fresh, but also well received by the people and high sales.

At this time, it's natural that we can't bring live goods in 2006, but it's OK to open a blog to promote products.

Of course, not only the personal blog opened by Secretary Wang, but also the official blog opened by Hangzhou e-commerce pilot group.

This blog will continuously publicize and promote all kinds of products in Hangzhou.

In addition, Hangzhou e-commerce group has not only opened an official blog, but also opened several YY numbers to serve as customer service.

Such a series of ground gas operations only conquered a series of netizens in an instant.

Of course, except for these.

There are also a series of more important channels of Huanyu technology.

Huanyu portal, easy search engine, circle, YY instant messaging, YY group chat, online games, starting point Chinese network, Huanyu music network... All tilt their resources to this Hangzhou promotion Festival at the same time.