"Chen Yu has come to Hangzhou."

"How can he come to Hangzhou?"

"Isn't he making a mobile phone?"

Hearing that Chen Yu came to Hangzhou, Ma Yun was full of energy subconsciously.

It's not as if he was scared to hear Chen Yu's name, but he lost the battle against Chen Yu some time ago.

In particular, it has been difficult to forget Chen Yu's deception.

If he can, he wants to avoid meeting Chen Yu all his life.

If this is not possible, the less you meet Chen Yu.

Although Chen Yu and Ma Yun have not met now.

But Ma Yun knew that Ali was in trouble.

"Does Huanyu technology have any action?"

"I don't know for the time being. I'll send someone to stare at them."

"It's no use staring."

Ma Yun shook his head: "now our competition with Huanyu technology has shifted from B2C to C2C. Before, C2C had advantages, but we didn't cherish it. Instead, we gave up this market for nothing. Now they start C2C. Even if they don't make money for the time being, they just need to expand the scale of users."

This makes Ma Yun think that Huanyu technology was the same as the competition between penguins at that time.

Although e-commerce platform is e-commerce, it is also the same as instant messaging.

It's okay to lose some money in the early stage. Just do it for the user.

On this thought, Ma Yun regretted it even more.

Why was he so forced and fooled by this guy.

"I believe they will do a promotion to promote their business."

The previous contests were all through promotion.

Although this model is very vulgar and not creative, it has to be said that it is very effective.

On the one hand, it can attract more popularity through promotion.

At the same time, he can sell a large number of products in a short time to promote greater trading volume.

On the other hand, this stimulates the purchase of users and the attention of the public.

But now Ali has a problem.

Their number of businesses and users is far less than Huanyu technology.

If Huanyu technology carries out such promotion, will they follow or not?

If you don't follow them, the promotion will be completely missed by them.

With you

When the two sales data are compared, we can know who is better and who is worse at a glance.

With or without, there are problems.

"Notify everyone of the meeting."

Again, eighteen Arhats sat together.

Ma Yun looked around at the crowd and said, "we haven't sat together for a long time. In fact, what I hope most is that we usually do our own things. As long as the company operates normally, it's not necessary for us to get together. Because every time we get together, we all know that we Ali are in trouble."

"As you all know, Chen Yu, founder of Huanyu technology, came to Hangzhou. He didn't come to Hangzhou to play. His purpose is very clear. He will spare his hand and start to deal with ALI. I don't need to say more about the strength of Huanyu technology. So, everyone, what should we do now?"

There is no need to introduce Ma Yun. Their biggest competitor is Huanyu technology.

They can be said to have a very good understanding of Huanyu technology.

But the more they know, the more uncertain they are.

"In fact, the contest this time is the contest of users. Huanyu technology obviously sees that we have returned to C2C business, so Chen Yu specially comes to Hangzhou. If there is no accident in the future, no matter what offensive Huanyu technology launches, they are all for users. Since it is for users, we only need to solve users."

Cai Congxin, who has always been extremely calm and Ali's best think tank, was the first to say.

"Lao Cai is right. This time it's a user dispute. As long as we solve the users, we're not afraid of Huanyu technology."

Cai Congxin's words made the Arhats nod secretly.

Just now there were still some ups and downs in my heart, but now I have some eyebrows.

"So, how to quickly increase our users?"

Compared with others, Ma Yun doesn't dare to relax at all.

Of course, he knows that this is a dispute between users, but how to make users up is the key.

"Mr. Ma, I think we can increase the investment of personnel."

One of them, Rohan, suggested.

"Although the promotion of local promotion personnel is effective, the efficiency is too poor. Even if it is increased, it is of little use."

Ma Yun shook his head.

Of course, although shaking his head, the number of ground pushers will naturally increase.

Even if it doesn't add much effect temporarily, it's better to add some effects.

"I think we should increase advertising, especially TV advertising."

But Ma Yuntou shook his head: "we have done such promotion before, but the conversion rate of traditional media is not particularly high. We can still do B2C business, but C2C business can't show much effect."

"Why don't we fight a price war with them? We'll lose some money this time, and we'll earn enough popularity."

Another Rohan proposed.

But this time, Ma Yun shook his head: "we are an e-commerce platform. We don't have products. If we want to fight a price war, we have to cooperate with businesses. If we want them to cooperate, one is that we want to provide resources, the other is that we want to give them subsidies. Of course, there's no problem in itself. But can we fight a price war better than Huanyu technology?"

But this question stopped the people.

As long as Ali fights a price war, Huanyu technology will fight.

Huanyu technology has the most categories, the most businesses and the most users.

You want to fight a price war. Excuse me, how?

Don't let them kill you for your own price war.

I still remember a sales promotion held by Ali at that time. His meow Huanyu technology even asked a group of people to brush the bill.

The trading volume was up, but Ali had to spit blood at a loss at that time.

Dozens of proposals in a row were rejected by Ma Yun.

Seeing Cai Congxin, who was calm on one side, Ma Yun asked, "Lao Cai, everyone here is too anxious. You are so free."

"Hehe, I'm not listening to everyone's discussion."

"Discussion? What discussion? I think you've been drinking tea. Come on, since you were the first to speak just now, I think you must have an idea."

Ali is a partner system.

Because of this system, Ali has attracted countless talents.

But in Ali's partnership system, only two are permanent partners.

One of them is Ma Yun.

The other is Cai Congxin.

To tell you the truth, Cai Congxin contributed a lot to Ali's success today.

Because of CAI Congxin, Ma Yun always has a sense of security.

He knew that no matter what problems Ali encountered, Cai Congxin could think of ideas.

This time, it looks the same.

"Actually, I have no idea."

Cai Congxin put down his teacup and said, "I just thought of a bad idea."

"Whether it's a bad idea or a good idea, as long as it works, it's a great idea. Hurry up."

"All right, I'll say it."

After clearing his throat, Cai Congxin said, "there are actually two users in the user dispute. One is the store user and the other is the consumer. The consumer is not considered for the time being. It is the most difficult and easy to get up. In order to attract consumers, we must attract store users to open stores."

"Lao Cai, like you, we have used a lot of methods, but the efficiency is not high."

"It's normal that it's not high. It's incredible that those methods suddenly surpass technology."

Cai Congxin nodded and continued, "in fact, the efficiency is slow, whether it's pushing people, advertising, or others. Of course, although the efficiency is slow, we still have to do it. But since Chen Yu came to Hangzhou, he obviously wanted to catch us off guard. They have absolutely right users, so they can crush us. But why don't we turn around?"

"Conversely, what do you mean?"

"It's also simple. For example, we usually develop new or old shopkeepers."

"Yes, but new shopkeepers are easier to develop. Old shopkeepers generally open stores in Huanyu department store, so they don't want to open them in us."

"This is an illusion."

Cai Congxin shook his head: "in fact, new store owners are the most difficult to develop. The best developers are old store owners, such as the old store owners of Huanyu department store. Because they have done business online, they will be more willing to accept it. The reason why we have the illusion is that the old store owners are lazy and they don't want to bother to register another store."

Now many people are not particularly familiar with online operation.

Many people only know the general operation when they open a shop.

But opening a store involves a lot of operations.

Such as uploading pictures, ID cards, bank cards, etc.

These can't be done in half an hour.

Don't think those who open stores are very diligent. In fact, many are soy sauce.

They are not professional.

But even if they are not professional, you have to pull them over.

It is because they are not professional that they pile up countless goods.

"The more you speak, the more you don't understand. Lao Cai, we all understand this. We also understand why the old shopkeepers don't want to open another store, but they are lazy. What can we do? We can't register their account and upload pictures."

Lu Zhaoxi said incomprehensibly.

To the surprise of others, Cai Congxin nodded with a smile: "why not?"