What is a copy?

The copy is actually the level in the stand-alone game.

But that's in the stand-alone game.

Or, in fact, in the stand-alone game, he doesn't have the name of copy.

Because it's not necessary.

No one can connect with you in a stand-alone game. You can play it yourself.

The first to introduce the copy into the game was world of Warcraft in the previous life.

However, the copy of the previous world of Warcraft did not exist long after it was launched, but appeared in the later versions. Chen Yu forgot which version it was. But no matter which version is behind him, there is no copy of world of Warcraft now.

Since there is no copy, I let Kyushu ol be the first person of this copy.

"Zou Tao, I have an idea called copy. You can write it down and develop it immediately."

"Copy, President Chen, what is this copy?"

Thinking of the copy, Chen Yu was a little excited.

If this super game idea is played well, it is possible to explode world of Warcraft in the future.

Therefore, after Zou Tao asked, Chen Yu carefully explained: "you can regard the copy as a game level, that is, our players need to pass through this level, for example, to do a task, we have to go somewhere to kill the boss and get the equipment or materials burst out by the boss."

"President Chen, we have such a checkpoint in Kyushu."

"I know, but the replica is not an ordinary level. An ordinary level is that all players can enter it. For example, for the task of the land of apocalypse in our game, many players have to go to the land of apocalypse to kill the boss to complete the task. However, some super companies occupy the site, and ordinary players clear the site when they come. What should we do?"


Obviously, Zou Tao also knows about this problem. After thinking about it, he said: "we are considering adjusting the refresh location of the boss to a random location of a certain site."

"Although this is effective, there is still a situation of robbing the boss."

"This is inevitable."

Zou Tao said: "but this is also one of the ways to play the game. Instead of competition, the game is not so fun."

"I don't want you to change this mode. Of course, the competition in this mode should be maintained, but the copy I said is a new space. In this space, you can enter this area with your teammates, but if you don't form a team with you and are not your teammates, they can't enter."


Zou Tao was stunned at this.

This is the first time Zou Tao has heard of Chen Yu's statement.

But when I think about it, I find that this copy setting is very creative.

"President Chen, your idea is very good, which perfectly solves a series of problems such as clearing the market and monopolizing equipment."

Zou Tao said admiringly.

Although Chen Yu doesn't specialize in games, in Zou Tao's eyes, only one of Huanyu technology knows games best.

That's his boss, the one in front of him.

"I didn't propose the replica to solve the problem of large companies monopolizing equipment and robbing bosses. Although he can also solve this problem, I proposed the replica setting to enrich the playing methods of our Kyushu ol."

Speaking of this, Chen Yu led to another topic: "Zou Tao, have you found that the main core of our domestic online games is PVP, while the core of foreign players is PVE. Why Kyushu ol is cold in the agency, in addition to our slightly inferior R & D level to blizzard, we are not good enough in PvE."

PVP refers to the player against the player.

PVE refers to the player's combat environment, not the player and game monsters, levels, etc.

No matter how bad the domestic PVE is, as long as the PVP is done well, the game is successful.

Like legend.

Legend is dog blood in PvE. Upgrading is boring, and playing strange is a waste of time.

But a legendary Shabak exploded as soon as the PVP player vs. player mode came out.

It is precisely because of the success of legendary PVP that it has also influenced a series of online game companies in China.

So far, a series of game companies have focused on PVP.

It doesn't matter if PVE does badly, as long as you get the PK between players.


An excellent game, he needs not only PVP, but also better PVE.

For example, why did the devil Kingdom succeed?

In addition to fighting more blood, he also made great efforts in PvE.

This gives players more attractive ways to fight monsters and pass levels.

At this time, Chen Yu mentioned again, but Zou Tao fell into meditation.

"On the surface, the copy is a separate area. No one can enter except his teammates. However, in this separate area, we can develop a series of PVE playing methods. For example, the cooperation between the whole teammates includes the cooperation of game operation, game profession, equipment... And even the use of potions And so on. "

"At the same time, we can also divide the copy into several levels. For example, the simple mode is relatively simple and ordinary players can pass. But we can increase the difficulty and enter the ordinary mode. This mode requires certain operations to pass. But the ordinary mode is not enough. We can also add the difficult mode, hell mode, Nightmare mode... The more difficult mode The more experience and equipment you gain from successful challenges. "

"In addition, we can also record the customs clearance time on it and list it in the ranking list."

Chen Yu said from time to time.

At this time, Zou Tao was completely stunned by Chen Yu.

Before, he had a great feeling that this method of play had great potential.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu only revealed a little, but he found that as long as the copy was done well, they were not afraid of world of Warcraft. As long as this copy is well done and refined to the extreme, their reputation can be hanged in world of Warcraft.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, can you repeat it? There were some places I didn't hear clearly just now."

Zou Tao didn't hear clearly. He was afraid of missing something.

Such super creativity has reshaped online games.

He believes that with such creativity, he can completely change the pattern of the whole online game.

Therefore, even if he had understood what Chen Yu said just now, he was afraid of any omission.

"Well, let me repeat it."

Copy is more than just a game idea.

He is also related to the war between Kyushu OL and world of Warcraft.

Before that, many elite players have always believed that world of Warcraft is better than Kyushu ol.

But if you really want to say, this is better than, but it is only done more finely.

However, if Kyushu ol can creatively throw out this copy and achieve the ultimate in the playing method of the copy.

Well, the so-called world of Warcraft is nothing more than that.

"Mr. Chen, I see, but I have a few questions."

Zou Tao kept writing it down in his book, and then asked.


"The first question, can the copy only be entered in a team?"

"Not necessarily. There can be multiple modes, such as single player mode, team mode, Legion mode... Or unlimited mode."

"Is there a limit on the number of people?"


"Can you tell me more about the difficulty of the level?"

"The difficulty of card merging is to increase the playing method, and the other is to encourage players to brush the copy. The more difficult the level is, the lower the passing rate is. It is normal that even some copies of a team fail to pass. Of course, you can play your brain hole. I prefer the setting that hundreds of people in the Legion brush the copy and be destroyed by the boss group."

"Hundreds of people are killed, I'll go..."

Zou Tao can't laugh or cry.

His boss is really bad fun.

However, think about it. Isn't it interesting that hundreds of people's copies are destroyed by the boss group?

The corner of his mouth bent an arc. Zou Tao decided to satisfy the boss's evil taste.