After explaining the blog to Li Xuelin, Chen Yu went to the Huanyu chip open source fund department.

Li Biqing is in charge of this department.

Although no other manufacturers have joined for the time being, under the additional fund of 10 million for the first task, the open source plan of Huanyu chip has been hotly discussed by many technology experts all over the world.

"Dean, what about Professor Ham's design plan?"

"Very good. Professor ham himself is a well-known chip design expert. In addition, he has been communicating with experts all over the world recently. This plan can be said to be the top in the world. Many researchers believe that if we really design such a chip, our chip will replace arm."

Li Biqing was also very excited.

Previously, he thought it was almost impossible to make chips in China.

But now, although domestic chips have not been made, they have a shadow.

"Whether to replace arm will not be said for the time being. Let's send our 10 million to Professor ham first."

"Well, that's what I want to discuss with you."


"That's right. In itself, our task is to give 10 million, that is, the final solution provider. We reward him 10 million. But in itself, our open source forum is not only professor ham, but also technical experts from all over the world."

"Do you mean to reward a group of funds to other experts? That's OK, but this reward method is a little difficult."

Chen Yu is not a stingy person. Naturally, he knows that Li Biqing's idea is very good.

In this way, whether your plan has been finally adopted or not, it will still give you some funds.

This also allows more technical experts to participate.

Just a question, how to reward this fund.

"We have studied it. It is also easy. As long as we are the first to put forward ideas in our forum and adopted by our scheme or plan, we will give him some funds as a reward. Of course, the premise is that his ideas must be original."

"This is OK."

Chen Yu nodded: "Dean, I'll give this to you."


"However, the next batch of funds may be much more than the first batch of funds."

At this point, Li Biqing put forward the next task.

The first task is to work out a top-level plan first.

The planning is done, that is, the specific chip architecture design.

This architecture design is not only vision and experience, but also technology.

"Dean, how much do you think you need for the second batch of funds?"

"30... At least 20 million."

"30 million."

Seeing that Li Biqing dropped from 30 million to 20 million, Chen Yu directly gave the fund to 30 million.

The advantage of chip open source is that it can concentrate all the technical experts in the world.

But chip open source also has a huge trouble.

That is, the funds involved are very large.

Perhaps Li Biqing also took into account the situation of the company, so he dropped from 30 million to 20 million.

But Chen Yu knows more about the importance of chips.

The whole chip open source plan can't be careless at all.

Not to mention the use of funds.

Even if a large amount of money is wasted on this piece, Chen Yu has to ensure that the funds for the chip open source program are sufficient.

"Chen Yu, in fact, it may not be as much as 30 million. 20 million should be OK."

"Making chips can't save money. What we need now is the technology of all experts in the world. We can make money wherever we can."

"That's true, but on the one hand, it may be difficult for the company to spend money like this, and it will need a lot of money in the future. On the other hand, if we spend so much money, these experts still think we are local tyrants."

"Hehe, we should be local tyrants."

Chen Yu said with a smile, "if they regard us as local tyrants and give us all the technologies, I really want to be this local tyrant. As for the capital, Dean, don't worry. The company has enough capital."

"Well, I don't care about making money. I just spend money."

Since Chen Yu said so, Li Biqing will no longer consider this matter.

Of course, Li Biqing appreciates Chen Yu more and more.

Maybe before Chen Yu was at school, Li Biqing didn't feel this way.

At most, I think Chen Yu is very good. He has made such a big career at his young age.

But after joining Huanyu technology, Li Biqing really understood Chen Yu's power.

Just like this chip open source program.

It's not difficult to come up with this plan. The difficulty is that you can always throw money into this plan with such courage.

You know, from throwing money to real business, it may take a long time.

Even if you spend countless amounts of money and time, you may not be able to make money.

But Chen Yu still did not hesitate.

"By the way, is Mr. Ren of Huawei coming?"

"Well, Ren Zhengfei will come at 2 p.m."

"Chen Yu, this is an opportunity."

"Dean, you mean pulling Ren Zhengfei into our chip open source program?"

Chen Yu asked.

The chip open source program is not just a matter of money.

More important is the ecosystem.

How to establish ecosystem?

He can't do it alone.

The so-called ecosystem must be joined by countless enterprises around the world. This is the real ecosystem.

Otherwise, even if your chip performance is incomparably high-end, the technology is incomparably unique, and even blow up all the chips. However, without the support of other enterprises and other enterprises to build this ecosystem together, such a chip is useless.

Li Biqing naturally knew this and suggested to Chen Yu.

"Huawei's technology is very good, and it is also a top-level technology. Our chip plan is very beneficial to Huawei."

"I guess that's why Ren Zhengfei came to us."

"You mean Ren Zhengfei came for our chip plan?"

"That's right."

Chen Yu nodded: "I believe Ren Zhengfei has this vision."


At 2 pm, Chen Yu met Ren Zhengfei, the boss of Huawei.

This famous technology tycoon in his previous life.

Of course, to tell the truth, although the big man is very powerful, Ren Zhengfei was not very famous in the era before smart phones. On the one hand, it is related to his fame. On the other hand, it is also because before the era of smart phones, Huawei's main business was the underlying business of communication.

It's natural that people don't pay much attention to the bottom business. Even if it's very powerful, it's hard for ordinary people to know.

However, after the era of smart phones, Huawei has suddenly expanded the market and entered the civil field.

Moreover, through its own efforts, Huawei has become the most high-end smartphone in China.

It has to be said that in the field of smart phones, Ren Zhengfei of Huawei is an absolute leader in China.

However, Ren Zhengfei has not made a smartphone at this time.

Not only haven't they made smartphones, they haven't even made mobile phones.

At this time, Ren Zhengfei was still very young.

It seems that he is only about 50 years old, although his actual age is now almost 60 years old.

On the other side.

Compared with Chen Yu's curiosity about Ren Zhengfei, Ren Zhengfei is more interested in Chen Yu.

Chen Yu.

Founded in 2001, 5173 network was established.

In 2002, legendary world was launched, creating the highest simultaneous online record of online games in China.

In 2002, YY replaced QQ and monopolized the domestic instant messaging market.

In 2003, Tianyu mobile phone was launched and the chip open source plan was created

The above are only part of Chen Yu.

But even if it's only part of it, it's hard to get in touch with this young man around the age of 20.

Ren Zhengfei once thought whether Chen Yu had any special identity.

But after searching, Chen Yu's identity is not special at all.

He comes from an ordinary family. His father is quite powerful. He is the founder of the famous hot pot brand hot pot Xishi.


It is said that this hot pot Xishi was also Chen Yu's idea.