"Shit, I said I used Ruixing anti-virus, but a lot of plug-ins still can't do it. It's not their poor technology, but they don't want to do it at all."

"360 is good. After using 360, I almost cleaned up more than 90% of the plug-ins."

"Yes, so am I. after cleaning the plug-ins, the computer speed has obviously improved a lot."

Zhou Hongyi's interview with CCTV suddenly changed 360 security guards from defensive posture to offensive posture.

Many people agree with Zhou Hongyi's statement that only by understanding rogue software can we really kill those rogue software. Of course, they also know that Zhou Hongyi is not a good thing, but it is also very uncomfortable that the major anti-virus software has the strength but does not remove some plug-ins.

"Go to war."

"Call, hurry up."

"They are not good birds. Let's see who can win in the end."

Many people take the way of watching the excitement.

There are also many people who are not busy, but are fanning the flames.

Of course, in fact, they don't need to fan the flames. 360 security guards have a feud with major anti-virus software manufacturers.

It can even be said that the origin of 360 security guard makes it impossible for him to coexist peacefully with major anti-virus software manufacturers.

It is normal for 360 security guards to be attacked by major anti-virus software.

It is also normal for major anti-virus software manufacturers to be countered by 360.

However, for the counterattack of 360 security guard Zhou Hongyi, major anti-virus software manufacturers also gave a reply.

They said that they are only anti-virus software, only remove viruses and Trojans, and protect the system from attack.

For normal procedures, they do not clear.

Many plug-ins are actually normal programs. They are not Trojans or viruses, so it is impossible for major anti-virus software to remove these normal programs. On the contrary, even the normal procedures are eliminated, which may involve unfair competition.

Of course, this is nonsense.

Many plug-ins are neither viruses nor Trojans, but they are not viruses and Trojans that need to be removed. It is also necessary to remove more and more plug-ins that affect the system speed.

However, they do not have a clear natural interest.

On the one hand, the interest relationship has benefited a lot.

On the other hand, it is also because there are some plug-ins that you can't clear if you want to.


If you want to compete with all software companies, you can do so.

Since Zhou Hongyi said so, they really want to force 360 security guards.

"Have the ability to clear all plug-ins."

"Who wouldn't say sarcastic words? Zhou Hongyi has the ability to clean up on a large scale."

"Isn't your 360 security guard very powerful? Hurry up. If you clear these plug-ins, I'll use your 360."

"Well, you have the ability to kill 3721."

"The cow force upstairs, yes, Zhou Hongyi, has the ability to kill 3721."

Many sailors comment on the Internet from time to time.

They just want to pull 360 into the water.

They want to see whether you dare or not.

Some other common plug-ins are easy to say.

Anyway, many people know that Zhou Hongyi is not a good man.

But when 3721 is thrown, it's completely different.

You know, 3721 was founded by Zhou Hongyi.

Moreover, Zhou Hongyi sold 3721 a few months ago.

In their words, Zhou Hongyi, how hot are you? Dare you try 3721?


"Brother cannon, the three anti-virus software companies have a rhythm and ask you to kill 3721. It's not good."

Chen Yu called Zhou Hongyi.

"These guys are full of bad water."

Zhou Hong shook his head and said helplessly, "they know that 3721 was created by me, and my front foot has just sold 3721."


Chen Yu also nodded and said, "your front feet have just been sold. If you do this with your back feet, is it too shameless?"

"It's really shameless."

Zhou Hongyi looked embarrassed.

"Well, cannon, I believe you."

As soon as Chen Yu and Zhou Hong talked for a while, he hung up the phone.

If Chen Yu's guess is right.

Zhou Hongyi on the other end of the phone actually made a decision long ago.

"Brothers, everyone says 3721 is rogue software. Should we kill this plug-in?"

"President Zhou, not very good."

"It's not very good... However, we 360 also want to make money and market."

"But Mr. Zhou, 3721, didn't you just sell it?"


Zhou Hong nodded: "haven't they all been sold?"


"What... We sold everything. What does it have to do with us?"

"It seems right."

That night, 360 made an update.

Zhou Hongyi really did what they said. I'll show you now.

More than 99% of the plug-ins are directly cleared by 360.

Of course, it is not automatically cleared by 360 security guards. After all, a plug-in is different from a Trojan horse and a virus. It is a normal program. In principle, if it is automatically clear, it really destroys the market. However, 360 security guards do not automatically clear, but Zhou Hongyi has some ways to let users clear themselves.

Through system scanning, a series of high-risk plug-ins appeared one after another soon.

This is a reminder given by 360 security guards.

Why is it called high-risk plug-in?

It's not dangerous. You don't want to clear it.

There are some threats.

But Zhou Hongyi doesn't care. What he wants is that users take the initiative to clear these plug-ins.

Naturally, in the face of such means, a group of users are just ordinary computer Xiaobai. Where do you know whether these plug-ins are safe or high-risk? At present, they will manually remove and uninstall them one by one.

It also includes 3721 with the most users.

The original 3721 is the largest rogue software in China. The most powerful thing is that it cannot be removed or uninstalled. No matter how many times you uninstall, after a while, you will find that 3721 appears again. Unless you reinstall the system, you basically can't uninstall 3721.

But now everything has changed.

In the eyes of users, you can't uninstall 3721. Click on 360.

In just a few seconds, the 3721 was unloaded cleanly without leaving a trace.



Yahoo, which wants to launch its own search engine, has recently accelerated its pace.

Especially in China.

Competitors are getting faster and faster, and Baidu, Google, easy search, Sohu... And other search engines have emerged one after another.

If this is a few steps slower, even Yahoo, the world's leading Internet, may also lag behind others.

Fortunately, they have made an important layout on this side of China.

They bought 3721 with a lot of money.

As the largest Chinese domain name software in China, it is actually equivalent to half a search engine.

With 3721 force to enter the search engine market, Yahoo China can definitely overtake in the corner.


At a time when Yahoo is constantly tracking the search engine market.

A software called 360 security guard was born.