"Xinlang auto channel is generally consistent with the style of Xinlang portal. At the top is the navigation bar, which are some popular models, and below is some auto information. So and so's new car release, so and so's model performance analysis, industry content and so on... This one is similar to us."

Li Xuelin introduced the difference between Xinlang automobile and Huanyu automobile. Speaking of this, Li Xuelin said: "however, Xinlang does better than us in content construction. They do very well in automobile performance evaluation and test drive. But President Chen, you can rest assured that we have invited many automobile professionals and dug up a lot of talents. I believe we will not be worse than them in content construction."

The car channel has just been launched.

Although Xinlang has some advantages, the overall advantage is not big.

To say the biggest, we also count the advantages of Xinlang portal.

Because Xinlang is a domestic portal, this is normal.

Every type of netizen wants to communicate with similar people.

Buy the public like to chat with the public.

I like to chat with those who bought GM.

Those who have bought BMW also like to chat with those who have bought BMW.

Of course, another thing they are most interested in is watching beautiful women.


It's looking at the car.


It's about beauty and cars.

Just looking at the car will inevitably lead to aesthetic fatigue.

Just looking at beautiful women, there are a lot of photos of beautiful women on the Internet.

But the combination of beauty and the car, especially the beautiful women sitting in the car and putting out all kinds of beautiful actions in the car, is very attractive.

"My grass, this car is handsome."

"Yes, it's so handsome that I'm confused. It should be first-hand."

"Well, it looks like a first-hand car. It's very new."

Of course, it's not necessarily that everyone likes to watch it.

There are also many second-hand, three handed, four handed... I also like to see cars of all hands.

Well, these are the old driver's signals.

As for what the code means, those who can understand it can naturally understand it, and those who can't understand it can't understand it.

Anyway, after discovering this new world, many users have become loyal users of Huanyu automobile since then.

Every day when they go online, they will enter the car forum to talk about cars, performance, maintenance, how much gasoline to add, and driving technology



Chen Tong has been very busy recently.

The reason why we are so busy, on the one hand, is to be responsible for the whole Xinlang portal.

On the other hand, they have been worried about their main competitor, Huanyu technology.

Although Huanyu science and technology is far less than their Xinlang in current affairs news, Huanyu science and technology also has its unique place. They even changed their playing method, did not compete with them in current affairs news, and opened up a new and interesting section.

In the entertainment section of Huanyu news, he killed Chen Tong by surprise.

Fortunately, after the [entertainment] section, Chen Tong quickly launched the auto section.

Moreover, with his unique experience in content, he soon attracted the love of many netizens.

However, Chen Tong is still worried. He takes a look at the changes of Huanyu portal every day.

The reason for this is that he understands the strength of Huanyu technology.

Maybe ordinary people don't think Huanyu technology has any strength in making portal websites.

Yes, Chen Tong thinks so.

But Huanyu technology has money.

Money is their strongest strength.

But for them, looking at the millions in their hands, Chen Yu sighed every time.

This is not, the top has been thinking about online games, and has entered the game field again.

I spent money on the game, but I didn't have much money on the website.

"Well, they have come up with a new function."

After looking at various secondary pages, Chen Tong found the new forum function of Huanyu automobile.

Chen Tong didn't care much about this function.

The function of the forum is nothing new. Even if a new forum is added, it doesn't have much effect.

Although I think so, Chen Yu opened it with a responsible attitude.

After watching for a few minutes, Chen Tong shook his head.

In the forum, many people's posts are those sent by ordinary netizens, and there is not much quality.

Although some people sent out their test drive experience, they are all ordinary riders, and all kinds of evaluations are not very professional.

Even if it's a little popular here, it's nothing.

Xinlang took a different route from them.

Xinlang has always been professional and authoritative

They have the most professional automobile experts and the most authoritative test stands... If these exist, users will definitely go to their website.

Of course, Chen Tong is not saying that such a forum is useless, but at least it looks a little happy.

But this happy wave doesn't want to learn.

Just about to close the web page, Chen Tong suddenly saw a popular post.