"President Chen, I think Yongle Home appliances is a good choice. Their boss Chen Xiao is a man of the moment, brave and resourceful, and has done in the field of home appliances for decades. It can be said that he has rich experience. The only thing they lack is capital. As long as we contact them, they will be very interested."

"I'll think about it."

Chen Yu didn't say anything.

Can he say that Chen Xiaoye is too ambitious in the future, and even the United States and the United States are in trouble?

After all, this did not happen.

However, when Chen Yu was thinking, Huang Zheng said, "President Chen, Chen Xiaoxiang, chairman of Yongle household appliances, wants to see you."

"Why is he here?"

Chen Yu was extremely surprised.

I was just talking about him. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao came to find himself in advance.

"See you."

Although Chen Yu didn't like Chen Xiao very much, since he came, Chen Yu didn't see reason.

"Sure enough, the legendary chairman of Huanyu technology is a young talent. It's really famous when I see him today."

In the office, when Chen Xiaozhi met Chen Yuzhi, his first sentence was like this.

Chen Yu stared at Chen Xiao, but he was thinking about Chen Xiao's resume. Chen's family was poor when he was young. At the age of 1, he had polio and fell ill in his legs and feet. At the age of 10, his father died again. Even after adulthood, his wife became seriously ill in 1993. But although Chen Xiao borrowed money everywhere for medical treatment, his wife died. According to Chen Xiao in his previous life, he vowed to make a lot of money from that time

In 1996, the state-owned household appliance company he worked for went bankrupt. He and 47 employees raised 1 million to create Yongle household appliances. With years of deep cultivation in the field of home appliances, Yongle Home Appliances soon stood on its feet. In 1999, Chen Xiao changed his strategy. Yongle Home Appliances gave up the simple wholesale of home appliances and changed to the chain operation of home appliances. This change has given Yongle Home Appliances a boost, and Yongle Home appliances have made rapid progress.

So far, the number of Yongle Home appliance stores has exceeded 60, with annual sales reaching 7 billion.

From this point of view, Chen Xiao is a big man in the home appliance industry.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome. You're an old man in business. You and I are all surnamed Chen. It's not too much for me to call you Uncle Chen."

"Where, where, Mr. Chen, if you call me uncle Chen, I don't mean to come to you."

"By the way, President Chen, how do you know I'm in Hangzhou?"

Chen Yu and Chen Xiao are not familiar, so Chen Yu is not so polite to Chen Xiao.

In addition, Chen Yu was not very fond of Chen Xiaoyu because of the Gome incident in his previous life.

"I called your company's Shenzhen headquarters, but the people over there said you were not in Shenzhen. I guess if you were not in Shenzhen, you should be in Hangzhou. Our Yongle is in Shanghai, very close to Hangzhou, so come here to try your luck."

"It's not as simple as taking a chance."

"Chen Zonghui's eyes, in fact, I paid attention to you when you were at the sword debate party in the West Lake. I think the B2C model you mentioned is very good. It happened that you Huanyu technology wanted to be an electronic mall, and we Yongle wanted to expand our stores, so I came."

"I haven't said to cooperate with you."

Chen Yu said secretly.

This Chen Xiao is really powerful.

With some words he said on the sword in the West Lake, Chen Xiao can guess some of his strategies.

Not many people have such a vision.

"I think your company's cooperation with us is a perfect match."


Chen Yu said, "why can't we find Gome."

"Although Gome Huang Guangyu is powerful, it is estimated that he can't let you get involved in their shares."

"Then why can't we find Suning?"

"Suning has capital involvement. Even if President Chen enters, he won't get much shares and has no voice. At most, he can only be an investment, but I think President Chen can't be just an investment."

"Therefore, we can only cooperate with you."

"That's right."

Chen Xiao has incomparable self-confidence.

"Why did President Chen come to us?"

Chen Xiao's face is thin and wears a pair of glasses.

Wearing a black suit, his face is rigorous, neither smiling nor angry.

It looks very much like the villain in the TV series, and it's still at the level of villain boss.

"As far as we know, several capitals have contacted you, including Morgan Stanley."

"It seems that President Chen has paid attention to our singing music."

"Since you have said that Huanyu technology wants to enter the e-commerce market, it is normal to cooperate with some household appliance enterprises like you. We have not only paid attention to you, Yongle, Gome, Suning, and even Dazhong. We are very interested."


Chen Xiao continued: "although Morgan Stanley has contacted us, we need more funds."

"Hehe, does President Chen think Huanyu technology is better than Morgan?"

Chen Yu couldn't help laughing.

Morgan is a world-class financial giant, let alone Huanyu technology. At present, 1000 Huanyu technologies are not Morgan's competitors.

"Mr. Chen is joking. Giants like Morgan naturally don't need money. But they invest in a lot of businesses and may not focus on us."

"It seems that Morgan gave less money."

Chen Yu nodded.

Morgan is a cow, of course, but the cow's money is not blown by the wind.

A giant like this may invest hundreds or thousands of projects every year.

Yongle Home appliances is just a small business for them.

This business doesn't even need the attention of the U.S. headquarters, just the nod of the managers in China.

"What benefits can we get?"

Chen Yu directly enters the theme.

"It seems that President Chen is excited."

Chen Xiao smiled: "we can take out 33% of the shares."

"Very sincere."

Chen Yu nodded.

33% of the shares can speak for themselves in any company.

Moreover, if we can further operate later, we may even become the largest shareholder.

If the operation is good, it is possible to drive the founder away.

Of course, Chen Yu also knows that Chen Xiao's good operation makes it possible to drive himself away.

It's all business.

Chen Yu is guarding against Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao is willing to take out such a large amount of shares. Naturally, he is also guarding against Chen Yu.

"But what else?"

Shares alone are not enough. Chen Yu needs more than the shares of home appliance chain company.

"If we can reach cooperation with your company, we will sign a strategic cooperation with Huanyu technology, and Yongle will fully support Huanyu technology's e-commerce business."

Chen Yu nodded: "it seems that Chen always comes prepared. Then, how much money do you need for Yongle?"

"How much can Chen always give."

Chen Xiao didn't quote his price, but looked at Chen Yu.

"You really need money?"


"Is it your singing needs or your own needs?"


Chen Xiao did not hide his desire for money: "I like the enjoyment brought by wealth. Similarly, I also need money to let me have more wealth."

"I like money, too."

If Chen Yu didn't consider Chen Xiao before.

Because I have to watch out for this guy when working with Chen Xiao.

But now it seems that cooperation with Chen Xiao may not be a good thing.

At least, in terms of ability, courage and vision, Chen Xiao is no worse than Huang Guangyu, Zhang Dazhong and Zhang Jindong.

Even, in some ways, more than.

Such as means.

However, this is not the time to consider these.

Chen Xiao is in a hurry to fight with Gome and Suning.

Chen Yu is also in a hurry to get his e-commerce website online as soon as possible.

In that case, it is necessary to cooperate with Chen Xiao for the time being.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu said: "1 billion, is it enough?"