And there is more than one fatal flaw.

First, the iPod does not support windows.


Ordinary people may not believe that how can electronic products not support windows?

But that's how Apple hangs.

They have their Apple Computer and their Apple operating system.

Apple has always thought that their system is much better than windows. Everyone in the world should use Apple system. Why use windows? Moreover, in Apple's view, many things in windows copy Apple's system. For example, windows operating system, such as task search bar... And so on.

Of course, everyone has their own views on what's going on here.

But Apple jobs and Microsoft bill have always been sworn enemies.

As a sworn enemy, how could he allow his hardware to support windows.

Of course, this may not be a big problem in the United States.

Apple computers account for more than 20% in the United States, and many people are Apple fans.

In addition, apple is the first technology giant to launch personal PC, and apple has great appeal in the United States.

But in China, although apple is also well-known, I'm sorry, his appeal is not particularly strong.

Except that some enthusiasts may support the iPod that does not support the windows operating system, they will find it useless. Just like this time, many people buy Apple computers and find that Apple computers can only be used for typing, chatting and repairing pictures... They can't even play games. It's really hard for them to spit blood.

As a result, Apple's market share in China is only 0.00000000000 1... Well, it can be ignored.

Why buy an iPod if you can't support windows?

This is one of them.

Second, the first generation iPod did not have an iTunes Store, that is, a music and video store.

Many people studied the iPod in previous generations, and always believed that the main reason for the success of the iPod was because of this electronic music store.

With the help of the electronic music store, hundreds of millions of fans bought countless songs they like through the iPod.

Well, the iTunes Store is actually similar to the YY music website built by Chen Yu.

Unfortunately, the iTunes Store will not be launched until 2003.

On the contrary, Chen Yu himself created an electronic music sales website in advance.

Third, the interface problem.

The interface of iPod uses 1394 interface, which is an interface standard invented by apple.

This interface can provide charging and data transmission for iPod, which is equivalent to the charging data line of later generations.

But it's a pity.

Although apple is a technology maniac, their interface transmits and charges very fast.

But unfortunately, there are not many computers in China with such interfaces.

Even if Apple can provide conversion devices, this also affects user operations to a considerable extent.

In addition, the iPod has other disadvantages.

Such as insufficient battery capacity and so on.

But others can be ignored first. In any of these three fatal defects, the iPod can't catch fire.

"I was scared to pee just now."

Apple is not so invincible. Why were you so nervous just now.

"Brother Jian, here, give it back to you."

Returning the iPod to Zhang Jianming, Chen Yu looked relaxed.

"Mr. Chen, who are you?"

Zhang Jianming was a little stunned.

"Why, what do you want to say?"

"The iPod may be released in a week."

"I know."

Chen Yu nodded.

"Do we have any way to deal with it?"

Although Huanyu technology is responsible for music website business, and MP3 hardware production is rising step by step, Zhang Jianming, as president of Huanyu technology, still pays close attention to MP3. After all, this is the first hardware product of Huanyu technology.


Chen Yu shook his head.


Zhang Jianming was stunned.

"Why, brother Jian, what should we do to deal with it?"

"You have to talk about the shortcomings of the iPod in the media."

"This is not to help them hype."

Chen Yu shook his head: "the iPod is not an apple computer. Why are you so nervous? Besides, the iPod is an apple computer. How many people in China have bought an apple computer?"

"But the iPod seems to sell well in the United States."

"Oh, that's in America."


"Nothing, but why are you so nervous? Is Apple really so awesome?"

Chen Yu was very calm: "brother Jian, let me tell you, some companies actually look awesome, but they may not really be so awesome. Really..."

After patting Zhang Jianming on the shoulder, Chen Yu returned to the office very leisurely.

Of course it's forced.

As for the fact that Chen Yu was scared into a cold sweat before, Chen Yu can't say.


"Chen Yu, the iPod is on sale today. Shall we go and have a look?"

"What's good?"

"You don't want to know how the iPod is selling?"

"Don't know, jump on the street."

A week later, the iPod went on sale in China as promised.

The iPod with apple trademark, which sells well in the United States and creates a new era of MP3, has high hopes in China.

To be honest, Duan Yongping is a little nervous.

He has lived in the United States for many years and knows the horror of apple.

Although apple is no longer what it was, its influence is not comparable to that of ordinary enterprises.

Even Microsoft, in terms of influence, many people will say that Microsoft is far inferior to apple.

As for why?

It can be summarized in one sentence.

Apple was the first company to produce personal computers.

Without apple, there would be no current computer.

Now he has launched a new iPod again.

He has proved his success in the United States and must be selling well at home.

"Jump on the street?"

Duan Yongping didn't expect that Chen Yu would use the word to enlighten the iPod.

"Are you sure?"


Chen Yu said.

In fact, there is no need to analyze the three shortcomings of the iPod. The previous iPod was not popular in China.

Not only was there no fire, but it didn't sell well.

To say that the hottest MP3 in China, on the contrary, many well-known domestic brands sold well in previous generations.

Such as patriots and Meizu.

Meizu, in particular, is a well deserved leader in the MP3 field in its previous life.

Later, Meizu entered the field of smart phones with MP3, which can be described as infinite scenery.

"What are you writing?"

"Write our sales plan for pear MP3."

"Wait, what's going on?"

The first product of pear technology is MP3, which is also directly named pear MP3.

Looking at several schemes written by Chen Yu, Duan Yongping was stunned.

In particular, Chen Yuding's price of 1000 yuan is unacceptable to Duan Yongping.

In fact, the pricing has been under discussion and has not been established.

"Chen Yu, 1000 yuan is too expensive. Ordinary MP3 only costs more than 200 yuan."

"That's ordinary. We're a brand."

"But the iPod is only priced at 999 yuan."

"I think our MP3 is better than the iPod."

"Are you so confident?"


Chen Yu nodded confidently.

Apple can do it, why can't they?

IPods have so many shortcomings that they dare to price 1000 yuan. Why can't they?

Of course, to say that the price of more than 200 yuan is actually profitable.

But it's just a small profit.

If you want to be a brand, the price of the brand must not be low.

There has never been anything good and cheap in this world.

According to the law, if things are beautiful... The price must be expensive.