"Hello, students. I'm Duan Yongping."

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually just a genuine businessman, not an expert in economics. In itself, I'm not qualified to make a speech here. But when the Dean learned that I had returned home recently, he forced me to come, so I'll rush to the shelves and talk to you about the development trend of China's three major industries in the future."

Duan Yongping is not handsome. He has a flat head, but he speaks with great spirit.

Chen Yu admired the legendary businessman for a long time and sat in the middle listening.

You know, this is not a hung up existence like yourself.

His success depends entirely on his real ability.

It's of great benefit to listen to this elder's experience.

Of course, this is why universities are so popular.

Even if I haven't learned anything in various universities, if I can often hear these big men's speeches and be influenced by them, my vision can't be compared with that of ordinary people.

"We all know that when we divide industries, we divide them into three major industries. That is, the primary industry, the secondary industry and the tertiary industry. The primary industry is relatively simple. It is only the most basic agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industry. This industry has existed in China for thousands of years. Here we mainly talk about the secondary industry and the tertiary industry."

"The secondary industry is the industry, and the tertiary industry is the service industry. If we look at our national conditions, the secondary industry is the dominant force, and the tertiary industry has just developed. But if we look at developed countries and compare with the United States, the tertiary industry in the United States has accounted for more than 70% of GDP. Then we have to ask, the future trend of China will be the same as that of the United States Is there a development route for the tertiary industry? "

In fact, Duan Yongping did not just say this question. Anyone who studies economics is studying it.

However, how China's economy and industry will adjust in the future is only a matter of the future.

No one knows until the future comes.

"Of course, because the future has not come, we do not know what will happen in the future. But although the future has not come, we can still make certain predictions, or in other words, in the face of our domestic basic national conditions, in which aspects we will have greater opportunities."

Speaking of this, Duan Yongping smiled: "when I came to Shenzhen University, I heard a saying that Shenzhen University is a pragmatic University. If Shenzhen University always studies theory instead of practice, what is the difference between Shenzhen University and Peking University."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the students sitting there laughed.

This sentence can be said to be a profound famous saying.

At the same time, it is the pride of Shenzhen University.

Don't you go to college just to live better?

You want to study theory, you want to be a philosopher, you want to be a scientist... Shenda is not suitable for you.

"So let's be pragmatic today."

Duan Yongping is not a theoretical school. He is also a pragmatic person. Since we are pragmatic, let's say something practical. We always say that those economic theories seem reasonable, but they are useless.

"I think whether China will embark on the development of the tertiary industry or not in the future, but for China's more than one billion people, China must always firmly develop labor-intensive industries, because only labor-intensive industries can solve the employment of a large number of people. At present, the most concentrated labor-intensive industries are the secondary industry. Let's talk about the secondary industry.

"The secondary industry is mainly industry and manufacturing, including resource exploitation, petrochemical industry, machine manufacturing, wood and garment processing, electronic manufacturing, etc. Let's analyze it the same way. Even if resource exploitation and petrochemical industry don't have much development opportunities, ordinary people can't enter. At the same time, China's resources are not rich in the world, especially oil, I think We import a large amount of oil every year. The machine manufacturing behind us has great development potential, but our advantages are not large. For example, in automobile manufacturing, we have a very large gap with foreign countries, and it is difficult to catch up in a short time. We have a relatively large advantage in wood garment processing. For example, our garments have been exported to all over the world, but this advantage is based on the extremely high labor cost In a low environment, the profit of wood garment processing is very low and there is not much technology. Even in the future, once our labor cost rises, wood garment processing may be transferred to a place with lower labor... "

Chen Yu agrees with this.

The garment processing industry of later generations has indeed transferred to Southeast Asia and even Africa.

The reason is the same as Duan Yong's comment, that is, the labor force there is very cheap.

"Finally, let's talk about the electronics industry, which includes home appliances, as well as all kinds of electronic products, computers, mobile phones, VCDs, um, and our little overlord learning machine."

The scene laughed again.

However, as we all know, Duan Yongping is just joking. There is no big market for bully learning machine.

Duan Yongping's main business now focuses on Bubugao series electronic products.

"Why do I focus on the electronics industry, not because I am engaged in this industry, but because the electronics industry has its extremely special characteristics. We all know that the industry with the fastest renewal is probably the electronics industry. According to Moore's law, the performance of the electronics industry will double every 18 months? Don't underestimate this sentence, which is actually an infinite quotient Machine. "

"What does the doubling of the performance of the electronics industry every 18 months mean? What does it mean that the industry is updating very fast? What does it mean that new products and technologies will continue to enter the market. When these new products and technologies enter the market, they will certainly eliminate the old products and technologies. For example, the little overlord learning machine will be eliminated, and VCD will be restored Readers will also be eliminated... And in the continuous elimination of these products, this is our opportunity. "

"Although we also know that our electronic industry is still very different from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, it doesn't matter. The faster the update speed, the more new forces will appear. China has a population of more than one billion, but as long as our technology catches up slightly, the whole electronic industry will be our opportunity."

Chen Yu nodded again.

It's really a cow.

Although the future has not yet arrived, most of them have been predicted by Duan Yongping, except for a small number of Chen Yu. In fact, in the future electronics industry, China did catch up and overtake in the corner.

This is unlikely in other industries.

For example, in the field of automobile manufacturing.

Why can't China overtake on corners in the field of automobile manufacturing?

In fact, the update speed of machine manufacturing industries such as automobile manufacturing is too slow. The slower the update speed, the slower the technological development, and the slower the technological development, the slower the entry of new forces. This is why although the domestic automobile industry has developed for so many years, there is still a huge gap with Europe and the United States.

Of course, the explosion of electric vehicles in later generations has suddenly brought technology updates much earlier.

Perhaps, in the future, this is an opportunity for domestic cars to overtake on curves.

Of course, despite this, there is also a big gap in cutting-edge electronic technology in China.

Like CPU.

However, through the analysis of previous lives, even the CPU, China is slowly restraining this huge difficulty.

"Pat, pat..."

Applause broke out one after another.

Those who can be admitted to Shenzhen University are smart people.

Coupled with the profound and pragmatic tradition, Duan Yongping's translation has inspired many people.