Of course, the branding of YY games can not be completed overnight.

At this time, Chen Yu was most concerned about Haofang.

Under the cooperation with Huanyu technology, the operation of Haofang combat platform has been raised to a new level.

For example, Haofang originally planned several activities and engaged in a national competitive competition.

The competition is divided into preliminary and finals.

The winner of the preliminary competition will be rewarded with 1000 yuan, and the champion of the finals will be rewarded with 10000 yuan.

For this activity, Chen Yu directly said that they were too stingy.

10000 yuan, what can it do, and then turn the maximum reward of 10000 yuan into 100000 yuan.

In addition, as long as you get the team to participate in the finals, you will also be rewarded 10000 yuan for each team.

The money reward increased by 10 times can be said to stimulate countless players at once.

Originally, everyone only thought it was a game, just playing it at ordinary times.

However, under the stimulation of 100000 yuan, a group of players are like beating chicken blood.

For a time, many players worked hard all night in Internet cafes to practice shooting and tactics

Of course, if Chen Yu is allowed to do it, he may directly smash 1 million.

100000 is nothing. 1 million is really fragrant.

However, in 2002, even if 100000, it also caused the madness of the whole competitive game.

"100000, the champion can get 100000. Mom forced me to fight."

"Even if you can't get 100000 of the championship, you can get 10000 tickets to the finals. Brothers, let's form a team."


"Yes, you see, most of these competitive games are one team and one team. If we combine, we will have more advantages over them in both games and competitions in the future. Maybe we can get the ranking."

"That's a good idea."

"It's more than a good idea. Think about it. If we set up a team in the future, it's also very popular."

"OK, let's form a team."

Although some of these teams just talk casually, some are only temporary uprisings.

However, I don't know how many professional teams will be born in the future.

At the same time, in this series of activities, it is also in the strong operation and promotion ability of YY game.

Half a month after Haofang went online, there was a blowout.






Yes, this is Haofang's online at the same time.

Haofang has soared from 50000 to 260000 in half a month.

"Five times, half a month, five times more online at the same time."

"260000, no, it's 270000 now."

"Looking at this trend, it is possible to go straight to 300000 online at the same time."

Haofang is no better than some other games.

Although some other small games are also popular, some are hundreds of thousands online.

But the profitability of these games is not very strong.

Even if you draw, I guess, to tell you the truth, the profit level is average.

But this is generally relatively speaking. You can make more money by playing a small game. Many individuals and small game companies have been very satisfied.

However, for large-scale games, more than 200000 online at the same time is a terrible number.

Just like the big talk journey to the west, only more than 100000 people were online at the same time, and their profits reached 100 million a year.

Although the westward journey is a toll card, Haofang is free.

However, Haofang is free, but the membership fees derived from Haofang are also extremely terrible.

Especially for such large-scale competitive games, Haofang has created a function of member acceleration.

This function is that once you open a member, your operation speed will be faster and smoother than other players.

This is similar to the acceleration software of the previous hero alliance, but few people used it in the previous life.

Because at that time, everyone's network speed was very good, and the difference between use and use was not very big.

However, in 2002, when playing such large-scale games, especially large-scale war games, sometimes the victory and defeat will be divided by one second card screen.

Therefore, after Haofang launched the member acceleration function package, it has won the recognition of many players and joined the members one after another.

According to statistics, the income of buying members alone has reached more than 10 million.

It's only a month.

If we continue to operate, it is not impossible to earn 100 million a year.

"I suddenly feel that Haofang's joining YY camp is the wisest strategy."

"Well, I admit that Huanyu technology is a big golden leg. Those who want to make money quickly hold the big golden leg."

"Is it too late to go now? I'm afraid they won't accept Huanyu technology."

"Well, since Huanyu technology has opened up the platform, it will be open to everyone. However, since it is open to everyone, the competition will be huge. If you don't have the strength, you can't even play bubbles in hundreds of YY games... Of course, this is also the same. Once you become a popular model, think for yourself."

This is the world.

When Huanyu science and technology put forward the opening strategy, some people watched.

When YY games have created an open platform, some people still feel that joining YY is a restriction.

However, the explosive growth of Haofang platform completely awakened some onlookers.


"President Chen, the winger has just contacted us."

"Oh, the winger wants to join us YY?"

"I have this idea, but they want to maintain independent development after joining."

"It's a good idea."

Chen Yu smiled.

I give you traffic, platform and all your resources.

You want to develop independently after taking advantage of a wave of advantages?

If it's so good, why do I make a platform? I don't do it myself?

"Reply to them, either according to our contract, or they operate well."

YY game is not a hardware platform, it is a software platform.

He can't make money by selling hardware. He can only strive to build his own platform.

Since it is a software platform, YY games have also made restrictions on other software manufacturers.

Those who join YY games cannot release products on other platforms, nor can they operate independently.

It's like writing a novel. After the novel is sent at the starting point, you can't send it to other stations.

If you want to send it to another station at the starting point and want to do it yourself at the back, you should be someone else's fool.

"President Chen, I have rejected them."

Li Nan said.

"Ha ha, well done."

Chen Yu smiled.

It seems that Li Nan understands his thoughts quite accurately.

For those who want to take advantage like this, go away.

Although Huanyu technology is an open platform, Huanyu technology is not engaged in charity.

"President Chen, one more thing, after the fire in Haofang, some merchants have contacted Haofang to want the naming right of the finals. Haofang means that they are no longer able to negotiate this piece, and they don't know how much the naming right is priced. They want us to help them talk about this cooperation."

"Oh, these businesses have such a good sense of smell that they all think of the naming right?"

Chen Yu said there was no problem.

Everyone's interests are tied together, and Huanyu technology can do this little favor.

"Although E-sports is a minority, it has high technical content. Several teams have also attracted the attention of some investors and want to train them into professional teams."

"That's a good thing."

Chen Yu is very pleased.

E-sports is a big industry. It is good for businesses to pay attention to it.

Of course, Chen Yu had an idea to expand Haofang's activities before himself.

For example, in the finals, Chen Yu's idea is to directly pull the TV station to broadcast it live.

However, later, the TV station hesitated and failed in the end.

"In the future, we can expand E-sports."

"Is it like this to make the world E-sports competition?"


Chen Yu nodded: "however, the world E-sports competition is made by Koreans. I don't agree. If I want to make it, I want to make a world E-sports competition founded by our Chinese people."

However, the timing is not appropriate for the time being. There is no competitive soil at this time.

Of course, the most important thing is that you don't have your own game.

Chen Yu can't hold a competition and only play games made by other game companies.

Anyway, at least there must be a product from your own game company.

"Eh, by the way, why don't you make a competitive game first?"

The idea came into his mind, and Chen Yu was moved.

Then Chen Yu called Zou Tao over.