"Mr. Chen, are our advertisements too fierce?"

"Oh, Zou Tao, don't you think there are too many advertisements?"

"No, it's mainly because the pop-up cost of various portal websites is too large. And didn't you say that the conversion rate of portal website advertising is not good?"

Zou Tao certainly hopes that the more advertisements, the better.

If you have money, you can see advertisements anywhere.

But in terms of cost performance, portal advertising is not the best.

Because the portal can not accurately identify users, it covers all users, and the effect is not particularly good.

But Chen Yu said with a smile, "this time the effect is different from before."

"If it's some game advertisements at ordinary times, the portal conversion rate is really not good, but we invited big star Chen Xiaochun. This kind of advertising for online games by big stars should be the first time in China. Look at the reactions of ordinary users, even those who don't want to play games are ready to try."

This is also proved by the number of client downloads.

In fact, they may not really like Chen Xiaochun.

But just to have a taste, to see how fun the game advertised by big stars is.

"This is only one thing. Second, he can cultivate potential users. There is no reason why the advertising conversion rate of the portal website is low. Although his conversion rate may not be high temporarily, as long as they log on to the portal website, they can remember it. But when they need it in the future, they will look for the past at the first time I've seen advertising products. "

This is the same as advertising on TV.

Like those cars.

I'm afraid 99% of users would not buy a car when they saw these car advertisements.

But it doesn't matter if you don't buy it.

When you really want to buy a car, you will find them.

This is the charm of large platform advertising.

It is not comparable to those precise identification means with keyword delivery.

"Zou Tao, how many downloads do we have now?"

"25 million times."

"Very good."

Chen Yu smiled with satisfaction: "in terms of client downloads, our legendary world has surpassed Shanda's hot-blooded legend."

As for whether we can break the record of hot-blooded legend, it is in one fell swoop.

[no brother, no legend. I'm Chen Xiaochun. I'm a brother. Come to the legendary world to kill me at 8:00 tonight.]


you 're right.

Chen Xiaochun changed his advertising lines the next day.

It's changed from 8 o'clock tomorrow night yesterday to 8 o'clock tonight.

A group of players ready to play the legendary world were happy and said, "don't worry, I'll kill you at 8 o'clock tonight."

"Brothers, are you ready? As soon as you enter the game, find the man named Chen Xiaochun and kill him."

"Yes, it makes him cry. He can't be promoted."

How to put it?

There has never been such an experience of interacting with stars in the game.

In particular, Chen Xiaochun of this girl even challenged them. If it was a brother, he came to cut me down.

I can't kill you.

This feeling is just like when they saw the old confused boy.

Now, they can one day stand on the same screen with the real old perplexer.

As long as you think about it, everyone is very excited.


7:30 p.m.

Major Internet cafes across the country have ushered in the peak.

Many friends who like to surf the Internet are attached to Internet cafes in twos and threes.

But today, many friends are disappointed.

When they arrived at the Internet bar, all the Internet bar machines were full, and there was no vacancy.

"Boss, do you have a machine?"

"Didn't you see it? It's all full and gone."

"I mean, what's the earliest time someone gets off the plane? Let's wait a minute."

"Don't wait. It's impossible to get off the plane."


"I mean, they're all booked. They're going to play all night tonight."

No one organized, no one discussed, thousands of friends who wanted to enter the legendary world on the first day of the public beta came to the Internet cafe very early. Although the public test time is not up at the moment, everyone has unanimously opened the client page. In addition, they also entered the account password. As soon as the server is turned on, they will enter directly.

"Fat Wang, why hasn't the game started yet?"

"Man, don't worry, didn't you say, go online at 8 o'clock and cut Chen Xiaochun at 8 o'clock."

"I can't wait."

"Then you play something else first."

"If you don't play, everything else is boring."

Wang pangzi's Lenovo Internet cafe.

Er, it is no longer the Lenovo Internet cafe.

It's not to sell it or not to do it, but Wang pangzi opened a large Lenovo Internet cafe in the center of the county.

Not just one, but three in a row.

In the three counties, one was opened.

Xinfengcheng center Dasheng temple tower is the largest, with an area of more than 300 square meters and more than 200 brand-new computers... At this time, the whole Internet cafe is full, and everyone is waiting for a game, the public beta of the legendary world.

"You want to chop Chen Xiaochun so much."

"This is not nonsense. This guy has cut so many people in the film. We also want to cut him."

"When we see Chen Xiaochun, we will immediately send coordinates. I will teach him how to be a man."

"Eh, man, your family just bought a computer. What are you doing in the Internet cafe?"

"Play games with everyone."

"Do you have a computer to experience life without playing?"

"What do you experience? There's no atmosphere to play alone. You'd better play with your brothers."

I have to say, this is true.

Many people even have personal computers, but when it comes to playing games, it's fun for everyone to play together.

The old legend is.

The heroic alliance of later generations, the glory of the king, and eating chicken are the same.

As Chen Xiaochun said, no brother, no legend.

Brothers should stand together.

Big bowls of wine, big bowls of meat, big knives.

[I always bask in Wanchai, I play in the sun, and Hong Xing is in charge of the area

Wave floor, chicken sinus and big stall, all look at the sun, Tuo land to the highest level...]

I don't know who it is. Lenovo Internet cafe suddenly played a burst of music.

This is the theme song of the movie "the shadow of the sword".

This song is not only a burning passion, but also a perfect embodiment of the personality of Gu hunzi.

Many friends listen to this song when they are young, and many friends have been humming this song when they are young.

Listen, there are friends who can sing in the Internet cafe, but they sing along.

[in terms of background, I will not lose in terms of splitting friends

The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword let me break into the community and show my ability. I will shake my family's voice with one heart. Even if I die, I won't be surprised

Let my blood flow down...]

There were only a few people who started singing, but slowly, everyone in the Internet cafe began to sing.

Even if some people can't sing, it's very boiling to hum a tune.

[the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword let me break into the community and show my skills. I can cheer up my family with one heart. Even if I die, I won't be surprised...]

The sound waves overshadowed the stereo in the Internet cafe.

[no brother, no legend.

At 8 o'clock tonight, it's this moment. Come to the legendary world to cut me...]

Chen Xiaochun appeared on the screen again, and his lines changed again.


The door of the legendary world is officially opened.