"Mr. Chen, I thought you didn't answer my phone."

"How dare you not answer it? It's all the people in debt now. By the way, I heard that your miracle was tested today."

"It's said that it's good in itself."

"Well, well, how about 30000 online people."

"It's more than 30000. Now it's almost 100000."

"Break 100000. Well, the 100000 people in the public beta today are also broken online at the same time. Eh, president Zhu, are you here to pay back the money?"

"I have no money."

"Shit, you don't want to default."

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, how can you default. But now I really don't have money. The internal test is not a public test. The internal test is free. However, don't worry. As soon as the public test makes money, I'll call you 7 million immediately."

"All right."

Chen Yu nodded.

This also makes sense. There is no further debt collection.

"Mr. Chen, if we don't talk about 7 million now, it's urgent. Do me a favor."

"What's urgent?"

"Let me make a long story short. Your prediction was so awesome. Our miracle is going crazy. Our server may be knocked down by players."

"Didn't I ask you to add another 10 groups of servers?"

"Yes, now there are 20 groups of servers. But 20 groups of servers can't support many people. It was 95000 just now. No, it is 96000 now. In a little while, our servers will not be able to hold."

"Oh, that's it."

Chen Yu said with a smile, "then I'd like to congratulate president Zhu. The day of making a lot of money from the internal test fire is just around the corner."

"Congratulations. I'm afraid I don't know how many players swear when the server crashes."

"What's the hurry? It's not a big deal. Don't you just queue up to apply?"

"Queue up to apply. What's this?"

"Mr. Zhu, for example, a large supermarket can accommodate up to 10000 people, but there are not only 10000 people outside. What should we do? Should we close the supermarket?"

"What else can I do without closing the door?"

"Line up. Some people go in and others go out of the supermarket. Let one go in. That's enough."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you, President Chen."

Zhu Jun was overjoyed and hung up.

"Shit, I'll hang up now."

Chen Yu was helpless.

These guys are so stupid that they can't even think of queuing. They really watched the server crash.

This is not a very simple thing. In the past, the hero League lined up every day. It just occurred to Chen Yu.

However, although they say so, they can't think it's normal.

It was the first time they played games. It was not that they were stupid, but that their thinking was suddenly limited.

No matter how talented, I can't think of what queuing is.

At this time, Zhu Jun, who was reminded by Chen Yu, was overjoyed.

Chen Yu told the technicians what he said about queuing up. The technicians were stunned and suddenly woke up.

"Line up, yes, you can line up."

"I didn't expect such a simple queue."

"It's really stupid. Mr. Zhu, I'll write a code for queuing immediately."

The setting of queuing is not complicated. Just add a queuing code before entering the game.

Just like the supermarket in reality.

Queuing can also be realized in the game.

With so many people and limited servers, can we really let the server crash.


The best way is to line up.

Although it takes some time to queue up, players are not just unable to get in and out.

Someone will come in and someone will come out. As long as you wait for a period of time, you can queue up to enter sooner or later.

On the one hand, this can solve the problem of server crash, on the other hand, it can also let most players enter the game.

Soon, it only took more than ten minutes.

Cheng Yi, who is responsible for the ninth city technology, wrote the code of queuing.

At this time, a group of beta players who log in to the miracle will find that when they log in to the game, a queuing box pops up on the window.

The server is full and you are queuing.

Your position in the column pair is 12233


"President Zhu, we succeeded."

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

The previous worries were swept away.

The queuing system was added, the server maintained stability, and the whole technology department was relieved.

However, although he was relieved, Zhu Jun said: "the queue was only used as a last resort. Contact Telecom immediately to increase the server unit. Once the new server unit is rebuilt, open a new area immediately..."


"In addition, keep in touch with 5173 and be sure to have a good relationship with 5173."

This time, Zhu Jun saw 5173 and Chen Yu's power again.

First, they played their miracle popularity with the activation code.

Then remind to add another 10 groups of servers.

That's all right. At the most critical moment, people lined up with a few words and solved the problems that their whole company couldn't solve in an instant.

Such a person feels terrible when you think about it.

However, Zhu Jun doesn't have much time to feel Chen Yu's terror.

While the miracle was hot, the media had already caused a sensation, but Zhu Jun's phone kept ringing.

[personal test: who competes in the miracle picture]

[beta player: I was conquered by a miracle.]

[miracle internal test breaks the world record, breaking 100000 online at the same time.]

[miracles appeared and more than 10000 players were waiting to enter the game.]

Let's start with the picture.

Before the internal test, miracles revealed a series of miracles.

Relying on the picture, it attracted countless players at that time.

It's just that the picture is a picture. We still don't believe it when we don't enter the game.

Is the picture of miracle so beautiful? Can an online game really do so well?

Isn't an ordinary game just like a legend?

But this time, the internal test appeared, and the previous doubts were answered.


The picture of miracles is so beautiful, and the quality of miracles is so gorgeous.

Of course, if only the picture is gorgeous, it doesn't mean anything.

Although the pictures of some games are not as good as miracles, the quality is getting higher and higher, at least better than legends.

And everyone is playing the game for the first time. As long as it's fun, everyone doesn't have particularly high requirements for the picture.

But the internal test broke the 100000 record, which is the milestone achievement of online games.

"I thought miracles would fire, but I didn't expect miracles to be so hot."

"Before, I predicted that the miracle could break 30000 and be online at the same time. Now I'm blind."

"Legend met a real opponent, a miracle."

But that's nothing.

The most crazy thing for players is queuing.

In itself, this queue is disgusting.

Who likes to queue up when logging in the game? You have to wait in line for a long time.

Some impatient players may scold directly.

But in the end, this queuing system is used for the first time, or even the first time in the world.

The appearance of such a queuing system makes everyone feel very fresh.

No, no, no, it's not just new. What excites them most is that they think the emergence of the queuing system reflects the miraculous popularity.

"NIMA, there are more than 10000 people waiting in line."

"If the game doesn't fire, I'll cut off JJ."

"Ah, I really want the internal test, I really want the internal test, I give 10 yuan, let me enter the next miracle, okay?"

Can you imagine experiencing the queuing system for the first time, which shows how tens of thousands of people are waiting in line?

For many players, when such a queue appears for the first time, they are not angry or scolding their mother.

But deeply felt the popularity of this game.

As the title of 5173 says: this night, miracles, like his name, really happened.