"Dad, how's it going?"

"Oh, don't mention it."

"Dad, it's all right. It's just a promotion meeting. We'll promote it ourselves in the future."

When Chen simian came back from Guangdong Province, he had no expression. He didn't know whether he was happy or unhappy.

"It's hard."

Chen simian shook his head: "county magistrate LAN has made some connections with the county and hasn't pushed out our Xinfeng navel orange yet."

"Well, Dad, I asked if it wasn't navel orange. I asked about our snail."

"You boy, don't you know that this promotion meeting is mainly to promote navel orange?"

"I know, but our snails are the most important. Moreover, I think our snails actually have some markets. As for navel oranges, forget it."

"You boy, how do you know?"

"It's also simple. Although navel orange is the biggest specialty of Xinfeng, to be honest, he didn't do a good job in publicity. Many people don't know what navel orange is. If you say orange, maybe you can understand it. If you say what navel orange is, it's difficult to understand. In addition, there are many fruit brands, you may not want to eat navel orange. If Xinfeng navel orange can be promoted in a small promotion meeting It's a good business to promote. "

"What about snails?"

"Snails are easy to understand. Now snails are eaten everywhere, especially in Guangdong Province. The so-called food is in Guangdong Province. In addition, Xinfeng is originally Hakka, and a large number of people in Guangdong Province are also Hakka. They not only have the same language with us, but also eat the same culture. Our snails Xishi can be famous in Jiangxi city, but also in Guangdong Province."

How to say, although Xinfeng belongs to Jiangxi Province.

However, Xinfeng has no special cultural heritage with Jiangxi Province, but has great ties with some areas of Guangdong Province and Fujian Province.

The reason is that Xinfeng is a Hakka.

The so-called Hakkas are not ethnic minorities. The earliest Hakkas moved from the Central Plains to the south.

"You must be able to send the article, and I'll make the headlines for you."

"Thank you so much."


"Is the big man of cat flutter there?"

"Yes, don't be a big man. You 5173 are a big man."

"Come on, boss, we're just little brothers."

"Also little brother, you are much better at making money than our cat Pu Niu. Big brother, can you hold your thigh?"

"Well, let's get down to business. Can you help us promote some articles?"

"It's not a small matter. Send it."



"Is Tianya boss here?"

"If you don't pretend to force us to be good friends, we'll break up with each other after shouting big guys."

"Okay, boss, don't shout anymore."

"Your sister."

"Sorry, sorry, I need your help."

"Why are you busy?"

"Do you know navel orange?"


"Yes, almost."

"What the hell is that?"

"I'm sorry to say that our boss has recently made 10000 tons of oranges. There is no place to sell them, but he's worried. I want you to help send some posts and sell all our boss's oranges."

"It's simple, but we only post, and we can't guarantee if we can't sell it out."

"If we can't sell out, we can't rely on you. You just post for us."

"What's the big deal? What about your posts? Why don't we help you write some soft articles? I tell you, we are experts here."

"That's very kind."


Turn over and contact major websites.

I don't have to say.

Because Zhang Jianming has established a certain relationship with them before.

In addition, 5173 is flat with them. Everyone is mixed in the Internet circle.

There is no need to consider sending a post between helping each other.

Of course, even so, Chen Yu asked Zhang Jianming to send a promotion fee to major websites.

Everyone is an insider. It's not easy to do anything.

Especially now the major websites have not found many ways to make profits, but they have been struggling.

Chen Yu is not a person who takes advantage of others. He didn't forget the promotion fee when he asked everyone to help.

"Brother Jian, are you finished?"

"After sending it, all the other websites have given face except the four major portal websites."


Although the four portals have the largest traffic, Tianya, maopu and Chinese... Almost all of these second-line websites have participated. That basically means that such promotion also covers half or even more of the whole China. In particular, all second-line websites are promoting Xinfeng navel orange, and his influence suddenly exploded.

Even without the participation of portal websites, Xinfeng navel orange became popular on the Internet overnight.