
Miss Cao just wanted to explain, but suddenly something sounded.

What does that explain.

Can you tell the director that I've been playing legend recently and bought equipment on it?

Isn't that a joke?

Of course, although it is normal for teachers to play games.

Teachers are also human. Why can't teachers play games?

But on the face of it, it's not necessary.

"Director Li, it's like this. Our 5173 main businesses include virtual goods trading, advertising cooperation and promotion... And so on."

Finding Mr. Cao somewhat embarrassed, Chen Yu quickly introduced him to the public.

"Virtual goods trading, the word is new."

"It seems that you young people are still active in melon seeds. We teachers are still too traditional."

Although director Li is not particularly clear, he knows more or less about the Internet. In addition, online trading is slowly rising. Although I still don't know what virtual goods trading is, it is probably clear that this may be a kind of online trading.

"Mr. Chen, I'd like to ask about the benefits of your company?"

At this time, Zhang Xin asked Chen Yu.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this. Because the company is newly established, the welfare treatment of the company is not particularly good temporarily. Our basic salary is 700 yuan at present, including food and housing, of course not including bonus. However, in order to give greater protection to our employees, we also bought five insurances and one fund with our employees recently."

"Five insurances and one fund?"

After five insurances and one gold were said, Zhang Xin was surprised.

Not only Zhang Xin, but also the teachers who came here and director Li looked unbelievable.

The five insurances in the five insurances and one fund refer to endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance.

A fund refers to the provident fund.

Five insurances and one fund were launched in 1998.

However, although it was launched in 1998, it has only been implemented in developed coastal areas throughout the country.

Like Xinfeng, a small county, not to mention their teachers, even civil servants have only three insurances.

There is no provident fund like the most important one.

Unexpectedly, they didn't have five insurances and one fund, but this small company implemented it.

"Mr. Chen, did you really buy five insurances and one fund for your employees?"

Ordinary people don't know the benefits of five insurances and one fund. They who work in the unit can't know.

It can be said that with five insurances and one fund, even if you don't get much salary a month, your life can be very moist.

As for the reason, what else, because there are many you can do without spending money.

For example, if you buy medical insurance, the company will pay for it every year, and the reimbursement ratio is also very high.

Another example is maternity insurance, which can reduce some basic expenses for having children.

In particular, the use of provident fund to buy a house not only has a very low interest rate, but more importantly, hundreds of provident fund are sent to the account every month. In this way, if you buy a house, you can offset most of the loan interest with the money in the provident fund account.

This is why most people with units in later generations can basically buy one or more commercial houses, even if their salary is not high.

In contrast, those without provident fund will undoubtedly have a lot of pressure to buy a house.

"Of course."

Chen Yu nodded: "manager Zhang, you go to the office and get the receipt of five insurances and one fund."

Soon, Zhang Jianming handed over the materials of five insurances and one fund run by the company.

Everyone is a person who works in the unit. It's true or false at a glance.

With a sweep of your eyes, all teachers are envious.

It would be nice if their unit also had this benefit.


"I didn't expect President Chen to be so considerate for his employees."

"Seriously, I want to work here for your five insurances and one fund."

Teacher Cao said with a smile.

Although it's a joke, it's not necessarily true.

Mr. Cao recently considered getting married and buying a house.

Can buy a house without saying so much down payment, just a lot of interest.

If there is a provident fund, the interest can be saved by half, and there is no problem buying a house.

Unfortunately, they have no provident fund.

"Mr. Cao is joking. We don't have any technical content at all. It's too wronged to come here."

Of course, Chen Yu is joking.

How could he invite these teachers to work.

Besides, even if they are really invited, they may not come.

After all, although Huatian technical secondary school is a technical secondary school, it is also similar to public institutions, and it is still National.

Huanyu technology founded by Chen Yu is private no matter how good the welfare is.

It seems that the welfare is good now. If the management is poor, it is unknown whether it will go bankrupt in the future.

With an iron rice bowl, who is willing to do this unstable job.

"President Chen is really too modest."

Everyone nodded secretly.

It's really worth visiting here today.

First, seeing that the students in their own school have such good welfare benefits here, they are also relieved to be teachers.

Second, I saw a great young genius who opened a company at such a young age. It really has a bright future.

"Mr. Chen, I really benefited from coming to you today. We won't disturb your work. I'll go back now."

After a tour, director Li took the lead in preparing to go back.

"Thank you director Li, thank you teachers, and thank your school for training such good employees for us."

"Hahaha, President Chen, you are so polite."

All the people were in a bright mood and sighed that Chen Yu could speak.

"By the way, President Chen, if you need any help in the future, you can call me at any time."

Then director Li handed Chen Yu a business card: "although I'm just a teacher, I know a lot of people in the county. You'll have some trouble running a company. Don't be polite if you have anything."

Director Li is also a wonderful person. Chen Yu took the business card, but he thought of the tax affairs he had always wanted to deal with before.

However, Chen Yu didn't say so many people. He was going to call another day to ask about the situation.

The next day, Chen Yu gave director Li a call.

"Hello, are you?"

"Director Li, this is Chen Yu."

"Chen Yu... Oh, President Chen of Huanyu technology."

"Director Li was polite again and said to call me Chen Yu."

"How can I? Mr. Chen, there are more than a dozen students working in your school. Speaking of it, I have to thank you. By the way, do you want anyone there?"

Chen Yu has no plans to recruit people recently. However, since director Li said so, you can recruit a few more.

Anyway, the business expansion in the back also needs to recruit people. It's better to give director Li a favor.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu said, "maybe five or six more will be recruited recently."

"You see, the people here in our school can not."

"This must be OK."

"Great. I'll call some students to your place for an interview another day. Don't worry. If it's not good, you can call back."

"Director Li, you're welcome. There's no talent you recommend. It must be OK."

Chen Yu said polite words.

For the time being, the employees he wants to recruit don't need special education. It's OK to train them in technical secondary school.

"By the way, director Li, I have something to trouble you."

I gave director Li a favor here. Chen Yu said it was natural to ask director Li for help here.

"You say."

"Well, you know, some of us who start companies often deal with taxation. Director Li, do you know some people in taxation?"

"Ha ha, you're asking the right person. One of my classmates works at the tax office. I'll show you another day."

"Great, thank you, director Li."

"You're welcome. It's a matter of hand."

Chen Yu hung up the phone with satisfaction.