Other people saw Lin Yuezhi's reaction, and at the same time, they looked over. When they saw this record, they were deeply shocked.

Lin Yue as like as two peas continued to look at it, and soon they saw that the same thing happened on the day of Lin Zheng Dong's crash. It was exactly the same as what happened in reality.

Sure enough, what happened to the Lin family had something to do with the king!

Xiao Yujian thought of something. After Lin Yuezhi and he looked at each other, he immediately understood what his good brother was thinking. Xiao Yujian's father had a record on the day of the car accident!

Sun Fei moved to one side and saw what she was going to do. Yesen gently held her hand in a gentle voice: "don't look, it's all over."

Yesen has expected that there must be a record on the day of his accident. He can't bear to let Sun Fei recall that day again. If he can, he hopes Sun Fei can forget it and never think about it.

Sun Fei's eyes were red and his head was buried on his shoulder.

Qin Fanfan bit his teeth and found the day for Sun Fei. As expected!

But it's strange that the calendar of the day when Lin Yuezhi's yacht exploded three years ago was clean and there was no record.

If Qian Yu didn't rush to fight with Lin Yuezhi that day, he would be spared. But in reality, he not only killed himself, but also took Qi Zhujun with him, and almost let them go to see Yan Wangye.

Fortunately, Yama only had one leg.

He patted Qi Zhujun on the shoulder and gave an optimistic smile.

Although he is disabled, he is still very optimistic.

Qi Zhujun's eyes flashed with water. Since the explosion, she has also been living in gratitude every day. No matter whether Qian Yu can still stand up, she has recognized him all her life.

According to Carola, who has been sent to the police, she arranged the yacht and the assassination, but Du Siyan didn't know. This is very consistent with the record.

Lin Zi, who committed the murder, told the police exactly the same story as Carola's. the calendar further confirmed their previous conjecture that Carola planned to get rid of Lin Che out of jealousy. She said that she had accidentally found many photos of Lin Che in Du Siyan's residence, but this was because Du Siyan had cleaned up the residence in advance, So it doesn't prove.

Maybe the truth is not the case, just the excuse for Carola to commit crimes against herself. All this has become a mystery forever with the death of Du Siyan.

Maybe Du Siyan is really the "King", everything is just their worry.

Just in the silence, a quick knock on the door sounded, accompanied by Tang very sweet voice came in: "I am Tang very sweet, can I come in?"

Tang is very sweet. He doesn't come in directly, but asks outside.

Xiao Yujian got up and opened the door for her. Before Xiao Yujian could speak, she said excitedly, "is Mr. Lin here? His father, Lin Zhengdong, just woke up! "

Tang is very sweet and wants to say something, but Lin Yuezhi has suddenly stood up. Regardless of his injured leg, he limps out of the ward impatiently.

"When?" Lin Che asked Tang very sweet.

After so many misfortunes, this is the best news they have heard these days.

"Just now!" Don said very sweetly.


Lin Che is also excited. She thanks Tang very sweetly and then follows him.

Others came to the ICU one after another.

Through the narrow glass on the ICU door, they saw he Qun and two other doctors standing in front of Lin Zhengdong's bed. Because they couldn't see Lin Zhengdong, they were nervous, for fear that all this would be empty joy.

At this time, he Qun suddenly looked up at them, his expression was unprecedented relaxed, nodded to the people outside the door.

Lin Zhengdong really woke up.

Several people outside the door patted Lin Yuezhi on the shoulder excitedly. They felt happy for Lin Yuezhi from the bottom of their hearts.

But the joy didn't last long.

After the examination, it was found that Lin Zhengdong's memory was very disordered. It might be that his brain had been impacted, or it might be the side effect of long-term use of high-dose neurotoxin. He Qun immediately contacted Shen Shaojun and asked her to come for consultation.

Shen Shaojun came very quickly, but a series of examinations did not find any signs of physical injury to Lin Zhengdong's brain. Combined with what Lin Yuezhi saw underground, Lin Zhengdong's situation is very similar to Yesen's, but more complicated than Yesen's. from the current situation, neurotoxin not only affected his will, but also severely damaged his memory, Lin Zhengdong could hardly remember anything about the Lin family. When he mentioned Lin Yue, his eyes were strange.

In the evening, Lin Yuezhi was allowed to visit Lin Zhengdong.

Although Lin Zhengdong has woken up, but because he was shot several times, the injury is still not optimistic. Lying on the hospital bed, he is still wearing an oxygen mask and watching Lin Yue step by step into the hospital.

The funeral more than ten years ago appeared in front of Lin Yuezhi's eyes. That day, he clearly realized a cruel thing. He was a child without father and mother from then on.

After his mother died in a car accident, his father was like a different person. He was warm and cold to him. Several times, he was awakened by nightmares and ran to find his father. But without a word of comfort or even a smile, his father threw him back into the room and left him shivering in bed until dawn.

Gradually, the relationship between father and son is becoming more and more estranged. The memory of happiness is like a broken mirror. Little Lin Yuezhi clearly realizes that with his mother's death, home is no longer the original home.

Even if they can meet, father and son are speechless. The atmosphere at the dinner table is always cold. Even if father and son meet only once a week, father will not look at him one more time. The father who loves him becomes strange and cold, and even doesn't bother to give him a look.

Such a situation until Xue Xue's appearance.

After his mother's death, Xue Xue, as his father's secretary, began to be able to go in and out of his home freely. Something invisible was deteriorating. Several times, he found that his father and Xue Xue looked softer when they were alone than when they were with him. Because of this, they had several quarrels. In the quarrels, the father and son's feelings became weaker.

When he hated his father, it turned out that his father had been investigating his mother's death, never giving up year after year, day after day. It must be the first time he saw the scene monitoring that his father knew that his mother had died because of him, so he would alienate him later.

Two injured people together, will only deepen the wound fester speed, so Lin Zhengdong can only use this way to heal himself.

But Lin Yuezhi, who had no idea, complained about him all the time!

Every step closer to Lin Zhengdong, the heat in Lin Yuezhi's eyes rose by one degree. Holding Lin Che's hand, he unconsciously increased his strength, because he tried to restrain this strong emotion, and his muscles were stiff.

Lin Che is afraid that he can't make it.

But Lin Yuezhi still dragged an injured leg to Lin Zhengdong's hospital bed, and found that Lin Zhengdong was staring at him for a moment.