The person Lin Yuezhi went out to see must be him!

But they don't know where they meet!

Lin Che's brain is in a mess. Now she must calm down and think about it again. There must be something missing!

She will find a clue!

You can do it!

She can't let Lin Yuezhi face the devil alone!

Think about it!

Think about it!

But the more anxious, the more confused, the more confused, the more unable to think of anything!

At this time, Yesen hung up: "Phil can't get in touch."

Lin Che was surprised and called Qian Yu. The same is true.

Several people you look at me and I look at you, and the same ominous premonition emerges in their hearts.

Hurry back to the villa, fortunately, Sun Fei and Qian Yu are all OK, for fear of being seen Ni Duan, they still stay in their own home, did not meet.

Sun Fei doesn't even know how she can't get through with her mobile phone. She tries it. It seems that she can talk normally again when there's no problem. So does Qian Yu's mobile phone.

If only one of Sun Fei or Qian Yu has a problem, it may be just a coincidence, but both of them can't get through at the same time, which makes everyone feel that things are not good.

The signal is deliberately jammed!

The idea came to mind at the same time.

Because they couldn't get in touch with Sun Fei and Qian Yu, they naturally thought that something had happened at home, so they rushed here in a hurry for fear of being a second late.

But the consequences are very serious.

Their goal is too big, I'm afraid it has been exposed now!

"Damn it

Lin Che's face is full of chagrin. After controlling Shan Junming and the people in the basement, she should have thought that with each other's suspicious and cautious character, he will never let them go easily. He must have a hand!

But at that time, they were too anxious to think that it was a trap!

Du Siyan's villa as like as two peas were left behind. All the traces were erased. The cleaning method was exactly the same as the one Zhuo Qiming had lived in. The carpet, curtains and other textiles were taken away, not to mention hair or dandruff, and even clean dust.

Du Siyan is Qian Deyuan, Qian Deyuan is the king!

In fact, Du Siyan is only 40 years old, which can explain why he looks so young.

It's not a coincidence that she appeared at ansey's birthday party. That's the first time linche saw him. I'm afraid she appeared in front of her many years later to test whether she is easy to be manipulated.

After discovering that she was not the kind of person who could be easily controlled, he changed his strategy and penetrated her life a little bit.

Once I met him here, he looked very uncomfortable, but at that time he just said that he had too little rest, but the truth was that his heart had a rejection reaction!

And chocolate, she should have thought of, but she didn't think of it until the end.

If they can connect all these together earlier, maybe they can control him earlier, and Lin Yuezhi can recover his identity earlier.

Lin Yuezhi is sure of what he has achieved with the other party!

Lin Che is almost certain of that.

Where the hell did he go?!

At this time, Sun Fei, who hung up the phone, said with a heavy face: "Xiao Chen finally said that today, Yue Zhi went to meet him."

Hearing these words, Lin Che's nails sank into the flesh of his palm.

Sure enough!

In the end, Lin Yuezhi chose a person to face that person!

"Doesn't even Interpol know where he is now?" She asked with the last glimmer of hope.

Sun Feining shook his head: "the locator signal on Yue Zhi disappeared five hours ago. Now they are trying to find Yue Zhi's position."

Xiao Chen from lion city is an international criminal police officer. He once worked with Ye Sen overseas. Lin Yuezhi's safety has always been his responsibility, but now even he doesn't know Lin Yuezhi's whereabouts.

"In order to catch the king, they deliberately let Lin Yuezhi take risks!" Lin Che pounded the wall hard: "they only care if they can catch the" King ", it's not the death of Lin Yue Zhi at all!"

Knowing that Lin Yuezhi was in danger, he asked him to take a risk by himself. This is to die!

Their plan has been seen through, perhaps Lin Yuezhi's identity has also been exposed!

Think of here of Lin Che whole body ice cold, don't dare to think down.

"Here comes the information about Du Siyan." Several pieces of paper spit out from the fax machine were picked up by Sun Fei. After reading the contents, she was very upset.

Sure enough, Du Siyan's identity is also false, which is exactly the same as that of a tutor 20 years ago.

The real Du Siyan and the Du Siyan they knew were two people!

When the materials were circulated, several people seemed to be numb to these things. When they saw the expected things, they were not surprised.

From their limited understanding of the "King", they know that he has two identities. Maybe in the past 20 years, he has used countless identities to approach them, but they don't know it.

Several people all happened to look at Lin Che, she is one of them hit the biggest, but in the face of such a fact, she did not collapse, strong heartache.

"I can definitely find Lin Yuezhi." Lin Che murmured to himself.

She forced herself to think, if she was Qian Deyuan, what would she do?

"Hospital! Hospital She suddenly yelled: "the hospital where Lin Yuezhi's mother used to work!"

Qian Deyuan has lived there for more than ten years, and spent nearly ten years with Lin Yuezhi's mother day and night. There are his best memories. He spent the happiest time of his life there. If it was Lin Che, she would choose to go there!

Meanwhile, Lin Yuezhi, sitting in the car, felt the car stop.

As Durant said, he went to a coffee shop, where he received the next instruction. He turned off his cell phone and threw it away. Then he went to the back door of the coffee shop. There was a black cloth hanging on the door handle. He covered his eyes with black cloth and waited there.

Lin Yuezhi did so. Not long after the black cloth was covered, someone put on a hood for him, and then he was taken into the car. The car drove for several hours before it stopped. He estimated the next time, at least five hours.

The place where he gets on the bus is in the urban area. If they go straight to the destination, the place where he is now must not be the city he is familiar with, but it is also possible that the other party has been taking him around the circle to confuse the public.

The sudden light made it difficult for his eyes to adapt. He covered his eyes with his arm for a whole minute before he could see the scene clearly.

In terms of furnishings, it should be an operating room.

"Isn't it strange why I brought you here?"

The voice suddenly appeared, without any omen. Lin Yue suddenly turned back and saw a man appeared at the door. Because of the light, the man's upper body was shrouded in the shadow.

After a pause at the door, the man walked towards Lin Yue.

He didn't mind that Lin Yue Zhi saw himself and showed himself in front of him.