When Xiao Yujian and his party got on the bus, the man turned around and stood at the door looking inside.

Xiao Yujian accidentally glanced in the rearview mirror, saw the man's side face, eyebrows slightly moved.

It looks familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it.

He has a good memory all the time. If he has seen it recently, he will never forget it.

Suddenly, he thought of something: "stop and go back!"

Xiao Yujian suddenly said in an urgent voice. His face was heavy and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Tang is very sweet on one side, but before he can ask, Fang Yijun has turned around.

The man who looked around saw the car coming back the same way. He wrapped up his windbreaker and left quickly, but he still didn't run the car.

The emergency brake rings and the car stops in front of the man.

"You wait for me in the car." Xiao Yujian is very sweet to Tang. He gets off the bus after explaining to Tang.

When the man saw Xiao Yujian, he lowered his head, pulled his clothes in one hand and pressed his hat brim in the other, hoping to block the whole face.

But no matter how to block, the lower half of the man's face is still exposed in Xiao Yujian's sight, a black just in sharp contrast with his skin color, white is a bit too much, the lips are also gorgeous color, in the upper right corner of the mouth, impressively dotted with a small mole.

It is this mole that reminds Xiao Yujian of something.

He walked towards the man step by step. The man was like a prey chased by a hunter and could only keep retreating.

Because the man's face is covered most of the time, we can't see the man's real age clearly, but when he tightens his mouth because of tension, several wrinkles reveal his age.

At this time, except for can, everyone else came down. I don't know why Xiao Yujian suddenly did it.

"Zhuo Qiming." Xiao Yujian said three words slowly.

Hearing the name, Fang Yijun was surprised, but Tang very sweet and Xiao Yujian were still at a loss. They didn't know what was going on.

"You are Zhuo Qiming!" Fang Yijun stepped forward and took off the man's hat.

The man's face suddenly appeared in the public line of sight.

Although that face has some wrinkles, it is still amazing. The delicate facial features and white skin make people have the illusion that it is difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Without the hat, the man panicked and quickly picked up the hat to put on, as if only in this way can he have a sense of security: "I'm not! I'm not Zhuo Qiming! You are mistaken! "

Panic, the man wanted to go, but Xiao Yujian directly stopped.

Xiao Yujian took off the man's hat, looked at the man's face carefully, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Zhuo, long time no see."

"I..." the man wanted to deny, but then Xiao Yuqing suddenly remembered something and was surprised: "I remember! You used to be my dad's secretary, right? "

When Xiao Chenyu died, Xiao Yuqing was only five years old. He didn't remember some things very clearly, but he clearly remembered that when his father was alive, there would always be a beautiful uncle who came to the house to find his father, and that man was his father's secretary. At that time, he called him uncle Zhuo!

At that time, Xiao Yuqing felt that Zhuo Qiming was the most beautiful person in the world, more beautiful and gentle than his mother. When his mother was busy, it was Zhuo Qiming who gave him the care and love he wanted.

At that time, Zhuo Qiming was free to go in and out of Xiao's house. He liked Zhuo Qiming very much. Every time Zhuo Qiming came, he was very happy. But after his father's car accident, he never saw Zhuo Qiming again. Twenty years later, he had already forgotten this person, but he didn't expect that this person would suddenly appear here!

If Xiao Yujian hadn't recognized it, Xiao Yuqing, a heartless man, couldn't have remembered it.

Zhuo Qiming didn't deny it. He just lowered his head.

Xiao Yujian asked in an emotionless voice, "where have you been for so many years?"

"I've... Gone abroad." Zhuo Qiming's voice was a little unsteady: "Yujian, no, Mr. Xiao, I have something else to do. I'll go first..."

Zhuo Qiming is so looked at by Xiao Yujian. Xiao Yujian's eyes seem to see him through. He can't wait to disappear from Xiao Yujian's sight.

"You finally have a man?" Xiao Yujian's words were like a heavy bomb. Everyone was shocked, except Zhuo Qiming.

He looked up at Xiao Yujian in amazement, and his eyes were full of shock.

Xiao Yujian sneered: "what's your feeling for my father? Do you think I don't know?"

"How do you know..." Zhuo Qiming's face was hard to see.

"Unfortunately, the day you threw yourself in my father's arms, I just came back to get something. I heard everything you said to my father."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Zhuo Qiming wants to deny it, but when he is full of sarcastic eyes to Xiao Yujian, all the excuses are stuck in the depth of his throat, and he can't say a word.

His face turned from white to black and purple.

He is very beautiful. All people who have met him will say that. His beauty once became an obstacle for him to apply for a job. For fear that he would affect female employees, many companies refused him. It is taboo to be jealous in the office, but no one knows. In fact, he doesn't like women. As a man, he likes the same man as himself!

But he never revealed the secret to anyone except one.

Xiao Chenyu.

At that time, he was admitted by Xiao's group, and was promoted to Xiao Chenyu's personal secretary by virtue of his excellent performance. He would do his best to do what Xiao Chenyu told him. What Xiao Chenyu didn't say, he would do his best, not only perfectly competent in public affairs, but also gradually came into contact with Xiao's private life.

This made him have an indiscreet idea of Xiao Chenyu. Xiao Chenyu, who thought his marriage life was not satisfactory, also had feelings for him.

So that day, he summoned up the courage to express his feelings to Xiao Chenyu. He knew that such feelings were disgusting, but he thought he was special to Xiao Chenyu, but the result was ironic. Xiao Chenyu didn't accept his feelings, and even transferred him away in order not to affect his work!

He begged Xiao Chenyu, it doesn't matter if he doesn't accept his feelings, just let him stay by his side, don't let him go to other places, but it's still useless!

Xiao Chenyu personally called the personnel department in front of him to explain the transfer!

Thinking of this, Zhuo Qiming is extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Xiao Yujian's sharp eyes swept people from head to foot, and his whole body was covered with famous brands. It seems that he has had a good life in recent years.

Although white skin has wrinkles, no longer as tight as when young, but better than women of the same age, I don't know how much.

It can be seen that he does not have less maintenance.

Since Tang Gutian told Xiao Yujian that his father might be involved in the child labor case 20 years ago, he immediately asked people to investigate Zhuo Qiming. The money was transferred from his account to Tang Gutian's father, so he must know the inside story.

But Zhuo Qiming disappeared after his father's car accident. After the investigation, Xiao Yujian was surprised to find out where this man went, what kind of life he lived and how he is now!

As if this person suddenly disappeared from the world in general, twenty years did not leave any traces!