A few steps away, Tang Tian clearly saw Xiao Yujian's smile a little stiff.

Just as she was surprised, Xiao Yujian suddenly turned around 180 degrees and walked quickly towards her car.

He pulled the door open, sat in, and slammed it up.

The windows were almost broken.

However, Xiao Yujian didn't care at all. After the car turned around in the same place, the tail lamp drew a red arc in the night and quickly disappeared in Tang's sweet field of vision.

No more than one minute before and after.

Don is very sweet.

It took two seconds to react. I ran to the road and stopped a taxi.

After getting on the bus, she said to the driver in a hurry: "master, come on! Hurry up and see if you can catch up with a white Aston Martin

"Aston Martin, little girl, I can't catch up with this car." Master some embarrassment, then stepped on the accelerator: "but you can try."

Tang is very sweet. He has no time to chat with the driver and keeps looking out.

Keep praying in your heart, hoping to catch up.

Xiao Yujian's appearance just now was too strange. She had an ominous premonition that something would happen tonight.

Don't let anything happen!

Tang is very sweet pinch a cold sweat, suddenly saw the familiar car.

Xiao Yujian's car stopped at the crossroads.

And wait patiently for the traffic lights. That's great.

Don is very sweet just think so, but did not have time to relax, white Aston Martin suddenly accelerated, directly ran the red light and left!

I can't wait for a few seconds. What happened?

Is it Monica?

But this is not the way to the hotel

Fortunately, Tang very sweet to the intersection when the green light, the taxi barely catch up with Xiao Yujian, and then how can not get close, has been far behind.

White Aston Martin is like a dragon, surpassing one car after another, and almost bumping into the car in front of him several times. Don is very sweet and scared.

After getting on the outer ring road, Xiao Yujian drove faster. He didn't pay attention to the cars beside him. He passed all the way forward. It was like a place without people!

Even if the taxi drivers try their best to catch up, they will only be left far away.

The driver said that he had tried his best. If he stepped on the accelerator again, he could only go so fast.

Tang very sweet can only call Xiao Yujian, think Xiao Yujian will not answer, but did not expect Xiao Yujian even the first time connected!

She tried to control her uneasy mood and asked, "Xiao Yujian, how did you go? Won't you go back with me today? "

Xiao Yujian apologized: "I'm sorry, it's very sweet. I suddenly remember that there's something urgent. Take a taxi and go back. Pay attention to safety on the way. When you get home, give me a call, OK?"

"But I want to go back with you. Where are you now? I can wait for you. "

Xiao Yujian is silent when he hears the speech.

The short silence, however, seems to have become a century, long and terrible.

This time let Tang very sweet disappointed, Xiao Yujian did not agree.

"Xiao Yujian, what happened? You tell me, shall we work it out together? "

She knew that something big had happened to him, otherwise Xiao Yujian would never have been like this.

It's too dangerous for him to drive like that in case

Don is too sweet to think about it.

"Xiao Yujian..."

"It's very sweet. Don't worry too much. It's just something happened in the company. I need to deal with it now. Don't worry. I'll go back as soon as I've dealt with it."


The company is in the opposite direction!

Don is sweet and more upset.

Just then, a familiar touch of white appeared in her field of vision.

Xiao Yujian slowed down because he wanted to call her, so he was overtaken by them!

But Tang was not happy at all. Xiao Yujian hung up and the car began to speed up again.

White Aston Martin suddenly changed two lanes to the ramp.

The taxi ran after it, but it had to stop when it ran into a red light on the next ramp.

And Aston Martin seems to have entered a no man's land, no matter the red light or green light, straight through!

Fortunately, after crossing the road, there was no fork in the road for a long time until we came to a T-junction.

There's no road ahead. We have to turn left and right.

In the dim light, a white Aston Martin stopped on the right side of the road.

"Stop the car, master!" Tang is very sweet, as if to see the hope, paid the fare, can't wait for the driver to change, quickly ran to the car.

However, let Tang very sweet disappointed, Xiao Yujian is no longer in the car.

There was a two lane road ahead. It was just after nine o'clock, but there was not a pedestrian or even a car on the road.

At this time, Tang was very sweet and found that there was a terrible silence around him. There was almost no third sound except the rustle of leaves and the sound of insects!

And the street lamp that is covered by the tree crown appears extremely dim, which adds a gloomy and terrible sense of strangeness.

And then it doesn't scare don into being sweet.

She took a few steps forward and found that inside the high wall was the cemetery.

That explains why it's not too late and there's no one on the way.

Normal people will never come here so late. Why did Xiao Yujian come here?

It must have something to do with that phone call.

Tang took a deep breath and walked into the cemetery through the unlocked side door.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yujian has stood in front of his father's tomb.

The dim light reflected two figures.

"Hou Yan, I'm here."

Xiao Yujian stands still and casts his fierce eyes on the man sitting on the ground.

The man was wearing a gray jacket and lowered his head. Hearing Xiao Yujian's voice, he suddenly raised his head.

I'll wait.

Xiao Yujian, one of his many friends, was reported for powder smoking, fined and detained for 10 days. In fact, he paid bail and stayed in the Bureau for less than 24 hours.

However, it did not take long to be reported again.

This time, the police directly raided a house in his name.

I didn't expect that Hou Yan was not only sucking powder inside, but also several people.

In order to wipe Hou Yan's ass, the Hou family was in a mess. The stock price of the Hou family's company fell sharply because of him, which almost made the Hou family angry.

Hou Yan's father once asked Xiao Yujian for help, but Xiao Yujian didn't agree.

All the reports received by the police are so detailed, because this call was made by Xiao Yujian himself!

At that time, Lu Jincai, who was wanted, kidnapped Tang Gutian. Xiao Yujian felt that things were not as simple as they seemed. After a thorough investigation, he found Hou Yan's head.

The car Lu Jin just drove was provided by Hou Yan.

Hou Yan always thought that the report call of the club was also made by him, so he held a grudge and waited for revenge.

He can't deal with Xiao Yujian, but he can help Lu Jincai. The enemy of the enemy is his friend. Lu Jincai hates Xiao Yujian so much that he will never make Xiao Yujian feel better.

However, Lu Jincai did not have a good way to deal with Xiao Yujian directly, so he put his mind on Tang.

Kidnap Tang very sweet, touch Xiao Yujian most care about a piece of scale, so he personally cleaned up Hou Yan.

Hou Yan, who is not easy to get bail, unexpectedly comes to Xiao Yujian again!

In such an extreme way.

However, he was afraid of Xiao Yujian at all. He said with a smile, "here you are, Xiao Shao."