Tang very sweet diagnosis and Luo Weiwei the same: "the mother, you don't have to worry too much, the child's examination is very normal, from CT, your child is really just ordinary constipation."

"But he said it was uncomfortable."

"The child should have just been fed, right? The enema itself will be a little uncomfortable. The discomfort varies from person to person. Some people will not feel it soon, but some people's discomfort may last for 1 to 2 days, or even longer. Of course, the probability is very small. Now the enema for children is less than half an hour, so I suggest observing it for a few more hours. "

"Is there really no problem?"

"This mother, from the examination report, your child is really healthy."

Women's eyebrows less worry, but still can not be completely assured.

Don is very sweet to return the report to the woman.

"This mother, you must be scared when your child has abdominal pain?"

The woman opened her mouth and finally nodded her head.

Tang very sweet poured a glass of water with a disposable cup, and then handed it to her: "this kind of situation often happens in children of this age. Mom, you really don't have to worry too much, because constipation and abdominal pain are especially common in children who come to the emergency department of the hospital. By the way, I once met a mother with two children. Her first child's situation is the same as yours, When the child had constipation and abdominal pain for the first time, the mother was more frightened than you. She took the child to the hospital in the middle of the night. But when the second child also had this situation, she was not only calm, but also talked about the treatment plan with us. "

"That mother... Is amazing."

"Experienced mothers will be scared for the first time. It's natural for them to be scared when they see their children's pain. So please don't blame yourself too much. I promise you, the children will recover soon."

Tang's relief was like a shot in the arm. The woman was relieved and drank two mouthfuls of Tang's water.

Don was very sweet and said, "the child should be asleep, right? You can also go to the chair in the corridor for a rest, or go to the coffee shop inside the hospital for a cup of coffee. "

"Well... Thank you, doctor. I'm relieved to hear that."

"This is what I should do. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. If I'm not here, other doctors in our emergency room will patiently answer for you."

The woman nodded gratefully: "I won't disturb you, Dr. Tang. I'll go out first."

During the conversation, the door was open, and neither of them noticed a person standing at the door.

The woman walked out of the doctor's office and found, "Ma'am, can he..."

"Needless to say, I heard what you said just now."

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't take care of can."

"As his mother, I don't even know that he is ill. You are the one who is most sorry to him."

"Ma'am, please don't say that. You are so devoted to can. What you are doing is for his future plan."

"Any plan... I'm doing it for myself."

Talking with a woman is a tall, cold and gorgeous woman. Her beauty is very loud and arrogant. She is the kind that can give people the beauty to suffocate at the first sight, but it also exudes the strong atmosphere of not entering strangers, which is unforgettable.

Because I just came from the video studio, and I was wearing the same clothes as I was shooting.

People who don't know it can't imagine that she is over 50 years old. Compared with the poster 30 years ago, years have not left any trace on her face, just make her more powerful.

She is the first Oriental woman to appear in vogue magazine, Monika Guan.

The person who asked Tang very sweet just now is her assistant.

She took a complex look into the doctor's lounge.

She didn't have much time to see her son get married.

Monica takes her eyes back and goes to the emergency room.

On the way, I got a call from my current husband. No, to be more precise, my husband in separation.

"What's the matter?" She went to the nearest bathroom and got on the phone in a cold voice.

"What's the matter with you, Monica? You said you could take care of can, so I gave can to you, but now you not only failed to take care of him, but also made him sick! If you can't take good care of him, give him back to me! " A very impolite question came from the mobile phone.

Monica sneered: "I can't take care of it. Can you take care of it? Where were you when can was locked up in the closet by the babysitter? "

"It was an accident. How did I know that woman would do this to can?"

"How do you know I can't take care of can?"

The man was angry and said, "now can is in hospital! That's the truth

"Haven't you been in hospital since you were a child? So your parents are guilty, too? "

Monica is not polite at all. Can is sick. She is heartbroken enough. Instead of comforting her, she blames her!

He should be thankful that she didn't settle with him!

Think of what can has experienced, her heartache seems to be dripping blood!

In the past few years of remarriage, she has devoted herself to her own career and established her own brand and company. She knows that her husband is not the material for business, so instead of forcing her husband to enter her own company as the deputy general manager.

When he came home from work or went to a party with friends for a drink, she was still burning the midnight oil in the office. After can was born, she gave her child to him without any doubt, and the truth made her heartache!

He bribed her secretary, who would tell him what she was doing every day. She left the company at 10 o'clock, and he came home at 9:30 first, pretending to be tired of taking care of her children at home. The child's abuse was not discovered until she came home suddenly, and the child's father was using the money she earned to drink and pick up girls in the bar!

She fired the nanny, sued the nanny, put the nanny in prison, and then she and her second husband began to separate.

Although he begged her, she didn't give him a chance.

She would not give her child to someone who had hurt him.

So knowing that it's hard for her child to follow her, she will take her child with her no matter where she goes in the past two years.

But this time the children had a series of accidents, and she began to reflect on her own practice.

But it doesn't mean that the man who only provided tadpoles can use it as an excuse to steal the children from her.

"We're talking about you now. Don't involve my parents!" The man was angry: "if you are so stubborn again, we can only see you in court! Then I'll use all my connections to get custody of can! "

"You dare!"

"If you don't want to lose your child, you can choose the second way. As long as you give me the company, you can do whatever you want. Do you want a child or a company? Think about it yourself and call me when you think about it."

The man finished and hung up.