"This gentleman, can you please..." the assistant of the photographer looked at Xiao Yujian. Suddenly, she lost her voice, and the second half of her sentence got stuck in her throat. She blinked and looked at Xiao Yujian in confusion.

Ah, why do you feel more familiar with it?

It's like someone, but it's impossible.

Xiao Yujian finally stood in front of the camera, the whole picture of the camera can only capture him alone.

"Everyone worked hard."

Although his voice is very hoarse, but still very good: "I prepared a little food for you, a little heart, I hope you will like it."

The people in the cafe pushed the cart in front of them. The cart has three layers, two of which are freshly ground coffee, and one of which is freshly made sandwich and pork chop bag. The aroma of coffee is mixed with the aroma of food, which makes people's stomachs ring one by one in the middle of the night.

"You're..." VOV looked away from behind the camera.

Xiao Yujian extended his hand to him generously: "I'm Tang's boyfriend. I heard that she's shooting a promotional film, so come here and have a look. Tang has no experience. Do you have a headache?"

It was true at the beginning that VOV was not satisfied with the photos and gags, and the things he wanted were far from what he wanted. Originally, he thought he would be busy for nothing today, but he didn't expect that the real on-site first aid was so breathtaking. However, Tang very sweet naturally showed hundreds of times better results than pretending. So he immediately turned on the camera, There's enough material to shoot tonight.

"Well, Dr. Tang is far worse than a professional actor." VOV, to be honest, is not afraid to offend people at all.

Xiao Yujian couldn't help laughing: "you are very direct."

"Don't you think so yourself?"

VOV voice did not fall, next to the assistant quietly pulled his clothes, VOV cough, explained: "Dr. Tang is the first time, poor performance, I can understand."

"She's a doctor, not an actress."

Xiao Yujian reminds VOV.

VOV was born as a director, but when he worked as an assistant to a famous director, he offended the director. Since then, he has been excluded by the director everywhere. Because of no investment, he has never made a film in recent years, so he can only switch to plane shooting. Maybe in order to reduce the production cost, the hospital has put more resources on media publicity and actor remuneration, So in the past three years, he has been responsible for all the promotional films.

Being a photographer and a director of a promotional film can really save a lot of money.

After learning that Tang very sweet is the image ambassador of this year's Hospital, Xiao Yujian has privately investigated VOV. As expected, he is not afraid to offend others, just like the information.

"Yes, yes! In fact, Dr. Tang's performance today is excellent! We used to take photos in the shed. We never knew that the real emergency scene was like this. Today, thanks to Dr. Tang, we have a new understanding of the profession of doctors. " The assistant said quickly.

Xiao Yujian was even more happy when he heard Tang's praise for being sweet: "I'm very happy to be recognized by Tang."

"Dr. Tang is a real doctor and deserves our respect. If only all doctors in the world could be like Dr. Tang, because there are doctors like Dr. Tang, the world will be full of hope." The assistant didn't mean to flatter. These words came from the heart and heart.

Xiao Yujian was very pleased, but the words changed, and asked: "do you still suspect that very sweet is after opening the door or pretending?"

The assistant was stunned and quickly denied: "of course not! As we have seen just now, Dr. Tang is a real doctor. How can he be a fake doctor! As for opening the back door, there is no such thing. We have seen Dr. Tang's resume, and we think it is very suitable for Dr. Tang to act as the image ambassador of the hospital. "

The assistant winked at VOV, and the inarticulate VOV coughed: "yes, I'm shocked by Dr. Tang's performance tonight."

Obviously praising Tang is sweet, but Xiao Yujian felt even happier than praising him and asked others to come and eat.

Each person has a cup of coffee and a sandwich, but when it's the turn of the two staff members who gossip about Tang's sweetness, Xiao Yujian suddenly said, "sorry, I didn't buy your share."

The two men were so embarrassed that they stretched out their hands in half and were so stiff in mid air.

There is still a lot of food in the car. Xiao Yujian just lies with his eyes open, completely ignoring the embarrassment of the two people.

Hum, who let these two people talk about his sweetness behind their backs? He won't buy them anything to eat!

The corners of their mouths twitched: "ha ha... Ha ha... We... We are not hungry..."

Looking for a step for themselves, they happily took back their hands. Seeing this, the people next to them all pursed their mouths and kept smiling. Only Xiao Yujian rubbed the little girl's hair on his hands with an air of complacency and asked softly, "are you hungry?"

The little girl's eyes staring at the cart had already been shining. Hearing Xiao Yujian's question, she nodded: "hungry."

"Which would you like to eat? I'll get it for you, brother Xiao Yujian is very shameless, and he has fallen a generation.

The little girl thought, it's hard to choose, Xiao Yujian simply give her pork chop bag and sandwich, the little guy get things, smile little tiger teeth are exposed: "thank you brother!"

"We have as much snow as we want."

Xiao Yujian's words made the two people who didn't get food feel painful.

It's better to talk behind one's back than to fight face to face. That's what Xiao Yujian wants. Hum.

Xiao Yujian in the heart of the proud Jiao to two people than a middle finger.

Just now I heard them say that Tang is very sweet. Xiao Yujian can stop it, but he can't suppress it for a long time with his identity. The best way to stop the two Baba's mouth is to refute it with practical actions. He has great confidence in Tang.

Sure enough, Tang was very sweet, and soon he took practical action to shut them up completely.

"It's very kind of you, brother." The little girl gave a smile, but she didn't eat it herself. Instead, she handed the sandwich to Tang: "doctor, sister, you can eat it too."

"Thank you. My sister is not hungry." Tang is very sweet, his face is not very good, and his voice sounds a little dull.

Xiao Yujian plays tricks, comes uninvited, and claims to be her boyfriend. Even if she has a hundred mouths, she can't explain clearly, so she is in a low mood.

"Xiao Yujian, come here."

Tang is very sweet, said to Xiao Yujian in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there." Xiao Yujian said, and asked the busy doctors and nurses to come to eat. Even if he wore a mask, his colleagues in the emergency room knew him. They still like to talk about the verbal battle between him and Li Wan.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao! You're welcome Luo Weiwei, who came over first, handed coffee and sandwiches to other colleagues. More than a dozen colleagues all had food, and there were a lot of them on the small push. Only the two people who gossiped behind their backs had nothing. They were very embarrassed.

After getting the food, several young nurses pushed and pushed each other. One of them was not careful and was pushed out.

The little nurse glared back at her companion and wanted to go back to the organization, but the organization drove her outside. The little nurse had no choice but to summon up the courage to look at Xiao Yujian: "Mr. Xiao, Hello, we are all your fans. Can you sign for us and..." the nurse twisted and pinched, and was even more embarrassed: "can we take another picture?"

Xiao Yujian thought about it and said with a smile, "I want to ask my girlfriend for advice on this."