Xiao Yujian has never said that please contact with me. Just like Xu Zhichao in those years, because she naturally walked together, she was spread to be a couple by the outside world. Now she misunderstood it.

She pulled back her hand and left Xiao Yujian a thin but straight figure.

She walked so fast that can could hardly keep up with her.

The driver is still waiting downstairs.

Seeing them coming down, he got out of the car and went to open the door, but Tang was very sweet and just took the little guy to the car.

"Sweet sister, what about you?" The little guy asked timidly.

Although he is stubborn, he does not dare to talk at the moment, for fear that Tang is very sweet and even more unhappy.

"I can take a taxi myself. You go with uncle, good boy."

The little guy wanted to say something else, but Tang didn't give him a chance to speak. He closed the door and told the driver, and the driver drove away.

After seeing the car leave, Tang's tears can no longer be held back. The tears fall down in clusters, which can't be stopped.

It's really over.

Tears blurred her vision, so intense and silent.

She couldn't see the road ahead.

After pulling Xiao Yujian out of her life, she didn't know what was left.

Pretending to be strong is just to leave her last face. Even if she loses, she will leave naturally.

But now, she can't pretend any more.

"Elder martial brother... Elder martial brother... Xiao Yujian and I broke up... We broke up..."

She dials the phone and cries for he Qun.

He Qun dropped the mouse, left the team-mates in the game and stood up abruptly: "it's very sweet, don't cry first, you say slowly, where are you? I'll come to you right now. "

"I don't know..."

"You open wechat, share the location with me, you just wait for me in place, don't go anywhere, you know?"

Tang is very sweet to cry to nod, according to he Qun said share the position with him.

He Qun arrived, saw squatting on the side of the road crying, breathless Tang is very sweet, the heart is hard to pull together.

"Don't cry. I'll take you home."

Hearing he Qun's voice, Tang Tiantian raised his head, tears still falling down, so turbulent and violent.

He Qun held her tightly in his arms.

Tang is very sweet Leng for a while, then wow a cry.

She repressed all burst out at this moment, she wailed in he Qun's arms, torn heart.

"Elder martial brother, Xiao Yujian and I broke up completely... We really broke up... We can't be together anymore... I finally said these two words... Elder martial brother... Elder martial brother... I said we broke up... Wuwu..."

He Qun's eyes turned red: "without him, you and me, I will always be your brother, eh?"

On the road in the middle of the night, he Qun sat there with Tang very sweet. She almost broke down crying. She leaned on he Qun's shoulder and sobbed. Although she closed her eyes, her tears could not stop.

She thinks Xiao Yujian must be celebrating with Huo Xuanxuan now, and Huo Xuanxuan thinks so too. She finally tries her best to let Tang Hantian quit on her own initiative. Xiao Yujian is also very disappointed with Tang Hantian, and most of her strategies have been successful.

She's almost in the bag.

She twisted her waist and hugged Xiao Yujian from behind. Her voice was full of bewitchment: "Xiao Shao, how many women do not know good or evil? It's good for her to give her three parts of face. She really takes herself seriously and dares to break up. It's ridiculous. Who does she think she is? Don't you dare to think of yourself as your girlfriend after playing for a few days? You are not afraid of being laughed at! Xiao Shao, in fact, you are already tired of her, aren't you? "

Huo Xuanxuan cleverly found a step for Xiao Yujian.

She thought Xiao Yujian would go down her steps, but Xiao Yujian didn't say a word.

He still stares at the direction of Tang very sweet disappearing, as if Tang very sweet is still in front of him.

I do not know when the palm has been tightly clenched into a fist, want to retain the residual temperature in the fingertips.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Huo Xuanxuan tried her best to tease him.

The soft and boneless hand kept swimming on him, but just as her hand was drilling into his clothes, Xiao Yujian finally had an action.

Huo Xuanxuan was so happy that she thought she had finally succeeded, but she was stunned the next second.

Her wrist was caught by Xiao Yujian, and her powerful fingers encircled her wrist. Because of too much force, the bones of her wrist were clucking.

"Ah Huo Xuanxuan finally couldn't help crying out, but Xiao Yujian didn't seem to feel anything. He shook off Huo Xuanxuan's hand and said, "go away."

Huo Xuanxuan was stunned for a second, and her face changed. But she soon regained her strength and tried to continue what she had just done. But before she met Xiao Yujian's clothes, Xiao Yujian had turned and walked into the rest room, and then the door was thrown by him.

With a bang of anger, Huo Xuanxuan came back to her senses. She was so surprised that she stamped her feet reluctantly. It was clear that the meat was in her mouth, so she was waiting for her to eat. But Xiao Yujian didn't give her a chance!

But now to annoy Xiao Yujian is to kill himself.

After that, Tang is very sweet. She will never allow herself to fall short here.

Although Huo Xuanxuan was not reconciled, she could only press it first.

Fortunately, her bag was outside the rest room. She called her assistant and soon he came to pick her up with his clothes.

Even if she was rejected by Xiao Yujian, the paparazzi outside didn't know.

She waited three hours in the babysitter's car to get it out of the garage.

Her late night affair with Xiao Yujian will soon spread on the Internet.

The mountains don't turn, the waters turn.

Anyway, she is the winner, hehe.

Black nanny car and the roadside Tang very sweet rub, but whether Huo Xuanxuan or Tang very sweet, two people are immersed in their own world, no one found each other.

After several hours, Don was sweet and finally stopped crying.

He Qun found the opportunity to help her up: "darling, let's go home now."

Tang very sweet has been a little dizzy, let he Qun help her into the car.

He Qun helped her fasten her seat belt and sighed: "it's sweet. What happened? Say it and I'll give you advice. "

This sentence let Tang very sweet finally stopped tears gushed out again, she opened her eyes, the line of sight has no focus, just like a doll without life, can only shed tears.

"It's sweet. You tell me that we are a family. No matter what happens, can I solve it with you?" He Qun helped her wipe her tears, but she couldn't dry them.

"It's no use..." Tang was very sweet, and shook his head numbly: "we're finished. I saw him and Huo Xuanxuan on the bed just now. They, they..."

Don's sweet voice is stuck in the deep of his throat, which is hard to say.

He Qun finally knows what made Tang very sweet.

He knew she was suffering, so he gave her a big hug.

"So I put forward to break up, I put forward... It's me..."

Her tears wet the clothes on he Qun's shoulders. He Qun looks out of the window. Not far away, Xiao's group building is soaring into the sky in the dark.

He wants to say it doesn't matter, the old don't go, the new don't come, there is no Xiao Yujian, Chen Yujian, Wang Yujian, but such comforting words can't be said at the moment.

If you can really do not care, Tang is very sweet, how can cry so sad?

This night is destined to be another sleepless night.