The weight of 75 kg was all concentrated on her arm, and the terrible weight almost tore the whole arm off her body.

But she won't let go, even if she dies!

"Xiao Yujian, come up to me! Aren't you a man? You come up to me now, if you dare to let go, you are not a man! I don't look down on you all my life! "

Xiao Yujian's eyes became extremely complex: "Tang is very sweet, you don't have to do this step."

"I like you, isn't that enough?"

Like him?!

Xiao Yujian looks at Tang in disbelief and is very sweet.

"Xiao Yujian, I haven't told you before. In fact, I've loved you for 20 years, so I won't let go of anything today. If you don't come up again, we'll be swept into the flood together!"

Tang ditian uses all her strength to pull Xiao Yujian towards the stone. Her arm is almost numb with pain. Maybe she will be pulled down the next second, but she doesn't care.

There was only one thought in her mind, and she would never let it go.

With the efforts of the two, Xiao Yujian finally got to the stone. He used the dog prone posture to lie on the stone. For the rest of his life, Tang very Tian hugged Xiao Yujian hard. He didn't know whether it was because of fear or excitement, and his body was shaking violently.

Xiao Yujian's body is still warm, he is beside her, where did not go.

Xiao Yujian gasps for breath, but his complex emotions have not disappeared yet. He froze for a moment and hugs Tang very hard.

Just when he thought Tang Tiantian would give up on him, she didn't, until she didn't hesitate.

At this moment, the haze over Xiao Yujian's heart disappeared.

Whether she approached him on purpose or lied to him on purpose, he admitted it.

They held each other for a long time, but neither of them could say a word.

I don't know how long later, the sound of propeller came from the air.

The helicopter circled over them from far to near, then put down a rope.

It's Xiao Yujian's plane.

Someone's coming to save them!

Xiao Yujian skillfully help two people buckle the rope: "not afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of you." Don shook his head firmly.

"What a good girl."

Xiao Yujian touched Tang's very sweet head, and then made a gesture to the helicopter. The helicopter recovered the rope. After passing death several times, they were finally safe!

It turns out that Xiao Yujian's helicopter didn't go far, but stopped in the nearest town. The flash flood broke out, and the news soon spread to the town, and the helicopter arrived at the first time.

"Wait a minute, the old man is still in the room."

The old man's leg is broken, and all the people in the village are trapped in the village. If she doesn't save him, the old man's life is likely to be in danger.

"I'll go down and you stay here." Xiao Yujian made a quick decision, did not give Tang very sweet the opportunity to refute, once again put on the rope.

"Xiao Yujian..." Tang very sweet hold him.

Xiao Yujian knew what she was thinking: "don't think, you stay here for me."

"Xiao Yujian, I'm a doctor."

Not only does the old man need her, but there are many injured people in the village. She can't just leave.

Everyone has a mission, and her battlefield is here.

All she did was worthy of her white coat and the oath she made when she became a medical student.

After several seconds of silence, Xiao Yujian sighed deeply: "Tang is very sweet. Don't forget that you are just an ordinary person. You can't save everyone."

"I know, so I have to work harder."

Tang very sweet persistent looking at Xiao Yujian, Xiao Yujian silence, sigh: "OK, I take you down."

Xiao Yujian helps her fasten the rope again, and soon they land on the platform on the second floor of the master's house.

Because there were no necessary tools and drugs, she could only give the old man a simple treatment: "the wound has been infected, so we can't drag it down any longer. We must send it to the hospital immediately."

Xiao Yujian nodded and let the helicopter go to the nearest hospital.

Because of the timely treatment, the old man's leg was saved, thanks to Tang very sweet, the first aid is proper, and send the doctor in time.

Unfortunately, in this flash flood, two villagers are missing and the rest have been moved to a safe place.

Fortunately, the medical team escaped because it was not in the village.

But Tang is not so lucky. She has a serious tendon injury in her right arm, and it takes at least a month to recover.

After knowing her condition, the hospital informed her to finish her work in the medical team.

After all this, it was dark. Xiao Yujian contacted the plane. The next day, they went back to magic capital. In the evening, they found a hotel in Chuncheng.

Of course, Xiao Yujian has only one room.

Tang is very sweet. He is already tired and has no strength not to talk with him. When he comes to the room, he wants to lie on the bed.

"Take a bath. The clothes are still wet."

But before she touched the bed, she was carried to the bathroom by Xiao Yujian.

"It's inhuman. I'm so tired." Don curled his lips discontentedly.

Xiao Yujian glanced up and down at her and said with a smile, "if you don't want to wash it, I'm willing to do it for you."

Tang is very sweet, listen to this, like being beaten chicken blood, quickly put Xiao Yujian out of the bathroom.

Xiao Yujian sighed regretfully. In fact, he wanted to help her take a bath.

So that he can do what he says to her.

Thinking, he left the room to the hotel lobby, went to the front desk: "where can I buy Ladies' pajamas here?"

The receptionist was crazy for a second and pointed out that there was a pajama shop opposite the hotel.

Pure cotton, silk, cartoon, sexy, sleeveless, long sleeve, sexy and lovely. The shelves are full of women's pajamas, so Xiao Yujian has no choice.

It turns out that there are so many styles of pajamas, not just suspenders and V-necks.

As a man, he naturally likes this style.

The clerk had noticed him for a long time and came over with a red face: "Sir, there are other colors in this pajama. If you don't like red, you can choose other colors."

Red mesh material, looming, absolutely can make a good man into a big hungry wolf.

And the women around him like to wear this, and even more exciting.

Xiao Yujian mends her mind for a while. Tang is very sweet. He just thinks that he can't hold on to this pajama. Ah, if she is really dressed like this, he has to turn into a wolf.

"What other colors?"

"Violet and water lake blue are also very popular. Would you like to have a look, sir?"

Said the clerk took out two sets of pajamas, these two colors are very selective skin, yellow skin appears more yellow, but white people appear more white.

Tang is very sweet. His skin is very white. Maybe it will shine white after wearing it.

The shop assistant saw that he didn't speak, thought he didn't like it, and introduced another style to him.

It's also a sexy route. A few belts can't hold anything at all. Just thinking about Tang's appearance, Xiao Yujian will have nosebleed!

He used to be able to be calm and comfortable even at Bikini parties. This has never happened.

He looks like an adolescent boy reading pornographic magazines behind his parents' back!

"Sir, does your girlfriend have any particular color and style? I can recommend it for you. "

The voice of the shop assistant pulled him back to reality. He quickly drove these messy things out of his head, cleared his throat and said to the shop assistant, "no, I want this set for my daughter."