Then she took Xiao Yujian away, not to give the girl a chance.

And the girl distance, Tang very sweet discontented to hum a, obviously still for just that address.

"Don is sweet. I'm uncle? Well

In terms of address, Xiao Yujian was also worried.

Uncle, or from this dead girl's mouth, don't mention how much heart.

"So you've always hated me?"

"Ah?" Tang Tianleng a wonderful reaction: "Hey, don't get me wrong, I just said that in order to let that girl die, and you can't see that you are already 30 years old, otherwise there won't be so many girls to chat up."

Xiao Yujian definitely looked at her for two seconds: "so you are concerned about my age?"

Tang is very sweet to collapse, her injured little heart has not healed, how he tangled up in his age?

Strictly speaking, she is the injured party, OK?

"Man thirty-one flowers, I'm praising you, Xiao Yujian."

Xiao Yujian was amused by her words. He released a hand and pinched her cheek: "little sister, thank you for your praise. In my eyes, you will always be 18 years old."

"It's about the same," he said Because of Xiao Yujian's words, Tang Tiantian's blood tank is filled with blood in an instant, and he walks away from the supermarket happily.

The supermarket is not far away, and he Qun's residence was soon returned.

She went to see he Qun first. The temperature had dropped a little, but it had not completely returned. She gently brought the door to the kitchen and found Xiao Yujian in it.

She used to take the bag and take out everything.

Shrimp meat is low in fat, high in protein and easy to digest. It's very suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. Tang Gutian is going to cook some shrimp porridge for he Qun. Shrimp should be shelled and chopped. This should have been her specialty, but she just picked up a shrimp and stabbed her finger with a hard shrimp shell.

"I'll do it."

Seeing this, Xiao Yujian walked over.

"You? Forget it. "

Do you know how to deal with shrimp meat?

I don't believe it when I kill her.

Xiao Yujian rolled up his sleeve: "never question whether a man is OK in front of him. Give me the shrimp. You can deal with something else."

As she said, she pushed Tang very sweet aside. As she expected, Xiao Yujian, who had never dealt with shrimp meat, had no way to start. He was in a dilemma. He took out his mobile phone to search, and soon found many ways to deal with lobster.

"These are all on paper, ready-made teachers are by your side." Don is sweet. Pat him on the shoulder.

"Don't say it. You just have to come and check the results later."

Bet on a man's dignity can not admit defeat here, Xiao Yujian and Tang Tiantian pushed away, said nothing to let her intervene.

"I'll deal with the vegetables first."

The kitchen is not big. When there is one more person, it immediately becomes very cramped. As soon as Tang Tiantian looks back, he can see Xiao Yujian. He remembers the method he found on the Internet and starts to do it. Unexpectedly, the shrimp suddenly jumps in the water. The splashing water makes several dark marks on Xiao Yujian's shirt.

She took off her apron and went to Xiao Yujian. Xiao Yujian was concentrating on dealing with the river shrimp. She found her hands groping around his waist. When she looked down, she found that she had a little flower apron on her body.

The apron is still pink. He Qun bought it when the supermarket was doing sales promotion. Although it doesn't match with men, it can save money. He bought it happily.

Xiao Yujian never dreamed that he would wear such an apron. It's better to let him run naked!


He refused.

"Then you'll wait for the lobster to wet you." Tang is very sweet, said with a smile.

Xiao Yujian looks at the shrimps in the pool and frowns deeply. Finally, he compromises and asks Tang very Tian to help him put on his apron.

Tang was very sweet. He stepped back and looked Xiao Yujian up and down. He couldn't help laughing.

Xiaoyujian suddenly face a black, back to give her a warning look.

There is nothing wrong with the broken flower apron, and so is Xiao Yujian. But Xiao Yujian, who wears the broken flower apron, is very disobedient. Even his staring eyes are not so lethal.

In order to hide her smile, Tang very sweet quickly lowered her head and pretended to deal with vegetables. After a while, she secretly took out her mobile phone and turned on the camera. Just as she wanted to quietly aim at Xiao Yujian, the person in the camera suddenly turned around and cast a cold look in her eyes. Tang very sweet quickly coughed: "Xiao Yujian, in fact, you are very home now, which makes me feel like home."

"Photos can be taken, but they are not allowed to be sent to the Internet." Xiao Yujian thought about it and said, "besides, the outline of my right face is more three-dimensional than that of my left face. If you want to shoot it, you'd better go to the right."

Before he finished, Tang very sweet quickly ran to his right hand and took several photos in a row. While taking photos, he praised without stinging: "Xiao Yujian, you are so handsome now, you are the most handsome you I have ever seen!"

"When am I not handsome?" Xiao Yujian snorted discontentedly: "your boyfriend is the most handsome one at any time!"

Well, Don is very sweet about this. I agree with you very much.

She patted Xiao Yujian on the shoulder: "go ahead."

Although he was in a bit of a hurry at the beginning, Xiao Yujian soon found the trick. There were fewer and fewer shrimps in the basket, and he became more and more skilled in making them. When he finished, he looked to the side and saw that Tang was very sweet, and he was also concentrating on choosing vegetables.

He didn't know what the taste of home was like, but looking at Tang very sweet, he suddenly felt that home should be like this.

Two people in the kitchen to help each other, cooking on the stove, the air filled with the aroma of food, ordinary but warm days.

"Are you all set?" Don is very sweet and suddenly looks up.

Xiao Yujian takes back his eyes, cleverly conceals the moving of his eyes.

"Just in time, the porridge is almost cooked. I can put the shrimp in after a little oil."

It's very sweet and easy to do. After a while, a pot of fragrant shrimp porridge is ready.

She filled a little for Xiao Yujian to taste. Xiao Yujian naturally took it as a mouse. The taste was just right, and there was no need to adjust it. Tang very sweet took a sip from Xiao Yujian's bowl. When her lips were stuck to the place he had just touched, Xiao Yujian's eyes sank. He took people to his arms and was about to kiss them.

At this time, he Qun appeared in the kitchen door.

Tang is very sweet and pushes away Xiaoyu stream.

He Qun scratched his messy hair. He seemed to disturb them.

"Elder martial brother, you're up. I'll serve you porridge. It's just ready." Tang is very sweet, in order to cover up embarrassment, hurry to get the bowl.

"Do you want me to taste it?" He Qun asked naturally.

"No, Xiao Yujian has tasted it."

He Qun picked his eyebrows and patted Xiao Yujian on the shoulder: "brother, I used to be a mouse. Now I give you this glorious and arduous task."

"I don't need you any more." Xiao Yujian takes over the task impolitely.