Are these two really brothers?

Tang is very sweet, dry laugh, take the cup to pour water, and then quickly return the same way, see Xiao Yujian even staring at the watch.

"It's one second to five minutes." He was angry.

Such a naive Xiao Yujian, she is still "sister-in-law, you have to go."

Xiao Yuqing appears at the gate of the entertainment room.

"Well, I'll take Xiao Yujian and go first."

"Sister in law, you've been drinking just now. Can you drive?"

She forgot to mention it.

"Sister in law, it's so late. Why don't you and my brother stay here? I've drunk a lot today and I'm not going to leave."

Tang is very sweet with eyes to ask Xiao Yujian, for a long time Xiao Yujian nodded.

Although they don't come back often, their rooms are cleaned regularly and can be occupied at any time.

"Sister in law, my brother is very heavy. Let me help you?"

Xiao Yuqing sees that his elder brother basically puts all his weight on Tang Tiantian, who is petite. He thinks he is smart enough to help him.

But as soon as he finished, Tang felt a pain in his waist. It turned out that Xiao Yujian pinched her secretly.

She suddenly understood what he meant and quickly stopped Xiao Yujian: "no, he's not heavy at all. I'll do it myself. Go and have a rest, too."

"Really not?" Xiao Yuqing is dubious.

"Really, don't worry. I can make it. Just tell me where his room is."

"The second room on the right-hand side of the stairs on the third floor."

Without waiting for what Xiao Yuqing was saying, she quickly helped Xiao Yujian upstairs.

Find the room, push the door and enter, as expected spotless, everything is clean, ready for the master to come back at any time.

Just thinking about it, Xiao Yujian's whole body came up. She had no power to fight. Next second, she was deeply embedded in the soft bed.

"Xiao Yujian, you..." She wanted him to get up, but before she finished, Xiao Yujian's lips had been pressed down.

His breath is full of strong aroma of wine, mixed with his unique citrus aroma, like deadly poison.

He kisses slowly and carefully, as if holding a fragile baby, which is totally different from his usual wild kisses. Gradually, her struggle becomes smaller, and she also raises her head to cooperate with him.

Don was very sweet. She only had a little wine, but now she was in a daze, as if she was the one who was drunk.

Suddenly she felt a chill at her waist. It turned out that he had lifted the hem of her dress.

"Xiao Yujian, wake up." Don struggled and pushed his shoulder.

"I'm sober."

Which drunkard would admit to being drunk?

Tang was very sweet and couldn't laugh or cry: "stop it, OK? We are at your grandfather's house now. You drink a little too much today. Would you like to wash it first? It will be more comfortable. "

"No." He did not want to refuse, holding the back of her head and kissing again.

She has seen Xiao Yujian lying in bed and not moving. She has seen Xiao Yujian half drunk but not drunk. Although she lost her temper in the police station, she finally knows the importance of it. She knows that Xiao Yujian has good self-control, but now Xiao Yujian plays a rogue like a willful child.

"You stink to death now, don't you know?" Tang is very sweet and uses the method of arousing generals. Xiao Yujian sniffs himself, and there are signs of loosening.

"I can take a bath. You can't leave. Stay in the room all the time." He said.

He suddenly found that there were other men in the family. In case of her hooking up with his grandfather, he had to call her grandmother. If she had sex with his brother, she would become his sister-in-law. Anyway, he could not accept either.

It's drunk that makes him think of this kind of brain damage.

Fortunately, Tang did not know his real intention, and promised: "well, you will not go anywhere. You can see me as soon as you come out."

Xiao Yujian hesitated to let her go and stepped on the slightly shaking step to the bathroom.

Soon the sound of water came out from inside, and he said with a drunken voice: "Don is very sweet?"

"I'm here." I'm really afraid of him, Tang replied very quickly.

"You stand by the door." Xiao Yujian said again.

Tang very sweet can only stand in the past, her figure is printed on the frosted glass, inside Xiao Yujian can see an outline, Xiao Yujian put down his heart, take a bath in peace.

He washed very quickly, and the door was opened when Tang was unprepared. She was startled and looked back to see him in his bathrobe. His hair was wet and he didn't even wipe it. She lay on his back.

"Well, your hair is still wet." Tang was very sweet and ran to him, holding up his head, but the sheet under him was still wet.

"It's all wet."


"You'll have a headache if you sleep like this. Wait a minute, I'll blow it dry for you."

Go to the bathroom to get a hair dryer and turn the hot air to the middle range. The right temperature makes Xiao Yujian close her eyes comfortably and dry her hair quickly. Tang thought he was asleep and wanted to get out of bed quietly. Unexpectedly, just after he removed his head from her leg, she had an arm on her waist. The owner of the arm made a little effort and she fell into his arms the next second.

"Don't go anywhere. Sleep with me."

Xiao Yujian's voice with a thick nasal sound sounds like half asleep and half awake.

Tang very sweet pushed him: "no, this is your grandfather's house."

Well, I know it's at my grandfather's house, so he doesn't want to let her go out alone.

Xiao Yujian thinks very much.

It's only when you're drunk.

I hope tomorrow he won't be crying for his brain damage.

He squinted at her: "if you dare to step out of here, I'll break your leg."

Finished, pause for two seconds, and add a few words: "said to do."

Tang was very sweet and could not laugh or cry: "would you stop making trouble? What would it look like if your grandfather saw me sleeping in your room? "

"Anyway, he already knew we were dating. I don't care. Anyway, you are not allowed to leave. You can only stay here with me."

His naive request is really difficult for Tang Tian. She can only comfort him first: "OK, can you let me go first? I'm going to take a bath. "

"Go ahead." Xiao Yujian really let her go. She quickly rolled into the bathroom. After half an hour, she carefully poked out half a face and saw that Xiao Yujian was motionless and seemed to be asleep.

When is it better not to run?

After thinking about it, she crept out and put her hand on the doorknob. When she thought she was going to succeed, a cool voice from Xiao Yujian came from behind: "where are you going?"

Tang is very sweet quickly retract hand, look back to see Xiao Yujian do not know when to get up, leaning against the head of the bed, hair disorder, the whole person lazy, squinting eyes at her.

Her scalp numb, quickly explained: "I, I feel a little thirsty, I go down to pour some water to drink."

"There's bottled mineral water in the room." Xiao Yujian Chin a lift, Tang very sweet along with him pointed to the direction, see a refrigerator, open a look, there are several bottles of mineral water.

She took a bottle, unscrewed it, and pretended to drink it twice: "do you want it?"

"You were just leaving?"

Xiao Yujian asked suddenly.