Make sure Ye tip can't catch up, Qin Fanfan was relieved.

"I haven't seen you run for a long time."

"Aren't you the one who likes to kick me out the most?" Qin Fanfan is a white eyed driver.

"Look how well I've trained you, or you'll be taken back by someone now."

"Yang, where are we going now?"

"Home, of course."

He was the one driving the car. He chased Qin Fanfan for several years, but she didn't agree, which made him have a headache.

"I will help you. Fanfan doesn't have a boyfriend now. You treat her so well. She will be moved sooner or later. By the way, Fanfan in our family used to like desserts best. You can ask her out to eat more when you have time."

After chatting for more than an hour, Qin Ma personally sent yang to the porch: "Fanfan, you send Mr. Yang."

He pushed Qin Fanfan on his waist and wanted to give his daughter to Yang now.

"You help you beat the bad guys away? Are you crazy about me? People who don't dizzy by any means of transportation should dizzy me? Instructor, can you be more shameless? "

After Qin's mother left, Qin Fanfan expressed his opinion.

Yang badai smiles and leans on Qin Fanfan like no bones: "you don't understand. Xiao Fanfan, your mother grew up reading Qiongyao's novels at her age. How can she be moved if I don't say that? is it? Well, Xiao Fanfan, it's late today. I'll visit my aunt another day. Bye. "

Yang waved his hand and got into the car. Before leaving, he gave Qin Fanfan a good night kiss, which almost made Qin Fanfan spit out today's breakfast.

She turned on Du Niang on her mobile phone and searched for Aunt Qiongyao's classic lines. As expected, she saw the one that was tampered with by Yang.

Ziling: I'm not carsick! I am sitting in such a carriage, I am in such a boulevard, I feel dizzy with joy, intoxication and enjoyment, so I feel carsick. Actually, I've been dizzy since I came to Provence. I'm in the dream garden. I'm dizzy. I saw the new house with bead curtain, and I fainted. I saw the castle and I was dizzy. I still feel dizzy when I see the flower fields planted with lavender. Seeing the mountain city makes me more dizzy. Anyway, I just fainted


Qin Fanfan quickly turned off his mobile phone. Last year's dinner was going to be spit out!

Even a girl can't accept such numb lines, but Yang has read them and recited them?

What kind of dark mentality is this!?

Qin Fanfan is a little crazy. She rubs the goose bumps on her arm. Thinking of Qin's mother, she can't help sighing. She has a visual inspection of the distance to the bedroom on the second floor. This distance is small for her, but it can't be avoided for a while!

I don't want to sleep with mom tonight.