Ji Nanfeng said, put his nose close to her neck, deeply smelled twice: "your taste is really sweet, Miss Sophie."

"You, you let go!"

Just established a little trust suddenly collapsed, Lin Che extremely angry, did not expect elegant noble man should be so obscene!

"This is the fire you started." The man chuckled at her anger.

Lin Che pushed the man away: "I've already explained, it was an accident! accident! It's like when you go out and are struck by thunder, even if you die, it's none of my business, and it's your own... "

There is a reaction at the touch!

Who's to blame?

Lin Che felt embarrassed to say it.

She tried to take two deep breaths to suppress her anger. At the same time, she was more rational: "Mr. Ji, please don't be sentimental. It's you who want to send me home, not me. I can't predict that the car will be rear ended. In the situation just now, it's too late to save my life. How can I think about that again?"?! If the accident can be misinterpreted by you, then according to your bandit logic, you are more suspicious if you invite me to get on the bus and take the initiative to send me home? You can't control it by yourself, but it's up to me, Mr. Ji. You're too low! "

The season south wind was not angry with her, but she laughed. "It is a first-class simultaneous interpreting. It is more powerful than anyone else."

"I'm telling the truth!" Lin Che frowned: "maybe there will be a lot of women throwing their arms at you, but I'm not included in this! I already have people I like. My children are almost in primary school. I don't mean that to you at all. Please don't feel too good about yourself! If Mr. Ji is not at ease, I will find a new Spanish interpreter to replace me tomorrow. "

Very good, very good.

She is not an angry person. In other people's eyes, her character is almost indifferent. However, this smelly man successfully provoked her anger and wiped out her favor for him.

Then she reached out to open the door, but her finger didn't touch the door, and her wrist was clasped.

"What else do you want?" She turned back and glared at Ji Nanfeng angrily.

"Miss Sophie, I'm sorry to have offended you just now. It's better if you don't mean that. Otherwise, I'll do it myself if it's not your turn to change people. Besides, you'd better show mercy. Anyway, I'm your boss now."

"Not in the future. I'd like to advise you that there are quite a few women who give up their arms for money, but not all of them. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Mr. Ji has been troubled by this problem, it's better to reflect on himself. "

Ji Nanfeng was not angry but laughed: "thank you for reminding me. I will keep it in mind. Now that all the misunderstandings have been cleared up, don't you need to fight like this? "


She was so angry that he could still laugh?

Lin Che felt that he punched the cotton, not only didn't hurt each other, but also tickled each other.

How shameless this man is!

"Miss Lin, I'm doing this just in case. It's best if you don't think about me. I don't like women who are full of ideas around me. If I know what you really think, Miss Sophie, I won't have to guard against you any more."

That is to say, what just irritated her was said by him on purpose?

Lin Che was a little sad.

If it's a beautiful man, it's OK to worry about it, but he's so ugly that he has to use a mask to cover his ugliness.

It's a little too good for me, isn't it?

"Mr. Ji is afraid of being harassed by female colleagues, and I am also afraid of being entangled by male colleagues. Since Mr. Ji has such worries, I will arrange a male translator to take over my job."

"I'm afraid it's not up to you, Miss Lin."

Miss Lin three words let Lin Che such as lightning.

"You... You investigate me?"

"I always want to know who's working for me, don't I? I'm surprised to know who you are

Now that we all know, there's nothing to hide.

Lin Che gave a cold smile: "Mr. Ji, since you already know, I'll tell you straight away. Our office won't take this list. Please go and invite another expert."

Ji Nanfeng said with a smile: "yes, anyway, Miss Lin has a lot of money to pay liquidated damages. If she wants to break the contract, it's OK. Tomorrow, I'll ask the legal department to draw up a termination contract."

At this point, he pauses and straightens his messy clothes: "Lin's group has been very difficult in the past two years, right? Although Han Xiaojing's wrist is good, she is a woman after all. It's inevitable that she can't take care of the place when the stall is big, right

"You, what do you want?"

"Please Miss Lin have a beginning and an end. I promise I will never touch the Lin group."

Lin Che grits his teeth and stares at Ji Nanfeng.

Such a hateful man, how could she mistake him for Lin Yuezhi at the beginning?!

At this time, ah Wen, who had handled the accident, got on the car and started it again.

"Miss Lin, have a good cooperation in the future."

Lin Che was so angry that he just looked out of the window and ignored her. When he got to the subway station, he slammed the door and left.

The car vibrated. Ah Wen looked at Lin Che's back and asked Ji Nanfeng, "boss, do you want someone to follow?"

"Just as usual."

"All right."

Ah Wen nodded and understood.

On the other side, Lin Che didn't even want to say goodbye when he got out of the car.

Bentley's mozanne has grown up and soon disappeared in the street.

She stamped her foot and stopped the taxi to go home.

Damn man!

Back home, Acacia had gone to sleep, but Sun Fei was still waiting for her. She was still angry and asked, "what's the matter? Who's upset you? "

"Isn't that ugly one?"

Lin Che gets rid of the threat and tells Sun Fei what happened in the car.

"Feijie, how can there be such a man? It is clear that he is not good at self-determination, and he even splashes dirty water on me. When he sees a woman, he is about to stand up. No wonder he will be targeted by a vain woman. He deserves it. "

After two mouthfuls of cold water, the fire finally subsided.

"It's wrong for him to stand up, but it's certainly inconvenient for a man of his identity to find a woman, and he doesn't have a regular female companion. It shows from the side that this man is very clean."

"Clean up? Feijie, you are very strange. How can you talk to that smelly man? "

"Yes? I'm honest. " Sun Fei was a little embarrassed, so she quickly cut off the topic: "Acacia wants you to take her to the mall tomorrow, can you spare time?"

"Oh, I almost forgot to promise Acacia. I will take her to get Barbie doll tomorrow."

Lin Che spat out: "I went upstairs to see Acacia."

As soon as she left, Sun Fei immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.

The next day, little Acacia finally achieved her wish, came to the mall, got a long time favorite Barbie doll, very happy.

Because Sun Fei will come and meet them later, Lin Che takes the little things to a dessert shop and sits down.

"Acacia, I'll go to the bathroom. Can you sit here and wait for me?"

"Well! Acacia must be obedient. It's not going anywhere. "

The little thing's mind is on Barbie doll. She will fiddle with her hands and feet, and promise Lin Che.

Little Acacia has always been very sensible, Lin Che is very relieved of her, and explained two, then got up to go to the bathroom.

The little thing felt a little thirsty. She put down Barbie and took up the juice. She sipped it carefully. Her round black grape eyes looked left and right. Suddenly, she saw a figure.