Money could not help opening the door, but instead of opening it directly, he knocked on it twice.

Qi Zhujun almost jumped out of bed when he heard the knock on the door.

Is he really here?

Let him in, will you?

She looked at her beautiful Nightgown, gritted her teeth, and went to open the door.

The light in the corridor was not very bright. Qian Yu looked down at her and couldn't help kissing her forehead.

"It's better to be your own daughter-in-law."

"Your parents are still there."

"Don't worry. They live upstairs. They won't know."


Qi Zhujun has a feeling of having an affair. She just wants to persuade him to go back. Her mouth is sealed dominantly. At the same time, the door is closed, and she is dizzy with a kiss on the door.

Until the air in the chest became thinner and thinner, Qian Yu reluctantly let her go.

"Nice nightdress." He whispered in her ear with a smile.

Qi Zhujun took a big breath of fresh air. After a while, he found his voice: "you... Your mother prepared..."

"Is there anything else?"

"Very, many..."

"Will you show me all of them?"

Qian Da Shao never wanted to get a woman so much. He just wanted to let her be his man.

Qi Zhujun, who is pure and easy to cheat, can't tell which sentence Qian Yu said is true and which is flirting. He really thinks he wants to see his pajamas. He pinches it and says with a red face: "then, wait a minute... I'll change it for you..."

Qian Yu almost couldn't control his shyness. He took several deep breaths and nodded impulsively.

Qi Zhujun walked into the dressing room. As soon as he turned around, he was swept into a strong and hot chest.

"Can I..." Qian Yu has never been so patient. He thinks that if he continues to endure, he will be useless!

Qi Zhujun's face had been burning for a long time. She could feel that his chest was rising and falling rapidly, and the warm breath fell on her neck. She wanted to run away, but she couldn't bear it.

His lips were already on her face, and a gentle kiss came down her cheek.

"Is that ok?"

The deep and hoarse voice rang out again, and Qi Zhujun's heart trembled.

Her body softened, even her feet were trembling slightly. She leaned towards the hot chest, almost buried her face in the chest. She took a few deep breaths and nodded her head gently.

With his consent, Qian Yu was overjoyed and put him on the bed.

The air became hotter and hotter, as if to burn them to ashes.

the second day.

Qi Zhujun turned over, and her aching muscles made her feel uncomfortable. She frowned and opened her eyes. Seeing Qian Yu, she suddenly woke up.

Last night

Qi Zhujun's face suddenly burst red, pulled the quilt and wrapped the whole person in it.

"It's not good to be covered with air." With a smile, Qian Yu opened a corner of the quilt and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

I know she is very obedient, but I didn't expect that she was also very obedient in this respect.

"What time is it

Qian Yu looked at the time: "it's only nine o'clock."

"Ah?" Qi Zhujun, like a bird in a panic, wanted to get up in a hurry: "hurry up, hurry up! My aunt and uncle are still at home. I sleep so late. It's not good... "

Then he thought of something, his face even more red: "do they and they already know that you spent the night in my room? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

On the first day, she rolled the sheets. She had no face to meet Qian Yu's parents!

"It doesn't matter. My parents are out."


"My parents have the habit of exercising early."

"Then... You should go back to your room before they come back!"

Qi Zhujun put Qian Yu's clothes into his hand while he was busy dressing himself. The young master Qian, who was kicked out of bed, could only put on his clothes reluctantly.

"Go, go!"

Qi Zhujun pushed the man out of the room. Master Qian wanted to have a good morning kiss. As soon as his mouth closed, the door closed. Fortunately, he stepped back quickly, otherwise several teeth would have been taken off.

Palpitating to pat the heart, a turn, and painted delicate makeup of an Xi ran into a positive.

Anxi had already got up, waiting for her son to fall into the trap.


There is a feeling of being caught on the spot

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Qian Yu laughed.

Ansey looked at her watch. "Why is it so early? Why don't you stay a little longer at night when you're shameless? I thought you would not come out until the afternoon at least. If you come out an hour later, I can beat your father by 10 million. Do you know? "

"Mom, isn't all dad's money yours?" The big and the small of the money smoked.

"That's his private money." Anxi gave her son a white look: "useless things."

Qian Da Shao clarified and went to his room. Suddenly he thought of something. He stopped and asked, "Mom, do you have the habit of morning exercise?"

"What do you think?"

"Mom, I just told your future daughter-in-law that you have."

"..." it's ansey's turn to draw her mouth. She looks at her son's back and Qi Zhujun's closed room, and finally sighs helplessly.

Isn't that morning exercise? She's going!

Qian Yu grinned, said thank you mom, and then turned back.

"Where are you going?" Anxi frowned as she went downstairs.

"Anyway, you're all out. Of course, you're going to sleep with my wife."

I knew that this thing I had born was not a thing. If I had no face and skin, I would never find a second person.

It's better not to see.

Ansey and Chandler went to their first morning exercise.

In the room, Qi Zhujun was washing. Unexpectedly, Qian Yu came back, hugging her waist from behind, chin resting on her shoulder, lazily coquettishing.

"I went out. My parents are not at home."

"Really?" Qi Zhujun was relieved, but he didn't dare to relax. Maybe he would come back soon? While they don't know, they rush to drive people away, and they wash as fast as they can.

After finishing, I went out of the room and found that the house was really quiet, with several kinds of breakfast on the table.

After breakfast, Anxi and Chandler haven't come back, so Qian Yu takes her to see the legendary kennel.

As soon as the rain stopped, the yard was wet. As soon as Qi Zhujun wanted to raise his feet, he was held up.

"The goose is soft and the stone is smooth."

Qian Yu explained in her ear with a smile.

"I don't..."

She twisted her body and thought, "it's not good for Auntie and uncle to come back..."

"They're early."

Qian Yu happily kisses her ear. His soft body makes him a little uncontrollable. He bites her earlobe again: "if you move on, I'll take you back to your room."

"No... your parents will be back soon..."

I'm so embarrassed!

"Be good, or you won't look at the kennel."

Qian Yu's threat immediately took effect. Qi Zhujun didn't dare to move any more and was put down in the kennel.

The kennel was made of pine wood. It was painted with clean water. As high as her waist, there was a pair of Spring Festival couplets on the door.