Qi Zhujun, who was drinking water with him, looked up at him inexplicably: "you? You're fine

Being looked at by her clear eyes, Qian Yu suddenly felt embarrassed and could not speak.

"How good is it?"

"That's... That's good..."

"What if it's just a man? What do you think? "

"Men?" Qi Zhujun was more confused, and his moist eyes looked at him without blinking.

Qian Yu coughed uneasily, and said in a somewhat blunt tone: "if you are a boyfriend, what do you think?"

At last, I said it!

Although Qian Yu looked calm on the surface, he was nervous. Even his hand holding the water cup was sweating, waiting for Qi Zhujun's reply nervously.

Qi Zhujun tilted his head to think about it and said, "I don't know... But you can be so kind to me. If you are a boyfriend, it would be better. Otherwise... How could there be so many women rushing to be your girlfriend?"

The first half of the sentence let Qian Da Shao be in full bloom. The second half of the sentence was like a basin of cold water pouring directly on his head. There was no excitement.

This is the present newspaper!

Who let him play in the world for the first half of his life? Now he really met someone he liked. He was already talking, but he didn't dare to open his mouth!

He shook his head helplessly: "what do children know? When you're full, go out for a walk. "

She just supported herself. She wanted to walk and eat, so she obediently followed Qian Yu out of the restaurant.

This shopping mall belongs to the Lin family, and its positioning is very high-end. Any brand is a famous brand, and there are countless high-end luxury stores.

Qi Zhujun looks at the beautiful bags in the window. He can't believe that a bag that can't be seen is special. The cheapest one is tens of thousands, and the most expensive one is outrageous, ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands!

"Wow..." the more she looked, the more she smacked her tongue. There were millions more

My God

"Like it?" Seeing that her eyes were straight in front of the window, Qian Yu pulled her into the shop.

There were no other customers in the shop, so there were only three shopping guides. As soon as they saw them, they immediately welcomed each other with a smile.

"May I introduce you, sir?"

Qian Yu nodded. As soon as he wanted to speak, Qi Zhujun stood on tiptoe and covered his mouth: "no, no... we don't need anything... Just... Just look around..."

The bags in this shop are so expensive! Every bag costs hundreds of thousands, and the display items at the door are more than one million. She can't afford to buy it, and of course she doesn't want to waste the time of the shop assistant!

Qian Yu pulled down her hand and frowned: "didn't you just stare at the bag at the door?"

Qi Zhujun heard the speech and quickly denied: "I, I don't have... I just feel special..."

Very expensive! She is busy counting the price on the list!

"Which bag is it?"

"No, no, really no! Brother Yu... Shall we go? I... "

"If you don't tell me, I'll let them bring all the bags in the window?"


"Which is it?"

Qi Zhujun was scared and numb.

Qian Yu really convinced her, isn't it a bag? You can scare her like this.

"Bring me all the bags there."

He raised his finger and pointed to the window. The shop assistant looked at each other, looked at Qi Zhujun, then looked at Qian Yu, hesitated.

"Not yet?"

Qian Yu frowned slightly, with a little displeasure between his eyes.

Although his face was still blue and purple, his clear voice and noble temperament showed his unique identity.

Just now, because of Qi Zhujun's words, the shop assistants looked down on him a little bit. Now they were suddenly scolded by him, and they quickly moved on. They carefully took all the six bags in the window to Qi Zhujun.

"Miss, which bag did you like just now? We can introduce it to you. " One of the shop assistants asked with a professional smile.

Qi Zhujun swallowed his saliva and looked at Qian Yu at a loss.

A little silly, but especially cute.

Qian Yu said with a smile: "stupid girl, say, which bag did you like just now?"

"I... I don't know..."

"I don't know?

Qian Yu gave her a thoughtful look.

"Then pack them all up and take them away. You'll think about it later."

He took out the card and handed it directly to the clerk. The clerk was flattered and took it respectfully, six bags, more than six million yuan, but he didn't even blink when he swiped the card!

Out of the counter, Qi Zhujun still had no sense of reality. Looking back, he saw the three shop assistants standing at the door, smiling and waving to them!

"What else do you like?" Qian Yumei picked it up and said that he was about to turn around. Qi Zhujun was startled and quickly took his hand.

"No, don't you want to... Let's go quickly, shall we?"

She was almost crying. She had never experienced such strange things since she was so old. She just wanted to run away as soon as possible. The farther away she ran, the better!

Qian Yu had no choice but to let her walk. When she got away, they stopped.

She looked back and finally couldn't see the three clerks.

"What are you doing? Are there any wild animals after you? " Qian Yu laughed and joked that the stupid girl's reaction was too exaggerated, which was beyond his expectation.

He handed her the bag on his hand: "take it."

Qi Zhujun was startled. He opened his eyes and waved his hand. He refused without hesitation: "I don't want it!"

"You don't want it?" Qian Yu's face sank slightly.

Qi Zhujun was still in shock. He not only didn't take it, but also took two steps back: "brother Yu... Don't be kidding... I can't take such an expensive thing!"

Six million! Can buy a house!

In Qi Zhujun's eyes, this is a huge sum of money. How can she accept it?

Besides, her mother taught her not to accept other people's things casually since she was a child. If she accepted them, she had to pay back. How could she afford to pay back!

So, these bags can't kill her!

She didn't know what to do. Her brain got stuck and she ran away. Qian Yu was really stupid. What's the situation? What's the situation?!

Who can tell him how much money he has?

He has given so many gifts to women. He has never met such a situation!

Don't women always smile when they receive famous brands? Why does that damned little girl seem to have seen a great flood?

Qian Dazhao was in a mess for a while. When he came back, he even lost his little girl's shadow!

It's faster than a rabbit!

He looked at the bag in his hand and could not laugh or cry.


He seems to have scared the girl!

Qi Zhujun escaped from the shopping mall. She was afraid that Qian Yu would catch up with her. She didn't even look at the bus number and tried to get away. Of course, she took the wrong bus. She found the subway station again. She was worried for an hour and a half and finally returned to her bedroom.

Ling Wen of bed 3 just came back to her bedroom. She just wanted to climb into bed when she heard a bang. She almost fell down the wooden ladder.

"Well? I thought you were going to spend the night with your boyfriend today. "

One bedroom has four roommates. Lin Che in bed 1 has never slept in the bedroom. Zhao Jiayun in bed 2 mixes with her boyfriend every day, so she rarely appears. Only Ling Wen in bed 3 and Qi Zhujun in bed 4 depend on each other.

The one that covered Europe, America, Japan and South Korea was copied to her by Ling Wen.

"I'm... I'm lovelorn today..." Qi Zhujun's mind clattered, which reminds me of Jiang Bo's affair.

She scratched her head and forgot all about it!

"Lovelorn? You broke up with that handsome uncle? " Ling Wen used both hands and feet to jump down the wooden ladder, and her eyes were bright, waiting for Qi Zhujun to gossip.