Just when Jiang Ting felt that he was going to die, his head was pulled out of the water. He subconsciously breathed hard, and then he was pressed into the river until he had no strength to resist like a dead dog.

The tramps threw him to the ground and kicked him with their toes: "uncle, can't you stand this? Where is all this? "

Jiang Ting rolled his eyes and said intermittently: "let me go... Money... Money is all for you... I don't want it... I give it all to you..."

Hearing this, the tramps burst into laughter: "uncle, is this money ours? It's none of your business! Let's go, brothers. I'll invite you to take a bath and eat out. "

The tramps laughed and all followed the leader. When they went far away, Jiang Ting could not get up and curled up on the ground and clenched his fist.

When it was dark, he stood up wobbly. If he didn't show his identity, who could recognize him now?

He found a dark alley to sit down, not far from the garbage can emitting a disgusting smell, at this time he had not eaten all day, but he was staring at the garbage can hungrily.

Just at this time, a light appeared in the dark alley. Someone opened the back door and threw a big bag of garbage into the garbage can. After seeing this, Jiang Ting immediately got up and rushed to the garbage can. But people who came out of nowhere knocked him down. His eyes were black. When he came to the garbage can, his food had already been robbed.

He can only continue to shrink in the corner to continue to wait, but a night passed, or no food, when he walked out of the alley, unexpectedly and then met the group of tramps!

The tramp chuckled around him. He wanted to go, but he was pushed to the ground by the tramp.

Almost as like as two peas in yesterday, they dragged him to the trash bin and pressed his head directly into the trash bin. The sour smell was very disgusting. Jiang Ting was vomiting all the time. What a pity he had nothing to vomit in his stomach.

The tramp threw him on the ground. He lay on his back and looked at the narrow crack between the two tall buildings. Anger and despair reached the peak!

"Why haven't you died yet?" Among them, the leading tramp patted Jiang Ting's face.

"Did Lin Yue Zhi make you do this?"

Besides, he can't think of a second person!

The tramp laughs: "you are very smart! Some people must not offend. If they offend, they will go to hell. "

"He killed my son. He should be the one to go to hell!"

The tramps turned a deaf ear to his roar and scattered.

Originally, he wanted to hide for a period of time, and then come out after the wind, but now in this situation, it is impossible for him to hide any more!


The doctor's anesthetics only allowed Lin Che to sleep for a few hours, but she slept all day and all night.

"Why didn't she wake up all the time?" Lin Yue asked Lin Che what group he was.

He transferred Lin Che to Han's hospital. He Qun was Lin Che's attending doctor. Facing his gloomy face, he Qun grinned: "Mr. Lin, Miss Lin has been seriously injured. It takes time to adjust both physically and psychologically. This is human body's self-protection. If you want to call her up, I can't do it. Are you sure you want me to do it?"

"You mean she didn't want to wake up?" Lin Yue's face was hurt when he heard the words.

"Mr. Lin, in fact, it's better for Miss Lin to fall asleep because she has too many wounds. It's easy to tear and cause repeated infection, which is not conducive to wound healing."

"Besides that, are there any other questions?"

"No, Miss Lin is suffering from skin and flesh injuries. I promise to be as lively as before after the scar formation."

Lin Yue touched Lin Che's cheek painfully, and there was a wound on his chin, which was shocking.

Unable to sit down, he waved to he Qun, who walked away from the ward.

It has been nearly five days since he started his career. Lin Yue Zhi hardly closed his eyes. Even if he found Lin Che, he still didn't dare to rest. He was afraid that once he closed his eyes, she would disappear again.

He just sat by for 48 hours.

"Baby, are you still blaming me? I promise I will protect you well in the future, and I will never let anyone hurt you again. " He took her hand and put it on his lips to kiss: "baby, I love you. Don't leave me alone. Please don't leave me alone. It's you who gave me home and made me feel the warmth of home. I really can't live without you. Losing you will make me feel worse than death."

His voice was very hoarse, and he was very flustered. He was afraid of losing her and that she would never open her eyes again!

He is willing to exchange everything for her, as long as she lives well, that's all.

For the first time, he wanted to kill a man himself.

The sun rose slowly, sprinkling a meter of sunlight on the floor. He covered his eyes with his hands.

At this time, Lin Che, lying on the bed, slightly moved his eyelashes, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Yuezhi

She heard every word he said, and she also wanted to be with him.

Lin Che raised his hand with all his strength. When his warm palm covered the back of Lin Yue Zhi's hand, he trembled.

"Che'er!" Lin Yuezhi's expressionless face suddenly appeared uncontrollable ecstasy.

"It's me. I'm back, Lin Yuezhi."

Thank God for letting her see him again.

Lin Yuezhi didn't dare to hold her. He could only kiss the back of her hand excitedly: "che'er! my baby! Welcome back

"Lin Yuezhi, listen to me first." Lin Che said anxiously: "it was Jiang Ting who kidnapped me, not Lin Yuewen. What did you do to your uncle and aunt? Because of the elder's suicide, Jiang Ting hates us to the bone. He wants to use me to provoke you and your uncle. You... "

"I know. I already know that." Lin Yuezhi kisses the back of her hand again: "honey, don't say anything, I already know."

"No, Lin Yuezhi, listen to me first. Jiang Ting is crazy. You can't let him go. Where is he now? "

Lin Che always thought that Lin Yuezhi had saved her, and naturally thought that Lin Yuezhi had now controlled Jiang ting.

Hearing this, Lin Yue Zhi's face was a little heavy.


When he found the farmhouse, Jiang Ting had already run away. Except for her and Lin Yuewen, all the others were injured in the head, so far they haven't woken up.

Lin Yuewen has woken up and learned the story from his mouth. Now everyone is looking for Jiang Ting, but there is no news yet.

Jiang Ting is the son-in-law of the Jiang family. His original name was Wang Ting. Originally, he was just a secretary of the Secretary Office of the Jiang group. Later, because he married the daughter of the old chairman of the Jiang family, his status rose.

But not long ago, Jiang Xuan's death forced him to be swept out of the house by the Jiang family. That's why he came up with such a vicious plot to revenge Lin Che. At the beginning, Lin Yue Zhi was really fooled. He was as smart as he was, and he also fell into Jiang Ting's plot!

All of the above can explain, but what puzzles him most is who saved Lin Che and hurt Lin Yuewen!