Han Xiaojing's heart trembled, her voice choked, but a heartbreaking smile appeared on her face: "am I stupid?"

Daniel gritted his teeth. "It's not you who are stupid, it's him who is so bad! Quiet, at this time, if you are soft hearted, it really can't look back. Jing, take a good look at me. I promise I will treat you all my life. I'm willing to stay here for you and take this place as my hometown! "

Han Xiaojing can't think about anything now. His mind is full of Cheng Xudong's blood.


Han Xiaojing's silence makes Daniel's heart ache.

He felt unworthy for her and wronged for her!

She deserves a better man to accompany her to old age. Even if this person is not him, she should not be the most naive Cheng Xudong!

Daniel feels unprecedented loss and frustration from Han Xiaojing.

He wanted this woman so much that several disgraceful means flashed in his mind. Before, he would not even think about it. But for a moment, he hoped that he would stab Cheng Xudong to death!

Daniel looks down at Han Xiaojing's bloodless lips, and his heart has turned upside down.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was. He suddenly held the back of Han Xiaojing's head and lowered his head to kiss the two soft lips!

Daniel's face suddenly enlarges in front of Han Xiaojing's eyes, and then her lips are stuck by his thin lips.

Han Xiaojing trembled all over. After her eyes became round, she seemed to know what had happened. She tried her best to push Daniel away.

Daniel's face appeared unprecedented embarrassment, even in the face of his ex-wife's betrayal, he has not been so out of control.

Han Xiaojing looks directly at him angrily, and his cheek is dyed with abnormal blush because of anger.

Daniel is guilty of being seen by her. He knows that he has taken advantage of others' danger. What's the difference between this and Cheng Xudong?

He climbed his hair and apologized anxiously: "I'm sorry, Jing. I'm impulsive. I shouldn't do this. I promise that I will never do this again. Jing, please believe me."

Han Xiaojing turned away: "I don't want to hear any explanation now. Daniel, please leave me alone."

"Jing... Do you want to break up with me?"

Han Xiaojing is silent. She does have this idea now.

Daniel is sincere to her, but she can't respond to him with equal feelings at present.

He is really good, but she wasted too much emotion on Cheng Xudong, because she went too far and too deep to look back.

"Daniel, you will always be my best friend."

Hearing this, Daniel closed his eyes.

"Jing, you are so stupid."

"I just want to ask for a pure relationship."

"I can give it to you! As long as you give me another chance, you can make full use of me, you will let me stay with you, OK? At least... Let me take care of you. "

"No, I don't need anyone now."

"Quiet." Daniel nose suddenly sour, this woman is too strong, so that in the emotional aspect will never be inferior.

He really loves her.

Han Xiaojing smiles. If you miss him, you may never find such a close friend like him again?

Suddenly, the music came out.

Two people are Leng under, this just reaction come over is her mobile phone rang.

It's a fixed line telephone without a name.

Han Xiaojing turns around to get through the phone. After a very short sentence, she hesitates to hang up, with a strange expression.

"What's the matter?" Daney asked anxiously.

"It's the police station. They said that my car was found abandoned on the Yangtze River Tunnel Bridge. Now it has been towed to the police station. Let me pass."

"Yangtze River Tunnel and bridge?" Daniel frowned and said, "I'll go with you."

Han Xiaojing shook his head: "no, I'll take a taxi by myself."

"The rain hasn't stopped. It's hard for the car to call now. When I came, the landlord lent me the car and I'll drive you."

"Daniel, I..."

"Even if I can't go on with you, as an ordinary friend, I can't let a lady go out alone in this weather."

"Well, please."

Han Xiaojing sighed and compromised.

Soon they arrived at the traffic brigade and received her. The middle-aged male policeman confirmed her identity and showed her the picture of the car: "Han Xiaojing, is this car yours?"

The Yellow Lamborghini is her favorite car.

She nodded.

The middle-aged policeman said, "Han Xiaojing, your car was found abandoned on the Yangtze River Tunnel Bridge. There was no one in the car at that time. Do you know the situation?"

When she left, she only took her cash and ID card with her. For fear of being found by Cheng Xudong, she didn't even drive away.


"She doesn't know." Daniel said for her.

The middle-aged policeman looked at Han Xiaojing with questioning eyes, and Han Xiaojing nodded by default.

The middle-aged policeman thought about it and said, "when was the last time you used this car?"

Han Xiaojing thought: "more than a month ago."

The only reason her car is here is Cheng Xudong.

After thinking about it, Han Xiaojing said, "Mr. policeman, do you know who was driving at that time?"

The police turned his laptop to her, the picture was not clear, but they could clearly see the huge waves, as if they could feel the whole Yangtze River Tunnel Bridge crumbling across the screen.

In the picture, the Yellow Lamborghini is forced to block on the tunnel and bridge, the door on one side is opened, and a faint figure is beside the car, with one hand on the door and the other hand holding the clothes. It should be getting off.

Han Xiaojing's heart suddenly shrinks. Who else can this person be besides Cheng Xudong!?

Heaven and earth have changed color, huge waves rolling under the tunnel bridge, just like the end of the world, Cheng Xudong is not afraid to get off in the rain!

She suddenly thought of what Cheng Xudong looked like yesterday. Her shoes and trousers were full of mud, and the whole person was like rolling in the mud. She didn't think much at that time. Now when she thinks about it carefully, she just feels dizzy.

Daniel quickly held her shoulder, the police also saw her strange, concern asked: "Miss Han, are you ok?"

How could it be all right!

It's 30 kilometers from Changqiao to the place where she lives. She can't imagine how Cheng Xudong walked through the 30 kilometers!

The air was thin and it was difficult for her to breathe.

She thought of Sanya again. In this extremely bad weather, he appeared in front of her as a savior. What did she do? I didn't even say thank you afterwards.

She has been blaming him, resenting him, but never thanking him.

Even after he was stabbed, she didn't even care. She only cared about her own self-esteem, and even denied everything to him for a little vanity.

He said he loved her, she didn't believe it!

Do you really don't believe it or can't believe it?

Han Xiaojing feels headache and wants to crack. All of a sudden, there is no reason for all resentment.