"What do I have to look at?" Lin Yue's brow frowned fiercely.

"You just saw mine. Now I want to see it back, so no one will lose."

Lin Che really thinks that it's in a dream. Anyway, no one knows. She'll be a hooligan and bandit. Who wants him to bully her?

Lin Yue's heart of bumping into the wall was already there. He endured so hard, not to mention playing a hooligan to her. Even a little bit of crooked heart felt that it was blasphemy to her. She was not only not considerate of his hard work, but also took advantage of the fire!

"Now, are you satisfied?"

The rascal looked at Lin from beginning to end and closed the door.

"There's nothing to see..."

When Lin Yue Zhi heard this, he laughed more than he cried.

Lin Che was really the most confused this time. He curled up on the bed and fell asleep without wearing any clothes. Lin Yuezhi came out of the bath and saw her like a shrimp.

He took out clean clothes from his luggage bag and put them on for her. Finally, he put on his pajamas for her. After all this, he was like walking on a long march. If he stayed, he was afraid that he would eat her directly.

"One day I'll show you what a real man is." Lin Yuezhi patted the soft butt meat and became addicted to it.

She was sleeping soundly. She dreamed that she was riding a white horse running on the grassland. Suddenly, the white horse turned into a wild boar. The wild boar ran wildly. Her buttocks hurt. She was forced to bite on the ear of the wild boar.

"Ah He forgot that she was drunk and liked to bite her ears!

The dream turned into a nightmare. She was chased by a wild boar and ran. As she ran, she fell into a pit. Her bones were as painful as falling apart. Finally, she was awakened by the real pain.

How so painful... Her small face wrinkled into a ball, opened her eyes in pain, reflected for several seconds to find that she was sleeping on the ground.

What's going on?

She only remembers chatting with Han Xiaojing in the hot spring soup, and then Han Xiaojing left. She drank alone to make the soup, and then she went out to look for

The memory is fragmentary here. I racked my brains to think about it. Apart from the pain in my head, I have no impression. I don't even know how to go back to my room to sleep, and I don't find that I'm playing hooligans with Lin Yuezhi.

After the hangover is too hard to see the time is still early, simply climb to bed to continue to sleep.

At this time, Han Xiaojing finished running in the morning and pushed open the door of the villa while wiping sweat.

"Who can use the kitchen so early?" The smell of the food aroused her curiosity.

"Lin Yuezhi? Why are you Han Xiaojing stares at the man standing in front of the stove.

Lin Yuezhi is stirring porridge with a spoon. It looks decent.

"Can you cook?" Han Xiaojing surprised to go, found that the cooking table has put two plates of porridge dishes and a plate of steaming steamed buns.

"I've known you for so many years. Why didn't I know you could cook? If you are hungry, just call the front desk and ask the kitchen to deliver it to you? "

"Can I compare the one from the kitchen with the one I made myself?" Lin Da Shao scooped some rice with a spoon, tasted the rice grains, and felt that it was not ready for the heat, so he continued to boil with the lid on.

"To show someone?" Han Xiaojing sat down with her chin in her hand and looked at master Lin with a smile.

"To show you?"

"Really? No more looking and picking? "

"Just her."

Seeing that the corners of Lin's mouth are cracking to his ears, Han Xiaojing smiles and shakes his head.

"I've been single for so many years. I dare you just wait for her! Sister Xiaolin has been with you for ten years. Will you finally find her better? "

Lin Yue thought about it. Fate is really wonderful. It's not too early or too late. He fell on the lonely and straight back.

Han Xiaojing enjoyed it for a while, and realized that it was a historic moment full of commemoration. She took out her mobile phone and took two photos of Lin Yuezhi's busy back, and then sent them to her circle of friends.

This photo is like a big stone thrown into the calm lake. In an instant, a tornado blows in Han Xiaojing's circle of friends and sweeps all the way. At the same time, the wechat chat group just built yesterday has formed a hot discussion.

This wechat chat group was built yesterday when playing cards, and Lin Che was also pulled in.

"Madame, your photo is very good! It's quite like that. " Zheng zhewo enjoys the photos in the quilt.

"It's just like him."

"Ah? It's really Lin Yue Zhi! It's amazing that Lin Yuezhi can wash his hands to make soup. The power of love is so great Chu Fei, who was awakened by mobile phone Didi, spoke in the group.

Isn't that right? Han Jing said in silence.

"Oh, my God, why didn't I know you two had such a relationship? fuck you! I'm not going to have a hundred day banquet for drinks this year and children next year, right? It's not even as fast as a rocket! Xiaojing! You are my goddess. How can you abandon me and run to the embrace of Lin Yue? Are you worthy of my twenty years of devotion to you? " Cheng Xudong growls that the emperor is attached, and sends a screenshot of the hot discussion in his circle of friends to the group.

In just a few minutes, the scandal between Lin Yuezhi and Han Xiaojing swept the whole circle of friends. Originally, Han Xiaojing just thought it was fun, but he didn't expect that things would come to this stage.

"I knew they had an affair!" In order to prove his words, Han Fei also found a lot of photos of the two people before. It's clear that they were several friends together. He had to use poor PS skills to get rid of the others nearby, causing the illusion that they were traveling in Cambridge together, eating at the same table and looking at each other affectionately.

Another gossip protagonist had no idea that so much had happened in just two minutes. Seeing that the porridge was almost ready, he went upstairs with porridge and vegetables.

"Awake?" See Lin Che sitting on the bedside, looking down at the mobile phone, Lin Yuezhi put down the plate and sat on the bedside.

Seeing her hair in a mess, I helped her comb it with fingertips without thinking about it.

She kept her head down. Lin Yuezhi thought she was embarrassed because of yesterday.

"Come on, are you hungry?" He just likes to see her look embarrassed and ashamed, but isn't he too calm today?

Lin Yuezhi scooped up a spoonful of porridge and blew it on her lips. As soon as it reached her mouth, it was pushed away.

The rice grains were scattered on the quilt. Without looking at them, she directly lifted the quilt and got out of bed. With a cold face, she went to the door without saying a word.

Looking at you in the group, Lin Che felt that her heart wanted to be pinched hard. She couldn't even breathe. She didn't know what was the matter with her and why she was so upset. She just wanted to run away. The farther she ran, the better!

"Is it shyness?" Lin Yuezhi smashed his mouth, with a smile on his face, picked up the plate and walked out of the room.

"Brother!" Cheng Xudong rushes out of the room, grabs his collar, sticks his mobile phone to the tip of Lin Yuezhi's nose and asks: "say! What's the matter with you and Xiaojing? When did you get ready? "

Lin Yuezhi fixed his eyes and saw that he and Han Xiaojing were sitting side by side in the photo. They leaned together and slightly bowed their heads as if they were listening to each other.

Take a closer look at the environment in the picture. Isn't this the picture of a group of friends travelling in Cambridge by boat many years ago? Mingming was surrounded by several people at that time. How could he and Han Xiaojing be the only people in the photo?

Take a closer look. Didn't Zheng zhegang build this group yesterday? And he pulled linche in.

Lin Yue's instant understanding!

"How many red packets are you going to pack?" Zheng Zhe is still in the group.

Lin Yue's face suddenly turned black. He shoved the plate to Cheng Xudong and quickly went downstairs to catch up with him, just as he watched Porsche go away.