"We'll talk about something tomorrow."

Ji Lishen sees that Xiaotian is also tired. He nods and gives Xiaotian a place to lie in her arms. Xiaotian takes off her clothes and only wears an inner garment. Then she gets into the quilt and hugs Ji Lishen tightly.

Xiaotian asks, "Ji Lishen, do you know a man named black shadow?"

Ji Lishen

The body is stiff unconsciously,

"why does my daughter-in-law suddenly ask me if I know shadow for no reason?" "It is without rhyme or reason."

as like as two peas, "I am not asking for you to know the dark shadows without any reason. But before I went back to Xinghuacun with Xiao Yuan, a man named black shadow had become your appearance. He went to Xiao Yuanjia to find me. At that time, because he was exactly like you, I didn't find that he was not you,

until later, he was always right. I said that I would give up and divorce me, and then I found the clue, because in my memory, Ji Lishen would not divorce me because of a small thing, and would give up on me, so I broke through the true face of shadow. "

Ji Lishen

He never thought that the shadow would do these things behind his back. He dared to change his appearance to hurt Xiaotian. When he saw the shadow, there was no need to stay!

Because the most annoying thing in his life is that people who don't listen to him

For example, black shadow not only doesn't listen to him, but also injures the people he cares about. If he looks at him, he is looking for death!

Ji Li looked at Xiaotian in his arms seriously and asked, "what happened later?"


Xiaotian thought for a while and said, "later that shadow wanted to kill me, but in the end he didn't succeed. Then Xiao Yuan caught him back to the police station because the shadow wanted to kill me."

After listening to Xiaotian's words, Ji Lishen's eyes flashed a touch of killing: "you just said that black shadow wants to kill you?"

Xiaotian nodded: "yes, he wanted to kill me, but he didn't succeed in the end, so Ji Lishen, do you know dark shadow?"

Black shadow has done such a thing to Xiaotian. If Ji Lishen is concealing Xiaotian, she will be really sorry for her contribution,

"daughter in law, black shadow..." Ji Li took a deep breath and continued: "I know black shadow. He was sent by my family to protect me. Five years ago, when I first arrived in Xinghua village, he came with me, but he always protected me in the dark. As long as I was in danger, he would appear. Otherwise, black shadow would continue to hide in the dark to protect me 。”

"So it is. Did you know that he suddenly changed his face to look like you this time?"

Ji Lishen shook his head: "if you don't say it, I don't know. The black shadow has changed into me to hurt you."

Xiaotian took a meaningful look at Ji Lishen: "so, you don't know what the dark shadow did?"

"Yes, I have no idea."

"But if you really don't know, why did the shadow who only obeyed your orders kill me?"

About this matter, Ji Lishen is not very clear, but he thinks it's probably because Xiaotian doesn't deserve him in the dark shadow's heart, so he will hurt her, right?

Because black shadow is loyal not only to him, but also to that person. Therefore, the reason why black shadow suddenly wants to kill Xiaotian is probably because of that person,

Ji Lishen wants to tell Xiaotian all his life experience and secrets, but when the words come to his mouth, he doesn't know how to say: "daughter-in-law, believe it or not, I didn't let black shadow kill you."


"Ji Lishen, I believe you didn't let the shadow kill me, but now I'm just curious about one thing. Why did the shadow who only listened to your orders come to kill me without any reason? Why, I think you should be clear? "

Ji Lishen raised his hand and patted Xiaotian on the back and replied, "I can only guess the reason. As for what the dark shadow thought, I don't know."

Xiaotian pick eyebrow: "so, your guess is..."

"The dark shadow thinks that you are not worthy of me, then it will suddenly hurt you."


For that reason? Is shadow going to kill her?

And where on earth is she not worthy of last season? Maybe she was not worthy of Ji Lishen in her previous life, but how could she not be worthy of Ji Lishen in this life?

She has the ability, the brain, can protect herself, so, how can she not be worthy of last season?

Is it difficult to be in that shadow, only the person he thinks in his heart can be worthy of last season?

Who the hell is that man?

Xiaotian wants to ask Ji Lishen if she once had a fiancee or a girlfriend in her family, but she is afraid that the answer she gets will make her feel sad and disappointed. Therefore, Xiaotian can only keep all the questions she wants to ask in her heartXiaotian closes her eyes, then suddenly opens her eyes and stares at Ji Lishen: "Ji Lishen, in your heart, is it the same as what shadow thinks that I don't deserve you?"

the next time I see you again, it will be your death day<


at this time, outside the door of Lu Sheng's house, Xiao Yuan sneaks over the wall and enters Lu Sheng's house. Although he knows it's wrong to do so, in order to determine whether Lu Sheng's daughter-in-law is the second murderer in the woods, Xiao yuan has to climb over the wall and enter Lu Sheng's house.

Xiao Yuan looks at the kerosene lamp lit in Lu Sheng's room and bows his back, Hiding outside Lu Sheng's room and eavesdropping on Lu Sheng and his daughter-in-law,

in the blink of an eye, half an hour later, Lu Sheng and his daughter-in-law had zero communication in the whole process. Xiao Yuan hid outside the door, his feet were numb, and he didn't get any useful information yet. It was in vain that he climbed over the wall and came in