"Because only by becoming stronger can we protect the people we want to protect, and at the same time, we can protect ourselves. As for the way to become stronger, you can see that it's in Su Xue's heart now.

The way to become stronger is to become a rich man, because once a man has money, he will become stronger and be able to protect the person he wants to protect!

To be honest, today, before I went to Xiao's house, I heard the conversation between Su Xue and Lu Sheng. After listening to their conversation, I really felt sorry for Su Xue for a moment. Although she sometimes had a mean mouth and bad speech, she just put on a mask on her face.

Su Xue, who is wearing a mask, is very mean and worships money. But when she takes off the mask, she takes off all her disguises and turns into Su Xue, who is only 20 years old and has only Lu Sheng in her heart.

Su Xue doesn't want many things. What she wants is probably the same as me. She just wants a man who can trust her for life and give her warmth. But it's such a small wish. She can't realize it because of her parents!

So Su Xue began to change and become a cash cow in her parents' eyes. Instead of relying on her alone, Su Xue's father and mother, who were completely dependent on her, would gradually let her do what she wanted to do.

Because Su Xue's father and mother wanted Su Xue to be obedient, they gave her the freedom she wanted, but destroyed her happiness... "

Ji Lishen frowned: "so, what do you want to say to me after you have said so many good things about Su Xue?"

Xiaotian said with a smile: "I want to say, cherish the people in front of you, don't let go of my hand easily, otherwise you are likely to lose a most sincere relationship like Lu Sheng, and Su Xue's situation is very bad now. I think she probably needs redemption."


"When did you become so nosy?"

Xiaotian disgusted and said: "what do you mean I become a meddler? I just think Su Xue needs help. "

The point is that if she helps people, she can get faith value. So, if she helps Su Xue, won't she be able to get faith value?

How can Xiaotian let go of the chance to gain belief value?

Besides, helping others is her usual style, isn't it?

Anyway, Xiaotian won't admit it. She only helps others because she wants to get belief value!

Now the space has no belief value at all, so if she doesn't get belief value, Xiufeng will have no magic power and the space will be wasted, then she will have to die.

Today, he just married Ji Lishen, so she can't die. She has to live well and get rich.

After all, she hasn't cured Ji Lishen, and she hasn't had a baby with Ji Lishen, and she hasn't led a good life with Ji Lishen, so how can she die?

The world is so beautiful, but she died suddenly. At that time, Ji Lishen will be very sad. Besides, Ji Lishen now has only her. If she gives him the only warmth and then leaves him, how painful is Ji Lishen?

Therefore, for Ji Lishen's happiness and for him never to lose her warm little sun, she decided to try her best to help people gain faith value.

Only in this way, she can live in this world forever!

Xiaotian's smiling eyes on last season's Lishen, she directly twisted her head aside: "anyway, I just think Su Xue is poor and needs my help. Even if you stop me, I will still help her."

Ji Lishen

"It seems that I just didn't say that I would stop you from helping Su Xue. In fact, I also think that Su Xue is very poor. Although as you just said, she is cheap in mouth, cheap in person, and has no advantages, who can make her poor? So if you really want to help her, go ahead. After all, as your husband, I will certainly support any decision you make, right? "

Xiaotian nodded: "yes! You're right. Now that you've all supported me, I'm not polite. "

Ji Lishen said with a smile, "well, you don't need to be polite. If there's anything I can help you with, you can say it and I'll help you."

Since Ji Lishen said that, she was really rude? Xiaotian suddenly asked Ji Lishen very seriously: "can you brainwash people?"


Ji Lishen shook his head: "I can't wash my head, but I can wash my hair."


"No, I mean, do you instill in people something that they can trust very much when they listen to you?"

Instill some knowledge into others, and make people trust his words as soon as they hear it?

Xiaotian means

"Are you asking me to cheat?"

What she said is so euphemistic. Did Ji Lishen recognize it?

It seems that next time, she has to be a little more direct and euphemistic. I'm afraid she doesn't need it.

Xiaotian nodded: "yes, that's what I mean."

Ji Lishen asked: "do you want me to cheat Lu Sheng?"Xiao sweet Leng Leng said with a smile: "yes, Ji Lishen, you can guess that?"

"Because I'm smart."

I don't know how to be modest.

"Now that you know what I want you to do, you should be able to complete the task I gave you well?"

Ji Lishen shook his head: "maybe, maybe, it should not be finished."

"Why not."

"Because Lu Sheng is married, you want me to cheat Lu Sheng and let Lu Sheng and Su Xue be together, which is to destroy Lu Sheng's marriage with his wife. I can't do that."


Who let Ji Lishen destroy Lu Sheng's marriage with his wife? This season, Li Shen thinks too much at a glance, doesn't he?

She asks Ji Lishen to cheat Lu Sheng because she wants to know what happened between Lu Sheng and Su Xue. Only when she knows what happened between them can she help Su Xue solve the happy knot

Besides, it is because she knows that Lu Sheng is married that she wants to solve the happy knot for Su Xue, so that she can let Lu Sheng go completely and stop disturbing Lu Sheng and his wife's life.

So, when she does this, she is helping Lu Sheng and Su Xue. Sometimes her partner breaks up. She doesn't have to be an enemy, but she can also be a friend.

Therefore, even if Ji Lishen is deceiving, ah bah, he should not be said to be deceiving. He should be said to be telling the same story. Even if Ji Lishen is telling the same story, he is doing a good job, not a bad thing, and not cheating Lu Sheng and Su Xue.

So, Ji Lishen should be able to help himself, right?

Xiaotian thought of this and told Ji Lishen what she had just thought. After listening to Ji Lishen