Chen Tao used the array to cross the mountain. He suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain not far from Nanling. It was not far from the camps of the major factions. He could clearly see what those people were doing.

It's the first time for Chen Tao Chang to come to Nanling. It's mostly hilly land with humid air and beautiful environment. It's a pure land that hasn't been destroyed by human beings.

it's not unreasonable that the ancient secret land will suddenly appear here. At the moment, the sky is gray, and there is no entrance to the ancient secret land.

Chen Tao is lying behind the stone looking down, behind him suddenly appeared a silent figure, he was lying beside Chen Tao, looking down.

"This man? Is there a fairy bathing below? Where is it? I'll see, too. "

This goods suddenly, lying beside Chen Tao, suddenly throw out such a shocking words, surprised Chen Tao almost jumped up in situ.

"Damn it! Who are you? When did it appear? "

Chen Tao's face immediately changed, and he was shocked. He didn't expect that this person had such a way to appear quietly beside him, but he didn't realize it. This is something that has never happened before.

"Why? How familiar you look

The fat man next to him had a pair of eyes on his face. He was very naive and said with a smile to Chen Tao: "don't panic, brother. I don't mean anything. I just saw you enjoying the scenery here just now. I came here to join in the fun. I thought you saw the saint of a certain sect taking a bath. It's a pity! "

The fat man said, with a look of regret, stretched out a finger and pushed up his eyeglass frame.

Chen Tao was almost speechless. With a black face, he looked at each other and said, "look at the scenery. Should you go down there? How did you show up behind me just now? And who are you? "

The fat man immediately looked simple and honest and called to Chen Tao: "Hello, brother, I'm Chen Yuanyuan..."


Before he finished his self introduction, Chen Tao couldn't help laughing and spitting on Chen Yuanyuan's face.

The expression on Chen Yuanyuan's face suddenly froze. Looking at Chen Tao's face, he said helplessly: "every time I meet a stranger and explain myself, there will always be such an embarrassing scene. I'm used to it."

Chen Tao finally restrained his smile and said, "fat man, I'm sorry, man. I didn't restrain myself just now."

"Never mind, I don't mind."

Chen Yuanyuan pushed his eyes and said solemnly, "I saw you hiding here just now. I'm curious, so I'll follow you to have a look. I didn't expect that you didn't have much fun here. In that case, I'll leave."

The fat man got up from the ground and tried to leave.

Chen Tao is changing his appearance now. Even if people in Xiuzhen world see him, they may not be able to recognize him. Besides, he is the fat man in front of him.

Chen Tao just saw that the fat man's body method was strange and haunted. He was alone again. Entering the camps of various sects would inevitably arouse others' suspicion. It's better to follow the fat man and cover his identity.

Chen Tao darted over and pressed the fat man's shoulder.

Shua Shua!

Unexpectedly, the fat man's body suddenly and flexibly twisted a few times, then disappeared from the original place. Chen Tao grabbed an empty hand and looked depressed. When Chen Tao looked up, he saw that the fat man was standing ten meters away from him.

"How did you do it?"

Chen Tao's face slightly changed, looking at the fat man not far away.

"My master taught me that when someone comes from behind and wants to catch you, he will use this method to escape."

The fat man continued foolishly: "my master also said that there are too many bad people in this world. Let me be more careful. "

Chen Tao really wanted to laugh when he heard the fat man's words. He showed a cool expression on the corner of his mouth and said, "fat man, do you think I look like a bad man?"

Fat man stares at Chen Tao seriously for a few seconds, nods, then shakes his head and mumbles: "I don't know. It's too complicated."

Seeing that the fat man was pure and honest, Chen Tao said, "fat man, did you come to Nanling with your master?"

Chen Tao really wants to see the fat man's master. He is a very strong man who can teach such a stupid and honest person such strange body method.

"No, I came by myself. Shifu asked me to go down the mountain to experience. He said that the opening of the ancient secret place was the millennium of the cultivation world. Let me go down the mountain to see the world. Don't fight with people easily."

Chen Yuanyuan's words are mostly like a child's thinking, which arouses Chen Tao's interest. It's rare for such a person to worry that the other person will calculate himself.

"Well, your master is right. You should be kind to others. Can we go together? I'm alone now, and I haven't found a place to camp yet. "

Chen Tao deliberately shows his weakness in order to arouse Chen Yuanyuan's sympathy. He goes into the Xiuzhen camp of various factions with him to avoid being besieged. At that time, he misses the time and opportunity to enter the ancient secret place, but the gain is not worth the loss.What's more, Chen Tao still doesn't know what conditions and qualifications he needed to enter the ancient secret place. He changed his appearance, fearing that he would be targeted by those who hated him.

Once Chen Tao comes into the world with his real life, it will certainly cause a huge sensation and disturbance. At that time, war will be inevitable. Once those Xiuzhen sect work together to prevent Chen Tao from entering the ancient secret land, they will not miss the chance to get fortune.

In order to enter the ancient secret, Chen Tao had to.

"Brother, are you coming with me? Really? " That's great

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuanyuan agreed and ran over with a smile.

Chen Tao and Chen Yuanyuan formed a temporary team and walked down the hill. In a flat valley not far ahead, they were the bases of the major factions.

According to Chen Yuanyuan, people of Xiuzhen sect need to pass a test if they want to enter the ancient secret land.

Chen Tao learned from the side that Chen Yuanyuan was only going down the mountain to experience and see the world. Moreover, he had a pure heart and was not suitable for real fighting.

Once in the ancient secret place, it must be a near death, and his master just let him down the mountain to exercise.

"Brother, follow me in. You should be careful later." Chen Yuanyuan, who was walking in front of him, suddenly said something like this. Chen Tao didn't respond for a moment. When they passed through a bush, their vision immediately widened and they could see the gentle hilly area in front of them.