"What? Brother Tao, do you mean that bastard who captured Li Zhishu is still hiding in Jiulong village? What else do we know? Start the whole village immediately and launch a carpet search! "

Hearing this, Xie Quan immediately burst into a rage and exclaimed, "how dare you capture our village branch secretary on the site of our Jiulong village? Does he want to live? As long as this man is still in the village, even if he digs three feet, I will find him out. "

Seeing Xie Quan's angry expression, Chen Tao said with a smile, "Xie Quan, you're right. Now you're going to mobilize all the people in the village and release the news that it's Li Zhishu who has been arrested. Let everyone in the village help you find him."

"Good! I'm going to make arrangements right now. I'm going to make sure that the man who captured Li Zhishu has nowhere to go in Jiulong village. "

Xie Quanqi trots away. Chen Tao turns around and looks at Dan Taiyue. He asks in a deep voice, "what do you find?"

Dan Taiyue pondered for a few seconds, then said: "the disappearance of Li Xiaozi is really weird. If this is really the work of a practitioner, how did this person come in from the outside of the Taiji Yin Yang array?"

Chen Tao tilted his mouth and said: "no one can break through the Yin Yang array of Taiji diagram. This array is strong when it is strong. Besides, there are two Tianxiu strongmen outside to guard it. No one can explore from the outside of the array quietly, unless..."

Tan Taiyue immediately realized Chen Tao's meaning, took over his words and said, "unless this person has been hidden in Jiulong village from the beginning."

Chen Tao nodded and said, "yes, that's what I think."

At the same time, Dan Taiyue raised another question: "however, if this person has been hiding in Jiulong village, how can he not be seen through by others, and how can he hide his identity? Why do you choose to do it at this time? "

The doubts raised by Dan Taiyue are also in Chen Tao's mind. According to principle, the best time for this practitioner hiding in Jiulong village to attack Li Xiaozi should be when Chen Tao falls down and besieges leijiabao.

"The best way to hide one's identity in Jiulong village is to incarnate as a villager. It seems that this person has a delicate mind. It must be a long time to hide in Jiulong village."

Chen Tao's eyes flashed and his voice was cold. "Dantai, this time Xie Quan and I are in the light. You are in the dark. Once Xie Quan calls on all the villagers to search for Li Xiaozi, you can sneak into every house and have a further look..."

Tan Taiyue nodded and said, "I understand. I'm going to prepare."

After Chen Tao and Dan Taiyue separated, they immediately rushed to the village committee. Before long, Xie Quan had summoned all the people who could move in Jiulong village.

As the head of Jiulong village, Chen Tao naturally wants to stand up and take charge of the overall situation after Li Xiaozi's disappearance.

"The big guys must have known that Li Zhishu disappeared in the morning, so they called everyone to look for Li Zhishu's whereabouts. Please look in the village."

Chen Tao didn't say anything superfluous. The villagers were all clamoring to find Li Xiaozi. After all, Li Xiaozi had done a lot of valuable things for Jiulong village and made a lot of welfare for the villagers.

Most of the people in Jiulong village are grateful to Li Xiaozi for living like this.

After everyone left, Chen Tao arranged for Xie Quan to leave in a low voice.

Chen Tao went to Jiulong village to ask the old red haired monster and Taoist priest what they found. Taoist and old red haired monster assured Chen Tao that no one could escape their divine knowledge and sneak into Jiulong village.

Later, Chen Tao went underground again and exchanged with the divine consciousness of the source of the earth, but he still got nothing.

After he came out from the ground, Chen Tao's face became a little ugly. Unexpectedly, he had been guarding against the enemies outside the Falun, but he didn't expect that the real enemy came from Jiulong village.

"The identity of this person has been hidden in Jiulong village."

Chen Tao didn't expect that there were people who could endure loneliness so much. I'm afraid that this chess piece has been buried in Jiulong village for a long time.

In this way, when Wu Bao was caught, what he said was true.

Wu Bao was arrested at that time, saying that someone was hiding in Jiulong village. Chen Tao thought that Wu Bao was timid and worried about being punished, so he would climb and bite casually. Now it seems that this is not the case.

Chen Tao thought for a while, and suddenly a flash of light came into his mind. He thought of a wonderful idea.

Launching all the people in Jiulong village to find Li Xiaozi's whereabouts can certainly frighten the ghost hidden among the villagers, but also make him prepare in advance.

In this case, Chen Tao plans to do the opposite, using this person's disguise to expose his identity and find Li Xiaozi who was abducted.

Chen Tao got up and rushed back to the village committee. On his way back, Dan Taiyue had already followed him and said in a low voice, "Chen Tao, I didn't find any clues. That person should have got the news ahead of time and had hidden Li Xiaozi. It's not the way for us to find out."Chen Tao suddenly and mysteriously smile, said: "I have thought of a way to let the person who captured Li Xiaozi take the initiative to take us to find someone."

Tan Taiyue looked at Li Xiaozi with some doubts and said, "Chen Tao, how is this possible? How can the person who grabs Xiaozi come out and listen to you? "

"Of course, that person won't stand up now, but after I do something next, he will take us to find someone immediately. However, it's going to take you a little harder."

Chen Tao didn't say it clearly. He just told Taiyue what to do next.

After tantaiyue left, Chen Tao immediately rushed back to the village committee and called Xie Quan to say, "Xie Quan, tell everyone right now that Li Zhishu has been found."

On hearing this, Xie Quan yelled excitedly on the other end of the phone: "Li Zhishu has found it. Great! Li Zhishu has found it!"

Immediately, Chen Tao heard the excited voice of many villagers on the other end of the phone.

So Chen Tao said to the excited Xie Quan, "Xie Quan, MI told the villagers that everyone should go back to the village committee immediately. We will send Li Zhishu away from the village."

Xie Quan agreed, hung up the phone, and with all the people in the village, rushed to the direction of the village committee, because everyone knew that the missing Li Zhishu had been found.