As soon as Chen Tao appeared, Thomas and Victor suddenly changed their looks, pointed to him and cried, "who are you? How can you be here? "

Chen Tao walked out with a smile, then looked down at the three people below and said with a sneer: "it's said that your Western practitioners pay attention to spiritual cultivation. Now it seems that they do. You shouldn't ask me why I'm here just now, but how long I've been here."

At this time, when the mysterious man saw Chen Tao, he said in a cold voice, "so it's you?"

"I don't seem to have the wrong person."

Chen Tao jumped up and fell down from the roof when he was talking.

"How did you know I was here?"

Although the mysterious man is aware that someone is peeping in the dark, he did not expect that this person would be Chen Tao.

"It's a secret. I can't tell you for the moment, but you think your calculation is impeccable. In fact, it's full of holes."

Chen Tao fell to the ground, glanced at the mask of the mysterious man, and suddenly said, "do you know? In fact, I hate some people in this world most. They wear false masks and dare not show their true faces. It's disgusting. "

"Yes, I agree with that."

Victor raised his hand with deep feeling on his face to show his support for Chen Tao.

"Chen Tao, since you can find this place, I'm really surprised, but it's too early for you to be happy."

The mysterious man stares at Chen Tao, his hands have been slightly bent up, and his eyes have become extremely sharp.

"You'd better save it. When you killed Yumian, you just wanted to blame me and start the battle of Xiuzhen, but your means are too mean."

Chen Tao scorns this, a few words hit the heart of the mysterious man.

"This man is really dirty. It makes me sick."

Victor strongly agrees with Chen Tao's point of view. If the two camps were not different, he would have run to cheer for Chen Tao.

"Ignorant child, what do you know?"

The mysterious man suddenly said with a smile: "you send it yourself. Although it's a little early, the plan also needs to be advanced, but it doesn't affect the overall situation, and I don't have to go to you."

With that, the mysterious man pours directly at Chen Tao. The black mucus in his palm pours out and directly submerges Chen Tao.

Chen Tao had been prepared for this for a long time. After observing in the dark for so long, he naturally grasped some important information.

"Fire without roots!"

Chen Tao drinks softly, and the black iron bar in his hand spins quickly, and the rootless fire surges out, forming a fire curtain in front of Chen Tao, which hides all the filth of the mysterious man.


When Yin Hui and rootless fire collide with each other, they make a light noise. Both sides restrain each other, and no one can further.

"Sure enough, there are some means. No wonder the three fools of the talisman sect will be defeated by you."

The mysterious man stares at Chen Tao and grabs Chen Tao's head with his hands suddenly.

Chen Tao's body dodges, and his feet suddenly move. The dragon fist comes out in time and goes straight to the mysterious man's Dantian. If he is hit, he will not die and will be disabled.

”Boy, you are very similar to someone in this way The mysterious man dodges Chen Tao's dragon fist, steps back and stares at him.

"You used the three idiots of the talisman school?"

Chen Tao's eyes were cold, but he didn't expect that the mysterious man and the three people of the talisman school had a key.

The mysterious man shook his head and said with a sneer, "I'm just trying to get along with the flow. In fact, after all, they're just pieces of the Wanfa totem."

"Why on earth do you count on me?"

When Chen Tao was talking, his hands didn't stop at all. He pushed cloud palm and dragon fist out. He pressed step by step, trying to find out the secret of the mysterious man.

Bang bang!!

Chen Tao and the mysterious man fight together, and their figures keep changing and flashing, turning into two streamers.

With the deepening of the battle, Chen Tao realized that the cultivation of the mysterious man was really strong. If it wasn't for his fierce fight with two Western practitioners for several rounds, I'm afraid Chen Tao might not be able to cope with the current crisis.

"Show up!"

Chen Tao had to summon the shadow of the Buddha and the devil. As soon as he reached out, the shadow of the Buddha and the devil had appeared behind him, blocking the attack of the mysterious man for Chen Tao.

"It's true that the rumors from the outside world are true. You're really a demon."

The mysterious man looked at the virtual shadow of Buddha and devil behind Chen Tao, and was obviously shocked, "such a powerful soul should choose a cauldron like you to live in. It's a waste."

"The Buddha and the devil are free in their hearts. How can you and I be separated?"

Chen Tao's face showed a charming smile, and the imperial envoy, the Buddha and the devil, rushed from left to right, forcing the mysterious man back step by step.

"If you think you're a devil, you can do whatever you want, then you're very wrong."The mysterious man suddenly said coldly, "no matter what demon is behind you, you will be suppressed today."

"Kill me!"

Chen Tao roars and grabs the black iron stick. The virtual shadow of the Buddha and the devil behind him is nothing but broken. The murderous spirit is boiling. The axe in his hand has become more and more real. When it moves, it seems that it can stir up the whole situation.


Under Chen Tao's urging, the Buddha, the devil and the virtual shadow seem to be crazy. As soon as they see the mysterious man, they wave a huge axe and cut it down.

When the mysterious man saw that the Buddha, the devil, and the shadow were indomitable, he had to fight hard. After a few rounds, he knew he was very wrong.

After a long time, the mysterious man was a little overwhelmed. After all, he had a huge loss of Zhenyuan when he fought with two Western practitioners. Now when he meets Chen Tao, it's hard to avoid some difficulty.

Moreover, Chen Tao is crazy to urge the image of Buddha, demon and void. Once he catches the flaw, he will attack him with his life, which makes the mysterious man complain endlessly.

"Boy, how dare you attack me?"

The mysterious man was cut by an axe behind Chen taocong, and immediately let him scream and jump out like a burning butt.

"What about attacking you? You are so despicable, what is this sneak attack? "

Chen Tao hit it well, and immediately pressed it step by step. The Buddha and demon shadow behind the imperial envoy continued to attack madly.

Nowadays, with the improvement of Chen Tao's cultivation, the Buddha, the devil and the virtual shadow not only become almost physical, but also the most important thing is that the strange weapons in the hands of the Buddha, the devil and the virtual shadow are more powerful when attacking. Dangdang

Chen Tao's black iron stick swings down. It's very powerful. The strong wind is raging. It seems that it can divide the earth in two. It's the biggest.

When the mysterious man turned over and came back, the black mucus in his palm poured out. Two Chen Tao's black iron rods wrapped up. The other side cried out: "boy, this time, you didn't use the holy fire. It's the biggest mistake."