As soon as Chen Tao fell on the bed, he pulled the quilt and began to sleep. He didn't care that there was a beauty killer Lei Xiao who wanted to kill him at any time.

Chen Tao completely ignores the existence of Lei Xiao in the room at the moment. He doesn't seem to worry that Lei Xiao will suddenly rush over at this time and kill himself.

Lei Xiao turns around and waits for a while, but there is no movement in Chen Tao. She tentatively turns her head and looks back slowly, only to find that Chen Tao seems to be asleep now. His breathing is even, and she can't see any abnormality.

When Lei Xiao saw this scene, his anger in his heart became fiery again. His heart said that Chen Tao, the bastard, looked down on him so much? Even dare to ignore their own existence, is he really not afraid to fall asleep, they will start to kill him?

This is Lei Xiao's most real thought at the moment. She clenches her teeth, holds her dagger in her hand, and stares at Chen Tao, who is lying in bed and snoring. She really wants to rush over and crush this guy to pieces.

However, Lei Xiao hesitates. She suddenly finds that she has no way to take that step. Although listening to Chen Tao's breathing, she is still worried. She doesn't act rashly, because she knows that her cultivation is far from Chen Tao's today. She has to make sure that she can kill him.

"This bastard, is he really asleep or pretending to be asleep, waiting for me to kill him?"

Lei Xiao suddenly calms down after her anger. In her opinion, Chen Tao knows that he wants to kill him, but he still goes to bed. Maybe he wants her to do it, so he does it.

Lei Xiao's pretty face becomes a little scary in the dark. She stares at Chen Tao, takes two steps forward, and stops. She is not sure whether this is a trap designed by Chen Tao, so she is in a dilemma for a moment.

To tell the truth, Lei Xiao wants to rush through, but she is afraid that she will fail. She is not afraid of death. If she dies, no one will avenge her elder martial brother Lei Ling, so she can't die before she kills Chen Tao.

"No matter whether you are sleeping or not, I don't do it now. Even tigers sometimes nap!"

Lei Xiao walked forward two steps, then quietly backed back, sat in the corner near the window, a pair of black eyes, in the dark, staring at Chen Tao's every move.

In Lei Xiao's opinion, since she has no way to completely judge whether this is Chen Tao's plot or not, she will just wait for Chen Tao to really fall asleep before starting.

Lei Xiao has been following Chen Tao since he buried his elder martial brother Lei Ling last night, looking for an opportunity to assassinate him.

During this period, Lei Xiao attacked and assassinated Chen Tao more than once. Unfortunately, none of them succeeded.

This day and night, Lei Xiao is not into the water, although she is a practitioner, a few days do not eat or drink, will not be affected too much, but as long as still a person, can not avoid vulgar, will always be tired, hungry will be sleepy.

While sitting in the corner, Lei Xiao subconsciously licks his dry

cracked lips. At this time, he sees the water and food on the table next to him. She remembers that Chen Tao brought them back, but Chen Tao didn't eat them.

At the moment, when Lei Xiao saw the water and food, he suddenly felt hungry, and his stomach was grumbling.

Lei Xiao was going to endure it, but the smell of food and the taste of water were stimulating his taste buds and viscera. Finally, she couldn't resist it. She took the bottle of water and the food Chen Tao brought back, and began to eat it. In the process of eating, Lei Xiao's dagger is still clenched, ready to deal with emergencies at any time, and her eyes have never left Chen Tao on the bed.

When water and food were swallowed by Lei Xiao, the burning pain in her body was reduced, and the feeling of hunger was relieved.

Lei Xiao shrank in the darkness of the corner. When he was in a panic eating, tears suddenly came down involuntarily.

Tick! Tick!

Lei Xiao's tears slide down her cheeks, gather at her thin chin, and then drop by drop on the marble floor of the room, making a clear sound.

At the moment, in the room, in addition to Chen Tao's breathing, there is only Lei Xiao's tearful voice.

Lei Xiao feels really aggrieved at the moment. She has never been so embarrassed. She remembers that when she met Chen Tao after going down the mountain, it seems that her fate has changed.

The more I think about Lei Xiao, the more I feel aggrieved. The tears are like broken beads, falling down.

When I think of my experience these days, so many classmates died overnight, even my most trusted elder martial brother was killed by the man lying on the bed at the moment, but she has no ability to avenge her dead classmates. Isn't it sad?

"No! I can't cry. I'm going to avenge my elder martial brother and those dead classmates. I'm going to kill Chen Tao! "

Lei Xiao wiped a tear, stopped the impulse to cry, told himself to be strong.So, Lei Xiao's next step is to eat and drink. When she's full, and her spirit is restored, her old self-confidence seems to come back.

Lei Xiao's eyes are very black. She stares at Chen Tao on the bed and says to herself in a cold voice: "Chen Tao, even if you are pretending to sleep, I can wait for the chance to kill you. Anyway, I have plenty of time."

In this way, Chen Tao sleeps in bed, while Lei Xiao sits in the corner and stares at Chen Tao, intending to spend the whole time with him.

Time finally passed, and Lei Xiao heard Chen Tao's breathing on the bed. It was getting louder and louder.

More than two hours have passed. Lei Xiao can be sure that Chen Tao is really asleep this time.

Therefore, Lei Xiao plans to take action. She clenches her dagger and stands up carefully. Quietly, she slowly approaches Chen Tao, who is sleeping, ready to assassinate him.

In this way, Lei Xiao step by step closer to the position of the head of the bed, the bed of Chen Tao did not respond, grunt is still.

At the moment, Lei Xiao is standing by Chen Tao's bed. She looks at her sleeping cheek, raises her dagger and stabs Chen Tao in the chest.


Lei Xiao's dagger pierced the quilt and the mattress on the bed, but Chen Tao disappeared.

Seeing that he had not hit the target, Lei Xiao felt nervous. He looked up and found that Chen Tao was standing on the other side of the bed, looking at himself with a smile on his face.