As for Zhou Hui's exasperation, Tang Shuang just smiles and smiles. Then she tightens Chen Tao's arm and says with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, because you are not my type. I don't know if this answer can satisfy you! And I think you're too mother! "


Zhou Hui's face was almost livid with anger. He couldn't help shaking violently. He said in a trembling voice: "Miss Tang, you don't know Chen Tao at all. He is a worthless lower class man. How can he compare with me? What do you compare with me? "

Still a hundred unconvinced, Zhou Hui pointed to Chen Tao's nose and exclaimed, "what is he?"

Chen Tao sneered and took a look at Zhou Hui. He said in a cold voice, "Mr. Zhou, you are really brain sick! Also, I warn you, don't point your finger at me. What I hate most is that others point at me. Do you understand? "

For Chen Tao's warning, Zhou Hui dismissive, sneer: "Chen Tao, who do you think you are? I'm the only successor of Jinhui industry. What are you arguing with me about? What qualifications do you have to fight with me? What are you? "

When he heard this, Tangshan immediately yelled: "Zhou, you are so high up. What are you? This is the Tang Group, not Jinhui industry. You are a dandy. You are really shameless! "

"Tangshan, do you mean me? What are you? Don't you count yourself? "

Zhou Hui can't help it. He's completely infuriated. Even in front of Tang Shuang, he can't keep a gentleman's attitude and calm face. For him, it's not necessary.

At the moment, with a faint smile, Chen Tao looked at Zhou Hui and suddenly said, "Mr. Zhou, do you know? You're really like a dog now, you know? I mean it

"Presumptuous! What are you, dare you say that to me? What qualifications do you have? "

Zhou Hui immediately became furious and slapped Chen Tao fiercely.


At the moment when Zhou Hui started, Chen Tao had already started. He slapped him in the face, and immediately beat Zhou Hui. After several turns, he couldn't stop. Zhou Hui just felt his head buzzing, just like thunder in his ears. After all, this situation is full of unexpected situations for many people, which is the most important thing terrible.

When he thought of this, Chen Tao's face showed a faint smile, and then looked at Zhou Hui's dizzy turn for a while, and directly sat on the ground.

Zhou Hui felt a burst of hot pain in his cheek. He subconsciously reached out to touch it, only to find that his cheek swelled violently, just like being struck by lightning. He was so miserable.


Zhou Hui couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. His whole body convulsed violently. His whole body beat involuntarily. He felt that he was about to convulse.

"You How dare you hit me? "

Zhou Hui sat on the ground, half of his cheek red and swollen, staring at Chen Tao, he couldn't help but scream.

Chen Tao was not afraid, but said with a faint smile: "I hit you! What can you do? " When Zhou Hui saw Chen Tao's terrible eyes, he was soaked in cold sweat. He could not help trembling and exclaimed, "what can I do? I'm going to kill you! You damned bastard, you must die

At this time, Zhou Hui, like a madman, suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed directly to Chen Tao, yelling: "Chen Tao, I'll kill you, I'll tear you to pieces!"

Chen Tao kicked Zhou Hui away and sneered, "what's the matter? You want to kill me, don't you? Then you have to stand up first

In this case, many things are full of unpredictable changes and unexpected decisions. No matter what, once the situation changes, it will be an uncontrollable situation for anyone.

Zhou Hui falls to the ground again, and the bodyguards of previous years have rushed in. They help Zhou Hui up in a hurry, and several other bodyguards have rushed to Chen Tao.

However, the next second, when Chen Tao's sharp and fierce eyes were projected, these guys immediately stopped subconsciously and began to retrogress, because in the elevator, they had learned Chen Tao's strength.

"Kill him, now! I want him to die

After Zhou Hui was lifted up from the ground, this guy's face was full of ferocious and terrifying expression, yelling at his bodyguard.

However, when Chen Tao stood alone in the corridor, the others were obedient. No one dared to take a step forward. They all stared at Chen Tao in horror, and no one was the first to step forward.

Chen Tao sneered and said, "what? Don't you want to kill me? Why don't you do it? "For Chen Tao's words, the corners of these guys' mouths were convulsed violently, and they cried in a cold voice: "who is Mr. Zhou? I'm afraid you don't know? You can't offend some people. If you do this, you will bring yourself great disaster. "

"Are you threatening me? However, I advise you to go away at once, otherwise it will be you who will regret later. "

When Chen Tao said this, he turned his eyes to Zhou Hui and said faintly, "Mr. Zhou, I feel that the two sides of your face are not balanced! Otherwise, how about you come here and let me slap you again? "

For this, Zhou Hui subconsciously put out his hand to cover his cheek, and then quickly stepped back, trembling voice called: "Chen Tao, you will pay a heavy price for what you do today, believe me, you will


”I don't want you to worry about that, but I guess it's you who regret it now? "

When Chen Taoyang raised his hand, Zhou Hui and his bodyguards immediately stepped back in a hurry.

Zhou Hui knows that he can't get any advantage here at the moment, and he has lost all his superiority in front of Tang Shuang. He has become a laughable laughingstock. Such things are full of uncontrollable changes for anyone.

So Zhou Hui at this moment, the most correct decision, is to leave here, can't let his ugly, continue.