The young policeman was immediately angered by Chen Tao's words. He stood up, slapped his hand on the table, pointed at Chen Tao and yelled, "be honest with me. It's not your turn to question the police when they investigate cases. Do you want to teach us how to investigate cases?"

Even the palace team didn't expect such a big reaction from the young policeman. When he looked back at the young policeman, he suddenly turned red. He couldn't help taking a breath and subconsciously retracted his palm. It turned out that it was the slap on the table just now, which made his palm numb.

For such a big reaction of the young police, Chen Tao has been looking at each other calmly. This attitude makes the young police more angry.

"Officer, I'm just stating a fact. Is it wrong that you have such a big reaction? Or do I hit the loophole in your law enforcement? "

Chen Tao has been calm since he was arrested. On the contrary, he is a young policeman.


The young policeman reached out and pointed at Chen Tao. His palms were red and he gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Tao, from now on, what do I ask and what do you answer? If I don't ask, you will shut up for me!"

Chen Tao spread out his hand, smiled, and said, "you are the law enforcement officer, you has the final say!"

"Chen Tao, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears, can you?"

The young police are young and full of vigor. As soon as their anger comes up, they can't suppress it.

Seeing that the young policeman was furious, the palace team immediately reached out to stop him and said, "Xiao Cai, sit down first!"

Seeing what the palace team said, Xiao Cai sat down and stared at Chen Tao.

While smoking, the palace team made a circle around Chen Tao, and then said in a deep voice, "Chen Tao, you just said that someone wanted to hurt you, so you took the roof of the car you drove out. In the end, there was an accident, and you were the victim, right?"

Chen Tao nodded and said, "that's right. The situation is just like this. I hope the palace team can return my innocence and arrest the real murderer as soon as possible."

"Our police will never let go of any bad person or wronged any good person, so you can rest assured that as long as we investigate the matter clearly, if you have no questions, you will be able to leave naturally. However, I have a few questions now, please help me to answer them!"

After the palace team crushed the cigarette ends in the ashtray on the table, they said, "since you claim to be the victim, why didn't you call the police immediately after the incident, instead, you quickly left the scene and hid?"

Chen Tao seemed to have expected the palace team's problems. With a faint smile, he said, "palace team, I'm really a victim. As for why I left the scene, that's because..."

Chen Tao says here suddenly stopped to come down, the vision is indifferent to rise, directed palace team to hook a hook.

Palace team had to lean over, a face of doubt expression, staring at Chen Tao got eyes, cold voice said: "you can now say it?"

"Palace team, the reason why I left at the first time and didn't choose to call the police was that the people who wanted to kill me at that time told me that there were their people in the police force. How could any normal person choose to call the police under such circumstances?"

Palace team's face slightly changed, eyes suddenly become sharp up, staring at Chen Tao called: "what you said is true?" "It's true! That's why I chose to leave the scene instead of calling the police, because I was worried that I had just left the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's nest again! "

Chen Tao's words are actually very derogatory. He has the meaning of pointing fingers at the mulberry tree and scolding the locust tree. His face turned black at that time.

"Well, even if you can explain the past, how can you explain the next thing?"

The palace team looked at Chen Tao coldly and cried in a cold voice: "there was an accident. The car was smashed and burned into an empty shell. But in that case,

How did you get out of life?"

"Maybe I'm lucky. I'm not supposed to die!"

Chen Tao's explanation naturally failed to satisfy the palace team.

"And the two people you said wanted to kill you, one was missing, and the other was sent to the hospital. From the monitoring point of view, they should have been knocked unconscious by you. I didn't expect that you were tough enough!"

"Palace team, it's not objective for you to talk like this. It's self-defense, OK?"

Chen Tao obviously didn't agree with the palace team's words, and then said calmly: "palace team, you should go and catch those who want to kill me now, instead of catching me, understand?"

"Chen Tao, you really know how to argue! Even if what you just told me is true, then I can't get rid of your suspicion. If you are really a victim, it will prove that I am optimistic. "

After all, the palace team is an old policeman. He has seen too many criminals. When no one is arrested, they all claim to be innocent."Palace team, I have proved it to you!"

Chen Tao knows what the palace team will do next, so whether he says it or not, the surveillance video at that time can prove everything.

"Chen Tao, I advise you not to be stubborn and say all the things you know. The police will naturally judge. And don't you say that you are a victim? Then why isn't it you who are lying in the hospital? "

Xiao Cai has endured Chen Tao for a long time. He is full of anger.

"What do you mean, officer? Is it only the one lying in the hospital that is the victim? What's your logic? Don't you care about evidence in handling cases? What are you doing now? Are you guessing out of thin air? "

For Chen Tao's words, Xiao Cai's face was full of anger. When he wanted to speak, he was stopped by the palace team nearby.

At this time, the palace team just wanted to speak, the mobile phone suddenly rang, he immediately picked up, heard the other party finished, his face suddenly became ugly, the voice could not help but a little bit, and then called: "what's the matter with you? Can't even see a person? Don't you say he's in a coma and won't wake up for a while? "

Obviously, there was a sudden situation, which made the palace team particularly uncomfortable.

The palace team didn't want to listen to the explanation over there, and cried in a cold voice: "OK, don't explain. I'll send someone over now. I hope you can cooperate with our investigation this time, and leave the rest of the matter alone. In addition, you immediately inform the security of your hospital, and let them check at each exit. Once you find that person, immediately catch him, and we'll be there soon."