At the moment, while explaining to Chen Tao, song Yuxin is always analyzing the data of those examination reports in her mind. At that time, she also thought that the medical staff in the examination department might have made a mistake, or accidentally confused the basic information of the patient.

So, song Yuxin went to the examination department to confirm in person, only to find that there was no mistake at all, but in front of Yin Xia's examination report, every item proved that she was a healthy person without any disease.

"Chen Tao, I talked with my aunt alone just now. She told me that you came back half a month ago. You used traditional Chinese medicine to treat my aunt's disease, right?"

Song Yuxin talked with Yin Xia alone just now, just to find out what's going on.

Chen Tao knew that Yin Xia couldn't lie, let alone cheat others, so she told her the truth.

"Yes, I do know Chinese medicine, and I did treat my mother after I came back."

Chen Tao didn't hide the fact that he gave her acupuncture treatment, but directly told song Yuxin.

"But at present, even traditional Chinese medicine can't cure the tumor completely. It's impossible! What's more, you just acupuncture your aunt. How can the tumor in her body disappear? This is totally out of line with medical common sense. "

Song Yuxin has a tangled look on her face. When she looks at Chen Tao, she is surprised and suspicious.

"Chen Tao, if you think about it, what else have you done? This is really crucial, even if it is any small detail, it may become a key factor to make the tumor disappear in aunt's body. "

Song Yuxin looks at Chen Tao nervously, hoping that he can think about what he has done.

"Dr. Song, don't worry, let me think about it? Let me see! "

Next, Chen Tao began to recall seriously. In fact, Chen Tao didn't know that it was the Xuantian medical code that he had learned to cure her. There was no other way.

The Xuantian medical Canon can even bring the dead back to life with its uncanny power. Naturally, there will be no difficulty in curing the earth's incurable cancer.

However, Chen Tao can't tell song Yuxin that after three years of missing, he has entered another world of cultivation, where people can fly to heaven and go to earth. Only then can he come back from the world of cultivation.

I'm afraid that if Chen Tao said that, song Yuxin would be taken as a psychopath and sent to a mental hospital.

What's more, Chen Tao can't tell anyone about his visit to the world of Xiuzhen. Once he is known by those who want to, it will be a disaster. After all, there are many ancient Xiuzhen sects on the earth. If he is known by those old monsters, Chen Tao will be miserable.

Under song Yuxin's anxiously expectant gaze, Chen Tao racked his brain to think for a long time. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help crying: "Oh! I remember

Next to song Yuxin immediately nervous cry: "Chen Tao, do you think of what?"

As soon as Chen Tao patted his forehead, he couldn't help crying: "yes, doctor song, you and I really think of something. In addition to acupuncture treatment, I also went up the mountain to pick a lot of herbs to recuperate her body, supplement nutrition, and let her take it every day."

Chen Tao thought for a moment, looked at Song Yuxin in surprise, and exclaimed, "doctor song,

is it because of those herbs that can tonify the body?"

"Tonic herbs?" Song Yuxin looks surprised and stares at Chen Tao and says, "is there anything else?"

Chen Tao shook his head and exclaimed: "it's really nothing. That's all. I didn't expect that the tumor in my mother's body would disappear. I picked herbs for her to recuperate herself. After all, chemotherapy does great harm to her body."

"How could that be? Why not? "

Song Yuxin still doesn't understand what's going on. Although she doesn't have much research on traditional Chinese medicine, she knows that traditional Chinese medicine has no magic means to cure tumors.

As song Yuxin knows, some of the top Chinese medicine professors she is familiar with are helpless with tumor fluid. Why can Chen Tao's simple acupuncture and moxibustion once or twice combined with some herbs make Yin Xia's tumor invisible.

"I really don't understand what's going on!"

Song Yuxin stares at Chen Tao as if she had discovered a new world and says, "Chen Tao, I heard from my aunt that you have been missing for three years and just came back recently, but how do you learn Chinese medicine?"

Sure enough, song Yuxin still asked Chen Tao the most worried question, but she didn't

. For this explanation, when Chen Tao was at home, he had already thought of a perfect lie.

Chen Tao's face didn't change at all, and then he said, "doctor song, it's like this. Three years ago, I was injured in a car accident. My life was in danger. Then I was saved by an old seed. He is also a barefoot doctor."

"After the old man saved me, he brought me back home and treated me with the old local method. I thought I would die, but I didn't expect that after the old man's treatment, I recovered miraculously. Later, I learned that the old man was a barefoot doctor in a remote village. From then on, he asked me to follow him to learn medical skills More than three years. "When Chen Tao said that, his face was especially sincere, as if he had gone back to those years. He continued to say, "the medical skills I learned from the old man for treating my mother's illness, and the formulas of the herbs that tonify my body are also taught to me by the old man!"

"What you said is true?"

Song Yuxin is dubious about Chen Tao's story just now, because it sounds like it's full of fantasy, just like it's written in a novel, which makes people feel incredible.

"It's true, of course!"

Chen Tao said solemnly: "otherwise, how can I be missing for three years and hard to go home? It was because the old man promised to save me, but he asked me to study medicine with him for three years before he let me go. Three years later, the old man also died, so I had to go home. "

"It's incredible that there should be such a magical thing, just like what happens in a movie."

After hearing this, song Yuxin had to sigh. She felt that what Chen Tao had just said was amazing.