Holding Huoer's hand, Bai maner took Huoer to his home.

On the way home, Bai maner told Huoer not to tell her mother what had just happened. She was afraid that her mother would not stand it.

Huoer nodded his head, and his clever appearance softened Bai maner's heart.

Huoer seems to know nothing, just like a newborn baby. How could she let her go to the police station just now.

Now Huoer has saved her. She is her savior. She can't let Huoer leave again.

Even if the family is difficult, she will let Huoer stay with her. She will take good care of Huoer.

Bai Man'er took huo'er's hand and quietly opened a rusty iron door.

Bai Man'er hopes that her mother will rest earlier today, so she doesn't know she's late.

The narrow hall was dark. Bai Man'er was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but the light was suddenly turned on. A thin, waxy and yellow middle-aged beautiful woman stood at the door of the room, looking at Bai Man'er who was obviously guilty and the fire beside her, as if she didn't understand anything.

"Man'er, why is it so late tonight?"

It's already around 12:30. At this time, her daughter maner has already washed and gone to bed.

Today, after waiting for a long time, she didn't see her daughter back. She also went out to look for it, but there was no trace. She called her daughter but turned it off. She was afraid that something would happen to her daughter.

She was about to call the police when she heard a noise outside, which finally let her breathe a sigh of relief.

Just turned on the light, but found her daughter holding a beautiful girl's hand into the house.

"Mom, why haven't you rested?"

Bai Man'er loosened huo'er's hand and walked towards Bai's mother. Her mother was in poor health and couldn't stay up late at all, but she made her so worried. It's damn it.

"I'm fine. Cough."

Bai's mother wanted to talk, but she coughed. Her body was broken. The reason why she was still dragging was that she didn't trust her daughter Bai maner. She was afraid that others would bully her simple and kind daughter when she died.

Huoer stood at the door. Her beautiful eyes blinked at the scene. Although she didn't understand what the scene was now, she inexplicably felt warmth.

"Mom, the supermarket is busy buying goods tonight, so I'm late. I'm worried about you. I'm sorry, I won't come back next time."

Looking at Bai's worried face, Bai maner explained painfully that she couldn't say what happened tonight. She had to lie.

The daughter was always obedient, and Bai's mother had no doubt. She touched Bai maner's head, "have you eaten? There's some food left in the kitchen. "

Bai maner smiled and nodded, "yes, the boss invited me to eat delicious food today."

Bai's mother looked at her daughter Bai maner's round face. She couldn't help coughing again. Bai maner was worried, "Mom, did you take medicine? You can't stay up late. Go to have a rest first."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Looking at her daughter's worried expression, Bai's mother's heart softened, her eyes fell on the door and stood looking at the fire son of the two mothers and daughters, "man son, is she?"

"Mom, this is my friend Huoer. She came from a distance and has no place to live. Would you like to live in our house first?"

Bai Man'er had already made an excuse on the road. Bai mother nodded softly at the bottom of her eyes, "OK, let her live."

My daughter basically has no friends. Now that she has friends, white mother won't agree.

Looking at Bai's mother's consent, Bai maner hurriedly ran to Huoer and took her hand, "Huoer, this is my mother."