"No... uh huh..."

The owner's wife of the grilled fish shop stared in horror. Waiting for death and pain is always the hardest.

The girl stood up and looked down at the two pale people.

As soon as she looked frozen, her hand on the right suddenly burst into a small flame.

The owner's wife of the grilled fish shop couldn't believe it. She stared at her, "Oh, oh, oh!"

what is it? Is this a monster? Where did the monster come from? Why does her hand fire?

The girl smiled coldly and squatted down again. "What do you think it's like to be burned? It must be hard! "

"Is her heart burning like fire when you treat your mother like that? You burned her love, you scum! "

The girl said darkly that this alley is almost an abandoned alley. No one will come here, and she is not afraid that someone will come here, so she brought these two people here to teach a lesson.

Because this is a very suitable place for them, they are a perfect match with these garbage.

"Oh (no), oh, oh, please!"

The owner's wife of the grilled fish shop was sweating and frightened. What did they encounter? Was it a dream?

How can a person's hand fire? They must be dreaming?

They are wrong. They really know they are wrong. They will never do that to their mother again. Let them go.

"Shh, it's no use begging for mercy. The old man is so painful. Have you ever thought of letting her go? No, so this is your end. "

The girl hissed softly, with a cold light at the bottom of her eyes. She raised her burning right hand, and the fire reflected her cold eyes. Looking at her burning right hand, the girl smiled coldly.

She knew that she had this power one day when she was sent to the orphanage. At that time, she was very lonely. No one took the initiative to talk to her. She liked to stay in the backyard of the orphanage and look at the flowers. If no one spoke to her, she spoke to the flowers.

On that day, she was bullied. When the night came, she couldn't bear it. She ran to the backyard again and grabbed the flowers, and a surge of anger filled her heart. Later, she saw a small spark from her right hand, and the flowers in her hand were burned directly, which scared her to fall to the ground. The subtle fire reflected on her face and became more and more pale and frightened.

Knowing that she was different from others, she had been hiding herself for fear of being treated as a monster.

She hid it for a long time, until once, a friend who was an orphan like herself was bullied. She really couldn't stand using that power.

Her good friend told her to keep it secret, or she would be caught. She also listened to her good friend's words and kept it secret all the time. She has been living in hiding all these years and is unwilling to get along with others. She is afraid that others will see her difference.

All her life, only her friends have been with her.

She won't do it until she can't stand it today.

The girl's right hand stretched out slowly, and the owner's wife of the grilled fish shop retreated in horror, but she couldn't move because her hands and feet were tied.

The girl smiled coldly and grabbed the hand of the owner of the grilled fish shop with her left hand. The owner's painful pupils widened, sweating, shaking her head desperately, frightened and scared.

The pain of being roasted by fire is known only to the parties concerned.