"Really? If Miss Su doesn't want it, I'll throw it for Miss Su. "

Qin Tianyue smiled softly at Su An'an, with a slight arc in his hand. The card in his hand was thrown towards the trash can not far in front of him, and the card just fell in the trash can.

Su Anxin looked back and looked ugly. She looked back and stared at Qin Tianyue. She just wanted to insult this person. Unexpectedly, she was insulted!

Su Anxin clenched her teeth and smiled coldly, "I remember you."

"Thank Miss Su for remembering me."

Qin Tianyue seemed very happy. Her smile became more and more bright. Su Anxin, who was angry, wanted to throw her shopping bag to the place and step on it. She couldn't let these people see jokes. She had to tighten her shopping bag.

Qin Tianyue's bright and soft smile made Su an feel dazzling.


Su an snorted coldly and was about to step away when a familiar voice came to his ear.

"Tianyue, Tianyue!"

Shen's warm and happy voice sounded not far away. He saw Qin Tianyue facing her, but didn't notice Su Anxin with her back.

Su Anxin heard Shen Wenwen's voice and turned back in an instant. She was about to shout Shen Wenwen, but she saw Shen Wenwen running towards Qin Tianyue as if she hadn't seen her.

"Tianyue, how do you..."

Shen wennuan was about to ask Qin Tianyue how to wear such clothes. In his ear, Su Anxin complained slightly.

"Warm sister!"

Su Anxin stared at the back of Shen Wenwen's head and watched Shen Wenwen stride over her without looking at her.

Although they are the daughters of the five giants, Shen Wenwen's feelings with Su Anxin are not very good. This is also a thing of the past.

Shen Wenwen, who was about ten years old, liked Su Anxin, her sister of one or two years old, but later found that Su Anxin was not as simple and lovely as she looked. She was only seven or eight years old and even killed a lovely dog. Seeing that behind the scenes, Shen Wenwen no longer liked Su Anxin, although she would not look at her coldly, But I will never take the initiative to talk to her.

Shen Wenwen turned back and looked at Su Anxin in surprise, "Why are you here?"

When was Sue Anxin here? Why didn't she notice just now?

Today, she has been locked up for a day. Someone has been watching her at the Wei's house and won't let her run out at all. After lunch, her parents want to pick her up. She knows that she can't come out again after she goes back. She quickly says that she wants to play at the Wei's house for a few days. Wei Xiao and Shen Yichuan have no choice but to go back first and let her stay at the Wei's house. She can't go out because she's afraid of an accident.

While staying at the Wei's house, her sister brought her some food from Qin Tianyue's shop. At that time, she was shocked and had forgotten to be angry. She quickly ate everything, touched her stomach and poked her forehead with a smile. She felt tired before leaving the Wei's house.

Shen Wenwen spent the afternoon lying in bed, tossing and turning. She really wanted to go out to find Qin Tianyue. She learned the location of Qin Tianyue's shop from her sister shen you. She wanted to run immediately and taste the food in Qin Tianyue's restaurant. It was really delicious. It was not that she had never eaten anything better than this, but it was the first time that she couldn't wait to eat it for the second time.

Just as night fell, Shen Wenwen said he had no appetite after eating a few mouthfuls of Wei's food. He ran back to the room. While everyone was not paying attention, he came to the garage and drove out Wei's cousin's car.