Village head Wu took a look at Mo and explained to pan Bureau in the direction of Qin Tianyue, "Oh, that's the man of the miracle doctor. They saved our Qinglong village just now."

Pan Bureau looked at Qin Tianyue's back again in surprise, "miracle doctor door? Where is that? "

Pan Ju didn't hear of any miracle doctors, but when they came, the injured in Qinglong village had indeed been treated. At that time, they were relieved that nothing had happened.

Deputy s's long eyes moved and looked not far away, "that's a place to save people!"

Deputy s Zhang got up from his position, stood in front of the tarpaulin, looked at Qin Tianyue's back in the distance, and looked at Hua Zhenzhu and others resting in another tarpaulin.

At that time, he was not a deputy chief s, but also a village party secretary in a small place. He tried his best to serve the people. However, at the age of 30, he suddenly found out that there was a tumor in his body. At that time, he had no money for treatment. He could only wait for death and wanted to serve his villagers in the last day.

The time when he was waiting to die was the most painful time for him. Later, he met an old man. The old man came to their place to pick herbs and found that he was still serving the people. After he was ill, he stayed and cured his disease completely. At that time, he didn't report much hope at all. After all, even the doctors said that his tumor was malignant and difficult to cure, Unexpectedly, the old miracle doctor cured his tumor.

At the beginning, he thanked thousands of people and wanted to give all his wealth to the old miracle doctor. The old miracle doctor declined anything he gave him, but told him to serve the people well in the future, because good people have good returns.

If the old miracle doctor didn't see that he was worried about the people even when he was ill, he would never stay to save him. Later, he told the old miracle doctor that he would try his best to serve the people all his life. The old miracle doctor smiled at him with satisfaction. When he left, he learned that the old miracle doctor came from a place called the miracle doctor door. He didn't tell him where it was.

Later, he kept these three words in his mind. Unfortunately, after years of inquiry, he didn't have any clues about the miracle doctor. Later, he gradually forgot.

Today, he suddenly heard the word "miracle doctor", and his heart fluctuated greatly.

"Wenhua, do you know this miracle doctor?"

Pan Ju and Deputy s Zhang are close friends, so they are called closer.

Deputy chief s Zhang Wenhua nodded with a little nostalgia and trance. He thought of the old miracle doctor. For so many years, he didn't know if he was still there?

He was 60 years old then, and now more than ten or twenty years have passed. I'm afraid he has already left.

"Well, the miracle doctor is a place to admire."

Zhang Wenhua sighed with reverence.

Seeing that Zhang Wenhua has such respect for the divine doctor, pan Ju has slowed down his attitude and subconsciously respected him. He knows his friend and has always been indifferent to foreign affairs. It can be seen that the divine doctor is really a good place.

"Yes, if they didn't come first and save the villagers of Qinglong village with exquisite medical skills, I'm afraid... Alas!"

The village head sighed and whispered that if it weren't for them today, the villagers of Qinglong village didn't know how many people would have an accident.

"We should go and thank them!"

Zhang Wenhua looked over there and whispered, regardless of whether he would get wet, he strode towards Qin Tianyue.

Pan Bureau let out a sigh, put his hand on his head and hurried over.

Village head Wu also hurried over.