Qin Tianyue whispered Mo Yishen's name. Mo Yishen sat beside her, "I called and the master told me about the black coffin."

"What is it?"

Qin Tianyue asked curiously.

Mo took her hand deeply, and Feng Mou locked her. "Promise me first. Don't participate in such things in the future, you know?"

Mo looked grave and serious. Qin Tianyue nodded after hesitation, "OK, I promise you."

She has been involved in this matter. She clearly remembers Feng Chenyi's eyes and silent words before leaving. It's too late to retreat. She doesn't know how Feng Chenyi will treat herself, but she knows that it must be the same way.

Although she can cure, poison and fortune telling, she can't deal with such strange things. Now she can only take one step at a time.

"He told me it was a curse!"

In fact, Mo Yishen was also the first time to come into contact with this strange thing. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it.


Qin Tianyue pondered. No wonder she would see so many evil spirits, but it turned out to be a evil curse. If she got this kind of evil curse, the lighter ones would be worse, and the heavier ones would be like Li Xu and Wang Yin. Fang Zhen's evil curse is obviously a little different from that of Li Xu and Wang Yin. I'm afraid this is also Feng Chenyi's careful preparation for the three.

"Well, he told me that anyone who gets the evil curse will fulfill the evil curse, but the people who plant the evil curse will not come to a good end. After all, this is a matter of undermining Yin virtue, that is to say, Feng Chenyi himself will not come to a good end."

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes flashed slightly. Feng Chenyi would rather not have a good end than use this evil curse to deal with Fang Zhen's three people. It can be seen how much he hates them.

She didn't help these three people. In her heart, these three people deserved to die. If they weren't so selfish, how could they end up like this.

She helps those innocent victims. If Fang Zhen is not caught, there will be many victims and many families will be destroyed because of Fang Zhen.

"I don't think there should be such strange things in the world. I didn't expect to encounter such things one after another recently."

From the ghost wizard to Feng Chenyi now, it's really one pile after another.

"There are many things we don't know in this world. The reason why Feng Chenyi has become like this is because he inadvertently entered the xuanshu door and stole the spells prohibited from learning in the xuanshu door."

Mo Yishen talked to the other side on the phone. The people at the other side knew the name Feng Chenyi and told him that after leaving city a, Feng Chenyi inadvertently joined the xuanshu gate and secretly learned the spells. After learning these spells, he quietly left the xuanshu gate. Until now, the people at the xuanshu gate are looking for Feng Chenyi and hope to catch him back, Because they all know how harmful these spells are.

"Xuanshu gate? Where is that? "

The first time I heard about the magic medicine door, now I hear about the xuanshu door. How many things she doesn't know in the world?

"Generally speaking, xuanshu sect is a collection of fortune telling, Feng Shui and martial arts. Yue'er, you can also be regarded as the person of xuanshu sect."

Mo deeply and intimately scraped the bridge of Qin Tianyue's nose. Qin Tianyue angrily attacked him and opened his hand. "Mo deeply, don't scrape my nose."